Names of God
Jesus=just a guy
I beleive Jesus existed just that he wasn't divine in anyway
he just wanted to share his views...
Cernunnos is the Horned Hunter-the King of the Sun
he could kick Jesus, or Jahova or whatever his name is' ass
king of the sun? lucifer? the raising star? jahbulon? all the same i know.
a king of a star harm its creator? then that would make God a self-harmer for you...
that's your belief i respect it, now you try to harm anyone with it, expect war.
i think you are following and worshiping creation, not creator.
don't call my religion evil
how dare you!
what makes your bull s**t ideals so much better then mine
Cernunnos is represented by the sun, just like Ceridwen is represented by the moon.
You can't simply go around saying the old religions are evil
they were around LONG before Christianity was...
I see the world and the elements sacred as creations of the God and Goddess, you just say f**k the earth God will make us a new one
thats not how it works!
don't try to threaten me with pittens and scaring me into beleiving something I don't buy
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Can a person have more than one name and still be one person?
Yahweh-raphah, the LORD is our healer.
Yahweh-yirah, the LORD is our provider.
Yahweh-nissi, etc.
What is your problem with Him having various titles?
Even Adonai, which means Lord or Melech Olam which means King of the universe or HaShem which means The Name can all and do refer to the same Being: God.
Since God is not a person, not only does He (or It) not have a nickname, why should It/He have a name? It seems more likely this Thing that created everything is a force or a combination of forces like gravity and the strong and weak forces and electromagnetics. They don't have names the way people have names. Of course, only an as*hole would pray to gravity or any of the other forces. But then, there was a time that people prayed to the Sun which is, after all, just a ball of gas involved in atomic explosions.
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lets face it, people like naming things. cars, dogs&cats, computers its never ending. *sighs dramaticlly*
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The thing with xtians is they can't stop lying and twisting the original truth. Even in your post you've twisted the original text and distorted it from its actual meaning. Are you not ashamed? In the 10 commandments it clearly says: Thou shall not bear falsehood. That includes FYI twisting the holy texts, adding whatever it is you want there to reflect your version of *the truth*. You've entirely taken this out of context. G-d HAS NO SON. Period. All of His children are equal to Him, none above others and NO MAN CAN BE A GOD!
That said - here is the ACTUAL text from the Hebrew directly translated into English - from
Proverbs Chapter 30
1 The words of Agur the son of Jakeh; the burden. The man saith unto Ithiel, unto Ithiel and Ucal:
2 Surely I am brutish, unlike a man, and have not the understanding of a man;
3 And I have not learned wisdom, that I should have the knowledge of the Holy One.
4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, and descended?
Who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound the waters in his garment?
Who hath established all the ends of the earth?
What is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou knowest?
5 Every word of God is tried; He is a shield unto them that take refuge in Him.
6 Add thou not unto His words, lest He reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams. ~Mary Ellen Kelly
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dont they come out with a new translation of the bible every ten years or so? how many times do you think the bible has been translated? im guessing its alot. the new testement was written in greek, and im pretty shure middle easten languages arent that easily translated into english because they just cant for some reason. so what are you left with? some guy interpeting a words meaning. yes lets put all of our dogma in that becuase that sounds like it reeks of the truth
Regarding this chapter - the following explanation has been given to another person's query - seems like the xtians REALLY like this particular Proverb out of the hundreds of others.
Expert: Eli Hadar
Date: 10/18/2006
Subject: Proverbs
Can you help me understand Proverbs 30:4? The verse says:
Who has ascended up into heaven, and descended?
How has G-d ascended and more importantly descended?
"Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has bound the waters in his garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name,
I understand this to be referring to G-D also.
and what is his son's name, if you know?
Proverbs 30:4)
But I don't see how it is that "Israel", the Son, has ascended and descended into heaven, only that this passage could be referring it to be "The name of the Son".
What was Agur trying to say initially?
very good. Let's look at the verse and decompose it (the commentary is Rashi's, not mine, but it's widely accepted and clears things for us rather quickly).
First, the chapter until the verse you quoted goes as follows.
1. The words of Agur, the son of Jakeh, the prophecy; the words of the man concerning, "God is with me; yea, God is with me, and I will be able."
2. For I am more boorish than any man, neither do I have man's understanding.
3. Neither have I learned wisdom, nor do I know the knowledge of the holy ones.
4. Who ascended to heaven and descended? Who gathered wind in his fists? Who wrapped the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is his name and what is the name of his son, if you know?
5. Every word of God is refined; He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him.
6. Do not add to His words, lest He prove to you, and you be found a liar.
By the way, the author of the Book of Proverbs is King Solomon, as you probably know.
So let's begin from the beginning:
1. The words of Agur, the son of Jakeh, the prophecy; the words of the man concerning, "God is with me; yea, God is with me, and I will be able."
Let's figure out this mysterious Agur, and his dad Jakeh. Have you encountered either of them in the Torah, before or after? I don't think I have. This is a complicated verse that has been interpreted by our Sages, and confirmed and related by Rashi, as follows:
The words of Agur, the son of Jakeh àâåø áï é÷ä,- AGUR BEN YAKIAH - the words of Solomon, who gathered (in Hebrew - AGUR), understanding (in Hebrew BENA) - and spit it out (in Hebrew - YAKIAH, or Jakeh).
THE PROPHECY - He said this prophecy on that matter.
THE WORDS OF MAN CONCERNING, "GOD IS WITH ME" - Solomon (the author) said this prophecy concerning himself because he relied on his own wisdom to increase gold, horses and wives, which he was forbidden to increase, and so he said, ” God is with me, and I will be able. I will increase wives, and they will not turn my heart away; I will increase gold, and I will not turn away; I will increase horses, and I will not take the people back to Egypt."
YEAH, GOD IS WITH ME, AND I WILL BE ABLE - Since he said,” God is with me, and I will be able to do it, and I will not stumble, because of ” God is with me, “ as in (Ex. 14:3): ” For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel (ìáðé – le Beni) meaning of the children of Israel.
Great. Verse 2:
For I am more boorish than any man, neither do I have man's understanding.
FOR I AM MORE BOORISH - Because I relied on my wisdom in a matter that the Holy One, blessed be He, is concerned lest one come to sin (sometimes when you rely on your own wisdom, it can only carry you so far I think, and frequently it turns out to be not wisdom at all, but boorishness after you look back).
Verse 3:
Neither have I learned wisdom, nor do I know the knowledge of the holy ones.
...for I subtracted or added to the words of Moses (referring to the boorishness of the previous verse).
Here we go, verse 4:
Who ascended to heaven and descended? Who gathered wind in his fists? Who wrapped the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is his name and what is the name of his son, if you know?
ASCENDED AND DESCENDED TO HEAVEN - that was Moses on Mt. Sinai - there was nobody like him - who was like Moses? - asks this part of the verse. So not God (where would he ascend from? Does that mean he was on Earth before his ascending?), not Jesus (where would he descend from? That would preclude him being born from a woman as Christian Bible states) - but Moses, which is quite clear here.
WHO WRAPPED THE WATERS?(Ex. 15:8): “The depths were congealed” ; (ad loc.): “The floods stood upright like a heap,” through Moses’s prayer.
WHO ESTABLISHED – the Tabernacle, - Moses again, who directed the construction of the Ark of the Covenant, through establishment of which all the ends of the earth were fully established, for we have received an opportunity to become grounded in our knowledge and communication with the Almighty.
WHAT IS HIS NAME AND WHAT IS THE NAME OF HIS SON? - What is his name and what is the name of his son - If you say that there already was one like him, tell me what his son’s name is; i.e., what family is descended from him, and we will know who he is if you know who he is.
Net/net: one cannot rely on his own wisdom because that's boorish and presumptious - there was none like Moses to whom G-d spoke directly.
So again – verses 1 through 6 could be summarized as follows:
“The words of Solomon, who has received wisdom and is able to share it: God is with me, and He will help me through my life. I have been silly in assuming I could carry myself through, and very stubborn. Instead, I wasted time, and did not increase my understanding. For there is nobody like Moses, who went up to communicate with God directly (at Sinai) and came back to tell about it, who split the waters, who established the Ark of the Covenant – if you know of someone like him, tell me what his name is and his son’s name too, because I want to know his descendants. What God says to us is enough to sustain us – do not assign something to Him which He has not spoken, because if you tempt Him, he just might show you His might and strength, and it won’t be pleasant because you and everyone else will clearly see how mistaken you were.”
Oh and Roni, one more thing – the word “son” isn’t capitalized in Hebrew. It is capitalized only in those English translations which deliberately attempt to mislead you into reading Jesus into the Hebrew Bible. There is no Jesus in this part of the Hebrew scriptures, or in any other part.
All the best,
Eli Hadar ... overbs.htm
Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams. ~Mary Ellen Kelly
Xfractor Card #351
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It's been going on for 2,000 years since the Greeks and Romans. King James' version is so filled with fallacies and improper translations - there is little if any relevance and bearing on the orginal. It's that pathetic.
Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams. ~Mary Ellen Kelly