nominalist wrote:
Quatermass wrote:
You used the words 'Illuminati', misquoted the Bible (it's swords into plowshares, not the reverse), and claim God has sent you on a mission. That sorta dents your credibility, and the third also dents people's perception of your sanity. Personally, I think that this BS on the right to bear arms is what makes the USA the current stupor mundi, the wonder of the world. And when I mean wonder, I mean the sort of wonder that has people facepalming and going, in the privacy of their brains, 'WTF?'
I think that 777 is a bit of a satirist.
Volumnius Flush here and at your service. But no really, 777 refers to the holy trinity. That is why I've taken the number on. It's a daunting task really, to do God's work.
Macallan wrote:
MysteryFan3 wrote:
Keep the guns as a last resort. The military doesn't want to gun down gramma and grampa for a corrupt leader. 777 has a point, but the best and most effective action will be in the voting booth.
The US military and federal agencies have had no qualms in the past in gunning down/blowing up US citizens (including women and children) on domestic soil when it suits them, and writing them off as "collateral damage", to quote Janet Reno.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" - Thomas Jefferson.
Here here.
Quatermass wrote:
You used the words 'Illuminati', misquoted the Bible (it's swords into plowshares, not the reverse), and claim God has sent you on a mission.
You are wrong, atheist. Joel 3:10 all you need to know.