The Illuminati, Skull and Crossbones, Nazi party, Vatican, Jesuits, Black Pope, Bush family, 9/11, are all connected to the New World Order.
Skull and Bones is a springboard for young men to be brought in, trained, conditioned, endowed with the doctrines of the occult and the Illuminati. The Freemasons, Skulls and Bones, Counsel on foreign relation, and its most powerful members belonging to the Builderberg Group, an elite 180 member group called the Trilateral Commission. The inter connections between these groups has always been kept a secret. They are purposely meant to be confusing to most people, to hide those who are behind the evil anarchy that controls the United States and Great Britain.
The Illuminati is a evil spider web of secret societies who consider themselves to be the enlightened ones, who have gained great wealth and positions of power through their control of the Worlds Banking systems. At least a dozen Bones men have been linked to the Federal Reserve.
Prescott S. Bush joined Skull and Bones (the Illuminati) in 1917. Aldolf Hitler joined the German Brotherhood of Death Society (Skull + Bones) in 1919, and they selected Hitler to be their leader of the New World Order. George H Bush was inducted in 1948, and George W Bush in 1968.
Prescott S. Bush was famous for robbing the skull from Geronimo's grave and taking it back to his "Skull and Bones Society” at Yale University. What he is not as famous for was his financial banking and support of Adolph Hitler, the Nazi Storm Troopers, Auschwitz death camp, and the German army he had helped to build. In his quest to become wealthy, Prescott S. Bush collaborated with both the Nazis and Japanese before the war broke out, and through the years after Pearl Harbor. If you do a little research, you’ll find that there is a very dark and sinister side hidden in every closets of the whole Bush family’s past.
Bush’s grandfather William Stamps Farish sold the Japanese the gasoline used in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker were directors of the London-affiliated New York banking house of Brown Brothers-Harriman and its various fronts, which was owned and directed by the Rothschild’s a Jewish family one of the top illuminati blood lines which control the Central Bank of England, which was start and owned by the Jesuits who own the Bank of Rome and numerous banks around the world. These Banks finance the military-industrial complex behind Hitler and the Nazi War Machine.
Prescott S Bush was a Nazi collaborator who funded Hitler when the fascist mass murder could not find any backers. And even after the war was over, Prescott S. Bush continued to launder escaped Nazi assets well into the 1950s.
No wonder his grandson acts like Hitler - his Yale college fund (where Bush Jr. joined Skull and Crossbones like his daddy) was paid for by the Nazis. It’s true when they say, “the apple never falls far from the tree!” Yale’s Skull and Crossbones Fraternity is the US branch of the Germanic Death cult, the Thule Society. The Thule Society set up the Nazi party. The Thule Society has roots in the Bavarian Illuminati. The Bavarian Illuminists were part of the original Masters of the Illuminati, established by that Jesuit Priest, Adam Weishaupt. Documents were first discovered by a man named Rosenbaum a young Jewish student at Yale, which detailed the origins of Bones back to Germany. These documents described at length Skull and Bones relationship with this German Secret Society (the Thule Society) which lead to the founding of the Skull and Bones in 1832. This is a part of their New World Order, a phrase used by Bush Sr. The last person to talk about a New World Order was Hitler.
In 1933, under the leadership of its Cardinal Secretary of State, Eugenio Pacelli (who became Pope Pius XII), the Vatican negotiated a Concordat with Aldolf Hitler. Hitler portrayed his Third Reich as a Roman Catholic enterprise as a part of the loosely formed Holy Roman Empire. "Even an indirect endorsement from the Pope meant everything to Hitler as he sought to establish his legitimacy at home and abroad. In these early months of 1933, Catholic leaders went from being Hitler's staunch opponents to his latest allies. This transformation was dramatically symbolized by the fact that in 1932, the Fulda Episcopal Conference, representing the Catholic hierarchy of Germany, banned membership in the Nazi Party and forbade priests from offering communion to anyone wearing the swastika. Then, on March 28, 1933, two weeks after Pacelli offered his overture to Hitler, the same Fulda conferees voted to lift the ban on Catholic membership in the Nazi Party.
Hitler established a context that would be 'especially significant in the urgent struggle against international Jewry.' to his cabinet on July 14th. The deep well of Catholic Antisemitism would be tapped to run as freely as any stream of hate in Germany. The positive side of the long-standing ambivalence, which had again and again been the source of impulses to protect Jews, would now be eliminated, allowing the negative side to metastasize."
"The long-standing ambivalence" of the Catholic Church as an organization that had been, prior to the Reichskonkordat, "again and again... the source of impulses to protect Jews." Would no longer be there. Make sure they suffer) so that Christians will see what happens to the Jews because they rejected the doctrine that Jesus was divine.
On March 2, 1939: Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli was sworn in as Pope Pius XII; four days later (as Hitler’s tanks are rolling into Poland).
Pacelli wrote a letter to Hitler: "To the illustrious Herr Aldolf Hitler, Fuhrer and chancellor of the German Reich! Here at the beginning of our pontificate we wish to assure you that we remain devoted to the spiritual welfare of the German people entrusted to your leadership. During the many years we spent in Germany, we did all in our power to establish harmonious relations between church and state. Now that the responsibilities of our pastoral function have increased our opportunities, how much more ardently do we pray to reach that goal? May the prosperity of the German people and their progress in every domain come, with Gods help, to fruition!"
The Pope maintained a papal nuncio (Ambassador Archbishop Orsenigo) in Berlin throughout the War. At the Popes express wish (on the 20 of April 1939) Orsenigo opened a gala reception for Hitler's 50th birthday, which became a tradition throughout the Third Reich, along with Cardinal Bertram sending "warmest congratulations to the Fuhrer in the name of the Bishops and dioceses in Germany", to which he added "fervent prayers which the Catholics of Germany are sending to heaven on their alters": "Hitlers Pope: The Secret History of Pius VII", by, John Cornwell (all research for this book was done in the Vatican Library).
Since the Vatican controlled the Catholic hierarchy worldwide, and since the Croatian Catholic hierarchy accepted papal infallibility and organizational direction, how can we explain the ignoring of violence being done to the Jews except as an expression of the policies of the Church under Pope Pius XII?
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own."
Thomas Jefferson (Letter to H. Spafford, 1814).
In l941, Standard Oil of New Jersey was the largest petroleum corporation in the world. Its bank was Chase, its owners the Rockefellers. Its chairman, Walter C. Teagle, and its President, William S. Farrish, Bush’s grandfather had extensive connections with the Nazi government (Higham, Trading 32-5). However, by April l7 l945 the Chase National Bank "was placed on trial in federal court on charges of having violated the Trading With the Enemy Act." (Higham, Trading 26-31).
Standard Oil help in procuring $20 million worth of aviation fuel for the Nazi Luftwaffe in 1938. A senior managing partner of the firm was George Bush's father, Prescott Bush. As a result of being supplied with the best aviation fuel on the market, Hitler's air force was then capable of bombing London.
"When war broke out, Frank A. Howard, one of the more dynamic vice-presidents of Standard [also on the board of Chase Bank], flew to Europe with Bush’s grandfather William Stamps Farrish's authorization...meeting with Farben's representative Fritz Ringer...The two men drew up an agreement that specified they would remain in business together, 'Whether or not the United States came into the war[emphases added]...' (Higham, Trading 34-60)."
During and after World War II, William Stamps Farrish staffed the Standard Oil tankers with Nazi crews. When war broke out in Europe, he ran into trouble with British Intelligence, which boarded some of his vessels outside U.S territorial waters on the Atlantic and Pacific seaboards and seized Nazi agents who were passengers...When the British began interrogating Nazi crews on the Hitler-Standard connection, Farrish fired the Germans and changed the registry of the entire fleet to Panamanian to avoid British search and seizure. His vessels carried oil to Tenerife in the Canary Islands, where they refueled and siphoned oil to German tankers for shipment to Hamburg. They also fueled U-boats even after the American government... was fighting an undeclared war in the Atlantic...Standard tankers supplied the submarines which... sank American ships..." (Higham, Trading 35-6).
On March 26, 1941, Arnold appeared before the Truman Committee (in Congress) ...in order to lay in front of the committee his specific charges against the oil company...He showed how Farrish had flagrantly disregarded Lend-Lease and good neighbor policies in his connivance with Hitler. He also zeroed in on the subject of synthetic rubber, pointing out that it had been denied to the U.S. Navy, and that Farrish...had deliberately sidetracked a Navy representative from seeing the process. He charged that cables showed that Standard Oil had arrangements with Japan that were to continue throughout any conflict or break in trade. Leaving the Senate chamber on March 28, 1941, surrounded by lots of reporters and photographers, Truman was asked, 'Is this treason?' He replied in the affirmative." (Higham, Trading 42-53).
Standard Oil also sold the synthetic rubber technology to Hitler and the Farrish's family fortune was made in the same Nazi enterprise with George Bush's father . . . The joint enterprise had opened the Auschwitz slave labor camp on June 14, 1940, to produce artificial rubber and gasoline from coal. Jews and political opponents supplied by Hitler as slaves were worked to death or murdered . . .
The reason Auschwitz was located where it was is because it was close to Fritz Thyssen's coal, steel, and railroads. Through the Union Banking Corporation, Prescott Bush, and his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker, along with German industrialist Fritz Thyseen, became Hitler's banker.
This made it possible for I.G. Farben to synthesize fuel from coal gasification, to make aviation fuel, gas for their tanks and war machines, and for synthesizing rubber for making tires. They also made Zyklon B gas, which the Germans used to annihilate two million Jews according to the trial testimony of the Auschwitz camp commander. Fritz Thyssen published a book titled I Paid Hitler in 1941. It described how Hitler used the money he received from Fritz Thyssen through Prescott Bush, sponsored the Storm Troopers of Ernst Roehm as early as 1933, allowing them to build up to 4,500,000 strong to take over Germany.
"In fact, Standard Oil's dealing with Hitler continued right up to the end of World War II." (Bowen 2-4). President George Bush springs from an old-line of Connecticut family lineage, with long-time connections to Wall Street, international bankers, oil interests, and the fascist cartels behind the German Third Reich (Bowen 4-11)." For his part in Hitler’s war, Prescott Bush was paid a fortune. This is the legacy he left to his son, President George Bush which received the profits from the Holocaust blood money which was placed in a blind trust for him in 1980."
As bombs were dropping down on London, killing 50 thousand English men, women and children, Prescott Bush continued aiding the Nazis.
As millions of innocent people died at the hands of the most ruthless and violent organization the world has ever known, Prescott Bush was an eager and active planer and supervisor of their petroleum facilities in Auschwitz Poland and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker placed him in control of the operations. Prescott Bush also became managing director of the Union Banking Corporation and handled the day-to-day operations of building Hitler’s new steel empire, which ran on slave labor and was at the heart of the fierce German war machine. Bush helped to make the Nazi steel that killed Allied solders, and according to a Dutch intelligence agents, Prescott Bush also managed a portion of the slave labor force in Poland. Congressional investigations after the war showed that United Steel had supplied 50.8 percent of the pig iron, 41.4% of Nazi Germany's universal plate steel 36% of Nazi Germany's heavy plate steel, 38.5% of Nazi Germany's galvanized sheet, 45.5% of Nazi Germany's pipes and tubes and 22.1% of Nazi Germany's wire.
Prescott Bush was a major supplier of all the metal products needed by Hitler’s war machine, and one of the largest munitions makers in Nazi Germany was also funded by Prescott Bush, the father and grandfather of two American Presidents. Who could ever imagine such a thing? Something has gone seriously wrong with this country!
This Nazi Bush family made themselves rich selling oil and steel to the devil, while they striped away everything their unfortunate victims had. They stole their lives, their children, their homes, their belongings, their clothes, their hair, their diamond and gold wedding rings, and the gold filings out of the teeth of everyone they worked to death and murdered in their prison camps. These Illuminati bankers along with their rich oil barons have sponsored the worst acts of genocide in human history. This kind of cruelty does not came from normal common working class family’s, but from the wealthy aristocrats, who regards themselves as being better than everyone else, so-called "elite" families, well educated, modern, forward looking men, of the New World Order. Their horrendous crimes prove to the world that the purest form of evil could be standing right in front of us, and we wouldn’t even know it. As Americans we have become so brainwashed and blended to the real truth, that a reporter on the evening news could tell us just about anything, and we would believe it. In the end the only hope for this world, is that some brave and righteous men and women of good conscience can some how help to put an end to these atrocities, which are happening every day, all around us, throughout the world.
And once again the Bush family has pulled the wool over our eyes, and are making billions of dollars on oil while thousands of Americans die; and it looks like these Wars that George Bush has started are going to continue indefinitely, and the American people will be stuck paying the interest on the 350 billion dollar a year price tag for these wars for the next 40 years, while the Bush family uses their construction company the Carlyle Group to build an 80 billion dollar Air Base to protect their new oil wells.
On September 11, George Bush Sr. was having a conference with the Bin Laden family at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Washington, DC. The Bin Laden family are partners with the Bushes in the Carlyle Group. They met together as the twin towers came crashing down.
Throughout the Bush family's decades of public life, the American press, (which is owned by big corporate interest), has gone out of their way to purposely overlook the historical facts. Given the ties between the Bush family, the dismantling of the twin towers, Saudi royalty and the Bin Laden family, and the mainstream media's equally eerie reluctance to cover them; coming across the Prescott Bush story is pretty dam disturbing. Sleeping with the Devil: Hitler, the Bin Ladens, Noriega, Hussein, Iran-Contra -- that's just the Bush Family’s way of doing business for sure. This is just business as usual for the Illuminati (the Wasp Mafia). Bush Sr. would go on to sell weapons to BOTH Iran and Iraq during the 80's, and the Bushes and the Bin Ladens have been doing business together for years.
And as always, the real terrorists that should be locked up in Guantanamo Bay will get away scott free, and no matter what Bush decides to do during his presidency, he will most likely get presidential immunity for his mass murders, torture, and anything else he wants to do, as long as he remains faithful to the New World Order, and they continue to hold the control over 70% of the Iraq’s oil wells. The Illuminati, with the excellent help of Bush, has stolen our freedoms, our government, our Constitutional Natural Rights, and our rights to privacy, all in the name of Bushes Patriotic Acts.
Heir Bush doesn’t have to worry about the US Government shutting him down. That's been taken care of by the Patriot Act -- He is the US Government, he is above the law, and he can declare Marshall law and take over total control of this country at any time.
Black Pope Peter-Hans Kolvenbach with Pope Bennedict Formerly
Cardinal Ratzinger a former member of the Hitler youth.
The Black Pope, the Jesuit General is in complete control of the international intelligence agencies, the CIA, the FBI, the KGB, the Israeli Mossad, the German BND, and the British SIS. They carried out much of the killing, covert actions, and the assassinations of world leaders. After World War II, the Jesuits arranged secretly for many former Nazi S.S. soldiers to be given jobs in the American CIA, using the excuse that they would be useful in their fight against Communism.
The horrible things that took place while Bush was the head of the CIA, and five of his top campaign managers had to resign because of their direct connections to the Nazi Party, which is well documented. Bush’s presidential campaign's connections with a network of Anti-Semites with Nazi and fascist affiliations in 1988 were uncovered by investigative reporter Russ Bellant who established the ties between the Republican Party and former Axis Nazis and fascists. A secret branch of the Jesuits, which is connected to the Italian Mafia and the CIA, serve as the assassins for the Illuminati and the Vatican.
As Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln would put it; they are a group of Despots who maintain the Catholic Church’s absolute political and religious control worldwide. “This irritable tribe of priests have subverted the pure morality of primitive Christianity to serve their own selfish interests.” Jefferson went on to say. They "perverted" Christianity "into an engine for enslaving mankind, a mere contrivance to fetch wealth and power to themselves." “Christ saw no need for priests,” Jefferson wrote. They are not necessary "for the salvation of souls."
Within days Pope Benedict found people around the globe engaged in a “lively debate,” but it was not, one suspects, the exchange the pope had in mind. The Pakistani parliament voted to condemn the pope; the leading Shiite cleric in Lebanon asked for a personal apology. “He is going down in history in the same category as leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini,” said Salih Kapusuz, the deputy head of Turkey’s governing party; and officials there suggested the pope should reconsider a trip planned for November.
Pope Benedict urged humanity to unite against terrorism, poverty and environmental blight and called for a “New World Order” to correct economic imbalances in his first Christmas address.
It was the German people who put their faith in their government and church leaders and their unwavering patriotic loyalty in the Fatherland, which made it possible for the greatest nightmare the world has ever known. It is the American people who sit back and do nothing as our government and CIA continue to inflict terror and pain on other nations, with their covert actions and corrupt use of military might, on those who are weaker and pose us no treat. I tremble when I think of what will happen if the younger generation of Americans remains totally ignorant of the daily tragedies, which are still shaping our future.
Last edited by snake321 on 13 Nov 2007, 6:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Currently, the religious right followers believe they are "making a world worthy of the return of Christ" by their efforts to forcibly assimilate the world to their interpretation of the bible. Now, they've got the technology to clone jesus too, from what I've heard, though I can't say that for fact but it seriously would not surprise me.
uhhh it is its own nation...it has its own sovereignty separate from italy and has its own police and everything.
I seriously want to move to Europe.
The US is stuck in a mindset that is outdated and incompatible with the emerging globalism.
This is indeed quite similar to how the Nazis were behind their times.
500 or 1000 years earlier Hitler would have just been another egomaniac with dreams of world domination.
Our nationalism in this country is a relic of the twentieth century.
And it has been exploited by the right to line the pockets of CEOs.
I've always felt that the two party system is seriously flawed, and I don't really trust any career politician.
I don't think that the centrist idea is even feasible though. It just ends up being a waste of votes.
At this point our only hope is to flip the switch again and let the Democrats balance what Bush and his cronies have done.
"I was made to love magic, all its wonder to know, but you all lost that magic many many years ago."
N Drake
Ah, do you mean a democrat gets elected?........ Cool, honestly I think I've decided I'm gonna vote for Ron Paul. He's a republican, but he's not a traditional republican at all, he appeals to a whole different demographic than traditional conservative republicans. I was slow to believe in him as a candidate at first because he was a republican, and at this point it is hard for me to trust a republican OR a democrat. Personally, I like the reform party's platform but they do not have a realistic chance, Ron Paul has a better chance. And he's got most of the same ideas and intentions. I see him as a centrist republican if anything. He's against big business, he plans on restoring the constitution and returning america to the people.
correction: he is a traditional republican....that's why he's so unpopular with all the communist neo-cons that are now in the party.
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You know, sadly I think it would take our administration being overthrown, having a police state where people are executed for speaking out, and having all rights and liberties taken away before most people stateside had a clue what the f--- oppression, dictatorship, or fascism really are. I just don't think people over here are really mentally capable of understanding it, at least from a lot of these threads I really don't see it.
If the USA is so big on free speech, why are so many Aspies afraid to tell prospective employers they have or think they have this condition? If there was free speech, they'd have nothing to fear, but true life doesn't work like that.
Break out you Western girls,
Someday soon you're gonna rule the world.
Break out you Western girls,
Hold your heads up high.
"Western Girls" - Dragon
Most in the world? I think that is an overstatement as the world is full of outright totalitarian dictatorships to the point where the US does not come that close. That the US is less classically liberal than it could be and is in many ways less liberal than other nations, I can accept that, but that isn't an incredibly strange occurrence.
The US is stuck in a mindset that is outdated and incompatible with the emerging globalism.
I don't think that the US's mindset is outdated or incompatible unless you want to stretch foreign policy to mean that. When I think of globalism then I think of economic cooperation though, and the US has one of the most market based mindsets which allows it to be very compatible and up to date with this change. The only thing it may lack is a lot of language training, but that is probably less important than many other necessary things.
Well, free speech can never mean freedom from fear of speaking. I mean, whether it is telling a boss of a problem that makes you seem less valuable to him, or telling a woman you have feelings for her, or anything else, we still end up having consequences. I would be hesitant to tell any man or woman that I have that condition, including prospective employers because even if you are accepted to the job with this condition that does not mean you are actually accepted as a human being.
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