America saved from another nativity scene!
At least not compared with baby body chop shops where their parts are variously sold for research and carcases thrown in garbage cans. That's what "offends" me. Abortion is the ultimate child abuse. If you're for it, you have no grounds to complain about being "offended" by anything else.
You should be offended at yourself!
I don't know, but this sounds like an intolerant attitude.
yeah. check what i said at the top of page 2....he's one of the more intolerant people on the board.
It's another victory for freedom of religion, and for free speech! Silence the baby Jesus! Go Democrats!

Of course, the free speech of our mother-murdered infants doesn't matter because they're all dead, ha ha!!
Aren't you dems fricken' proud of yourselves? (Where's the barf emoticon?),2933,308816,00.html
People are welcome to put up whatever religious symbols they want. In their homes, on their house or yard, and on their own church properties. You are whining because you can't get the government to support this particular form of religious celebration.
Wrong. It's not about support, it's about tolerance. America's government stands for freedom of religion and free speech.
Therefore, the last places to be deemed speech restricting and religion suppressing should be American government institutions!
And I brought up abortion to show the hypocrisy of what is and isn't allowed by law.
"Killing 50 million innocent unborn children? Fine, fine. Just don't put up a nativity scene."
AAAAAAAAAA|RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! Raggy you really piss me off, oh ok, so because people agree the government should not play favorites to YOUR religion and pass laws and regulations that are designed to subjugate non-christians to christianity, this is discrimination against christians? What the hell are you on? I suppose next your gonna say that the jews oppressed the nazis? Did the "witches" oppress Christians too? Does oppression in your eyes consist of not being a christian?
Get your f*****g head out of your ass. In your bible it stated "teach those who would listen", it did not say to force other people or subjugate other people to your religion. So I am sure Jesus is not too damn pleased with you or your stupid little republican cult.
speaking of cults:
i find it hilarious how good little midwestern christians support republicans and neo-cons because they claim they're christian and most of those guys participate in the druid rituals at bohemian grove (this includes bill clinton, g.h.w. bush, g.w. bush, henry kissinger, richard nixon, ronald reagan, and many others).
nothing like a bunch of suckers buying into the lies they're told because they're too lazy to hold them to their word.
i find it hilarious. "i like him because of his christian convictions". ha....yeah....that's why they're doing mock human sacrifice rituals to a stone owl.
Yeah, at one time I thought that stuff was merely conspiracy theorists going overboard, but now days I've found that to be true..... So i had figured much of the alien conspiracy theories were going overboard as well (mainly because they claimed to know so much detail about it), but who knows maybe they knew what they were talking about too. I've been saying for a long time that religions COULD be UFO cover-ups.
there's a lot of BS in conspiracy theories but there is a little truth here and's a matter of fact checking it.
alex jones covered bohemian grove but he rambles on like the ignorant loudmouthed texan he is rather than bothering to look up what is going on....he calls it canaanite/babylonian rather than what it more resembles....a druid ritual.
take, for example, 9-11. the twin towers weren't blown up. this still doesn't excuse the entire lack of response from the government to the threats prior to and the lack of reaction once the first jet hit (which is obviously not an accident considering the context of the crash and the entire lack of communication from the jet). but know why they allow the wrong theories to flourish? because they distract from a serious look at those who should be held responsible and are easily disproven when absolutely needed to.....because they're looking in the wrong spots.
This is from his website today:
That's about the silliest thing I've ever read.
and funniest too.
?Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it.?
there's a lot of BS in conspiracy theories but there is a little truth here and's a matter of fact checking it.
alex jones covered bohemian grove but he rambles on like the ignorant loudmouthed texan he is rather than bothering to look up what is going on....he calls it canaanite/babylonian rather than what it more resembles....a druid ritual.
take, for example, 9-11. the twin towers weren't blown up. this still doesn't excuse the entire lack of response from the government to the threats prior to and the lack of reaction once the first jet hit (which is obviously not an accident considering the context of the crash and the entire lack of communication from the jet). but know why they allow the wrong theories to flourish? because they distract from a serious look at those who should be held responsible and are easily disproven when absolutely needed to.....because they're looking in the wrong spots.
Well I don't buy the controlled demolition theory, I don't think there were bombs attached to the WTC, but I do think 9/11 was a compromised, false flag attack..... I think Bush and Bin Laden both had this worked out together, and the Bush administration had a large hand in planning it with them. I mean you've got to think what 9/11 did for a police state agenda, it did a lot for them. And remember, Bin Laden and Al Qeida were on the CIA pay roll, and the Bush and Bin Laden families go waaaaayyyy back in the oil industry too.
there's a lot of BS in conspiracy theories but there is a little truth here and's a matter of fact checking it.
alex jones covered bohemian grove but he rambles on like the ignorant loudmouthed texan he is rather than bothering to look up what is going on....he calls it canaanite/babylonian rather than what it more resembles....a druid ritual.
take, for example, 9-11. the twin towers weren't blown up. this still doesn't excuse the entire lack of response from the government to the threats prior to and the lack of reaction once the first jet hit (which is obviously not an accident considering the context of the crash and the entire lack of communication from the jet). but know why they allow the wrong theories to flourish? because they distract from a serious look at those who should be held responsible and are easily disproven when absolutely needed to.....because they're looking in the wrong spots.
Well I don't buy the controlled demolition theory, I don't think there were bombs attached to the WTC, but I do think 9/11 was a compromised, false flag attack..... I think Bush and Bin Laden both had this worked out together, and the Bush administration had a large hand in planning it with them. I mean you've got to think what 9/11 did for a police state agenda, it did a lot for them. And remember, Bin Laden and Al Qeida were on the CIA pay roll, and the Bush and Bin Laden families go waaaaayyyy back in the oil industry too.
yeah but you get the same effect by just not intervening in the attack and simply allowing it to be carried out. i don't believe the collusion yet on that because i don't really have anything to really say otherwise yet.
I think the Bush administration helped organize it though.... An air force fighter pilot was ordered to stand down rather than take out the target, also (this I have seen proof of but I can not prove it now so it may mean nothing to you, but to me it does) 2 days after 9/11 there was a news report that was leaked, about top level Bush administration officials meeting with Atta and the others involved in 9/11 somewhere in Palestine 2 days before 9/11..... Further media coverage had immediately ceased on the incident, however.
It depends. Are everyone at the party Christian? If it is a family party where all the people are of the same religion then yes it is a PC idiocy, if there are jews, muslims, pagans, or someone else there than no. However, I think even if people of other faiths were there, they'd be stupid to make such a big deal out of something so small (this coming from an atheist myself, I might add).

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How about we call the 4th of July "Fireworks Day" because not all people in the United States are citizens and very few or none of the people who fought for independence are alive? Thus to be generally accepted the 4th of July should not be called "Independence Day" but "Fireworks Day" or something more universal so that everyone can take part but not for the same reasons.

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