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21 Dec 2007, 4:52 pm

ascan wrote:
peebo wrote:
ascan wrote:
Without guns, the Yanks will be emasculated has-beens, just like us Brits. They'll sit at home of an evening not knowing whether the next smashed window is a burglar or the gestapo.

is this really how you spend your evenings? i must say, living in britain, i don't have this problem at all.

But you're in a "nice" part of Scotland!

in all honesty, there are a good few areas around here i wouldn't want to visit alone at night. but i don't think people having guns in the house would improve matters at all. and i wouldn't think anyone at all in britain, apart from yourself apparently, would really think the gestapo were smashing their windows. but who knows, it takes all sorts...

?Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.?

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21 Dec 2007, 5:14 pm

peebo wrote:
... and i wouldn't think anyone at all in britain, apart from yourself apparently, would really think the gestapo were smashing their windows. but who knows, it takes all sorts...

Think again:


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21 Dec 2007, 5:18 pm

777 wrote:
You are a force for good, ascan...

Decent of you to say, 777.


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21 Dec 2007, 5:50 pm

ascan wrote:
... The guy has made same perfectly valid points. However, they are conveyed in a patriotic way that may irk certain leftists and liberals who believe we should all live in a politically-correct police-state stripped of any national pride or identity, where the only people allowed to carry arms are the commissars.

Perfectly valid points? Like the Illuminati plot to take over America? Or the idea that God sent him to warn us? That isn't perfectly valid discussion - and most people of faith would consider it blasphemy, if they don't dismiss it as the ravings of a madman. Private Ascan, you are hereby placed under the command of 777, who is exactly 111 better than the Antichrist!!

777 wrote:
America ! This is a call to arms. In 2008, the Supreme Court rules on the constitutional right to bear arms. This is an attack by the Illuminati to destroy liberty in the last hope for democracy in the world. Get your guns, privates, you are under my command. We will not let this God-granted authority to be taken from us. We will fight to the death! This is Revolutionary War 2. The Bible says we will beat our plowshares into swords! We will not let this unconstitutional monarchy in this country take our guns. If they take our guns, we lose the ability to defend ourselves against an unjust government, which will implement martial law in 2008. Stand your ground soldiers! This will be a long and hard battle and will most likely end in the death of millions of people. Mark my words. God has sent me to warn the people of the coming Order. We must fight back. In the words of the patriot Franklin, we must hang together, or we shall hang separately. This is a call to arms!


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21 Dec 2007, 5:57 pm

ascan wrote:
peebo wrote:
... and i wouldn't think anyone at all in britain, apart from yourself apparently, would really think the gestapo were smashing their windows. but who knows, it takes all sorts...

Think again:

hmm... agreed, that is fairly worrying.

?Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.?

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21 Dec 2007, 6:01 pm

monty wrote:
Perfectly valid points?

Him rattling the likes of you is all the evidence of validity I need, old chap. :wink:


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21 Dec 2007, 6:06 pm

peebo wrote:
hmm... agreed, that is fairly worrying.

So, at last we agree on something!


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21 Dec 2007, 6:17 pm

Hm. I didn't know Britain was eroding individual rights to that extent. It's beginning to look like "Atlas Shrugged", except Bush & Co. are continuing the erosion of the Constitution here.

Don't ever forget in the U.S. that WE are the government, not a few hundred people in an isolated community with delusions of royalty. We are the AICs, so if you don't like what some representative does, vote against them, even if the alternative is worse. Don't let the political machines blackmail you. Don't accept the induced apathy from negative campaign ads. Register and vote. It's the only way to keep the pols on their toes, enforce congressional term limits, remove corrupt politicians, protect our constitution and have a country worth passing on to the next generation.

Maybe Australia will be the only free country left when the dust settles. Mr. Howard certainly learned what happens when the majority speaks up, didn't he?

Keep the guns as a last resort. The military doesn't want to gun down gramma and grampa for a corrupt leader. 777 has a point, but the best and most effective action will be in the voting booth.

To eliminate poverty, you have to eliminate at least three things: time, the bell curve and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Have fun.


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21 Dec 2007, 6:31 pm

MysteryFan3 wrote:
Maybe Australia will be the only free country left when the dust settles. Mr. Howard certainly learned what happens when the majority speaks up, didn't he?

I'm told that civil liberties are being eroded in Australia at an even greater rate than here in the UK.


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21 Dec 2007, 8:11 pm

ascan wrote:
monty wrote:
Perfectly valid points?

Him rattling the likes of you is all the evidence of validity I need, old chap. :wink:

Rattled? No, amused. A foghorn in my living room would rattle me. This lunancy, and your inability to see how preposterous it is merely elicits a few chuckles from me.


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22 Dec 2007, 1:25 am

777 wrote:
You are a force for good, ascan. I am constantly reminded that even though I do seem radical, there are people who will defend me, even at the risk of losing their good name. Be not mistaken, the world will hate me. But now I do have some credibility, because now, I'm not alone.

You used the words 'Illuminati', misquoted the Bible (it's swords into plowshares, not the reverse), and claim God has sent you on a mission. That sorta dents your credibility, and the third also dents people's perception of your sanity. Personally, I think that this BS on the right to bear arms is what makes the USA the current stupor mundi, the wonder of the world. And when I mean wonder, I mean the sort of wonder that has people facepalming and going, in the privacy of their brains, 'WTF?'

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22 Dec 2007, 1:27 am

Tequila wrote:
MysteryFan3 wrote:
Maybe Australia will be the only free country left when the dust settles. Mr. Howard certainly learned what happens when the majority speaks up, didn't he?

I'm told that civil liberties are being eroded in Australia at an even greater rate than here in the UK.

That's not the way I percieve it. Besides, the worse of these ATM is the Workchoices stuff, and Rudd is fixing that now.

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22 Dec 2007, 10:30 am

MysteryFan3 wrote:
Keep the guns as a last resort. The military doesn't want to gun down gramma and grampa for a corrupt leader. 777 has a point, but the best and most effective action will be in the voting booth.

The US military and federal agencies have had no qualms in the past in gunning down/blowing up US citizens (including women and children) on domestic soil when it suits them, and writing them off as "collateral damage", to quote Janet Reno.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" - Thomas Jefferson.

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22 Dec 2007, 10:51 am

Quatermass wrote:
You used the words 'Illuminati', misquoted the Bible (it's swords into plowshares, not the reverse), and claim God has sent you on a mission. That sorta dents your credibility, and the third also dents people's perception of your sanity. Personally, I think that this BS on the right to bear arms is what makes the USA the current stupor mundi, the wonder of the world. And when I mean wonder, I mean the sort of wonder that has people facepalming and going, in the privacy of their brains, 'WTF?'

I think that 777 is a bit of a satirist.

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22 Dec 2007, 11:07 am

777 wrote:
America ! This is a call to arms. In 2008, the Supreme Court rules on the constitutional right to bear arms. This is an attack by the Illuminati to destroy liberty in the last hope for democracy in the world. Get your guns, privates, you are under my command. We will not let this God-granted authority to be taken from us. We will fight to the death! This is Revolutionary War 2. The Bible says we will beat our plowshares into swords! We will not let this unconstitutional monarchy in this country take our guns. If they take our guns, we lose the ability to defend ourselves against an unjust government, which will implement martial law in 2008. Stand your ground soldiers! This will be a long and hard battle and will most likely end in the death of millions of people. Mark my words. God has sent me to warn the people of the coming Order. We must fight back. In the words of the patriot Franklin, we must hang together, or we shall hang separately. This is a call to arms!

The illuminati were libertarian.

A son of fire should be forced to bow to a son of clay?

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22 Dec 2007, 2:47 pm

nominalist wrote:
Quatermass wrote:
You used the words 'Illuminati', misquoted the Bible (it's swords into plowshares, not the reverse), and claim God has sent you on a mission. That sorta dents your credibility, and the third also dents people's perception of your sanity. Personally, I think that this BS on the right to bear arms is what makes the USA the current stupor mundi, the wonder of the world. And when I mean wonder, I mean the sort of wonder that has people facepalming and going, in the privacy of their brains, 'WTF?'

I think that 777 is a bit of a satirist.

Volumnius Flush here and at your service. But no really, 777 refers to the holy trinity. That is why I've taken the number on. It's a daunting task really, to do God's work.

Macallan wrote:
MysteryFan3 wrote:
Keep the guns as a last resort. The military doesn't want to gun down gramma and grampa for a corrupt leader. 777 has a point, but the best and most effective action will be in the voting booth.

The US military and federal agencies have had no qualms in the past in gunning down/blowing up US citizens (including women and children) on domestic soil when it suits them, and writing them off as "collateral damage", to quote Janet Reno.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" - Thomas Jefferson.

Here here.

Quatermass wrote:
You used the words 'Illuminati', misquoted the Bible (it's swords into plowshares, not the reverse), and claim God has sent you on a mission.

You are wrong, atheist. Joel 3:10 all you need to know.