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11 Oct 2005, 6:32 pm

Grievous wrote:
You remind me of a phenomenal book written by Mike Yaconelli entitled Messy Spirituality and how Christianity can not be fit into a cookie cutter, how our relationships with God are totally unique. In retrospect, this book seems like the ideal one to get Christian Aspies!

My Dad has that book and I've been meaning to get it from him! :D


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13 Oct 2005, 12:01 am

I highly recommend it!

I like your signature!

Last edited by Grievous on 13 Oct 2005, 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.


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13 Oct 2005, 12:03 am

Namiko wrote:
Are they using any sort of language that would be offensive to anyone else? If they are and I were in a position of authority, I would let them know and threaten to take action if they do so again. If you are just passing by them in the mall (or something like that), I would just ignore it. :( Either way, it's not right to insult others, whether it's a fellow person or whether it's God.

Really it is when I attempt to explain God to those who do not believe in Him, over the Internet. Both NTs and Aspies can be very difficult on this subject.


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13 Oct 2005, 4:45 am

Ok, I'm not a Christian so I shouldn't really be posting on your thread, but I think I can explain this reaction for you Grievous - many people (me included) find proselytising to be disrespectful. From a personal perspective, I become angry when other people try to sell me their religion - I have my own, and have no wish to accept someone else's. To do this is both annoying and insulting. I have no problem with Christians or any other religious group, but I don't like being told what to believe. :)

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13 Oct 2005, 12:30 pm

Actually, its how the proselytising is done that makes it respectful or not. An example would be the Way of the Master website. They do a phenomenal job in explaining this distinction. A good distinction would be what Francis of Asissi said "Preach the Gospel. If necessary, use words". This shows how our actions can show much more than our words. Hope this helps! :D BTW You are welcome to talk with me anytime.


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13 Oct 2005, 12:54 pm

duncvis wrote:
Ok, I'm not a Christian so I shouldn't really be posting on your thread, but I think I can explain this reaction for you Grievous - many people (me included) find proselytising to be disrespectful. From a personal perspective, I become angry when other people try to sell me their religion - I have my own, and have no wish to accept someone else's. To do this is both annoying and insulting. I have no problem with Christians or any other religious group, but I don't like being told what to believe. :)

Therer is no shortage of ways that God and religion could come up in a conversation or thread.


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13 Oct 2005, 2:05 pm

aspiegirl2 wrote:
I consider anyone who believes (and accepts) Jesus' gift of dying on the cross and raising from the dead to forgive their sins is a Christian. I don't believe in any other way to get to heaven except through accepting Jesus Christ's gift.

I was never taught that as a Catholic. One of my many reasons for them being different religions is that I rarely hear a Catholic talk about Jesus. Too much focus on Saints, etc.



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13 Oct 2005, 2:31 pm

That's funny, being brought up as a catholic, most of my teachings where about Jesus and i was taught little about the saints in comparison. Conclude as you wish but pretty much the rest of the world knows that they are christians.


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13 Oct 2005, 3:10 pm

jewish.... (I think that may have been why my neurotic behavior was misinterputed for many years.)

I hate hearing, "you don't seem autistic/aspie". I have a nagging suspicion most people have no idea what autistic or aspie "seem" like in the first place...


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13 Oct 2005, 4:00 pm

I think the 'Way of The Master' site illustrates the problem nicely; evangelising Christians believe that they are doing people a favour by trying to convince them of the 'error' of their ways, my point being that people who have made a decision not to become Christians deserve to have their choice respected. If that means that you believe they will go to Hell, that is your belief, which you must come to terms with. You can't 'save' people who do not wish to be 'saved'.

I was however impressed with the logical nature in which the site trapped me into choosing to be saved or facing Hell - where it fell down in my case is in whether you accept the Bible as the living word of a jealous God, dictated by Him. I don't wish to take over this thread or persuade anyone that I am right and that they are wrong, this is just my feedback. If anyone would like a go at saving my soul by PM feel free - I hope I haven't offended anyone with my comments. :)

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13 Oct 2005, 6:37 pm

Grievous wrote:
Just a quick question, do Aspies tend to get more angry when debating than others?
Absolutely, especially face to face since we can't see when we are not being effective in the expression of others.


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13 Oct 2005, 6:50 pm

aspiegirl2 wrote:
I'm an aspie Christian. I consider anyone who believes (and accepts) Jesus' gift of dying on the cross and raising from the dead to forgive their sins is a Christian. I don't believe in any other way to get to heaven except through accepting Jesus Christ's gift.
This is precisely what Catholilcs believe. On Good Friday, in English speaking countries, we often chant "Behold, behold, the wood of the cross / on which is hung our salvation."

We also believe that one must embrace Jesus and his gift (can they be separated?). If one chooses a life that is sinful (mortal sin, as opposed to the failings and weaknesses we all exhibit), one is turning one's back on God. If one never repents and dies in this condition, one is turned away from glory.

One cannot win heaven by good works if one does not embrace the love of God. Aristotle said that the goal of works was to reach the good. All Christians should know that the goal of good works is to be God to our neighbors (and don't forget who they are). Not loving God and accepting His gift of salvation, is in and of itself mortally sinful.

There are several theological and liturgical differences between Catholics and some other Christians, and there have certainly been abuses in the history of the Catholic Church, but those abuses are not Catholicism.

By the way, for you CCM fans, call me old fashioned, but Amy Grant is still my favorite. She exemplifies to me, both in music and her life, that it is only in embracing Jesus that one reaches salvation. There is nothing incongruous with that and Catholicism.

I especially enjoy her newer albums where she combines traditional and modern music. I first heard her music when a friend saing "El Shedai" as liturgical music at a Catholic mass.

I hope this brings peace, but if it brings debate, let it be one in the Lord.

Last edited by Litguy on 13 Oct 2005, 6:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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13 Oct 2005, 6:56 pm

eamonn wrote:
That's funny, being brought up as a catholic, most of my teachings where about Jesus and i was taught little about the saints in comparison. Conclude as you wish but pretty much the rest of the world knows that they are christians.
Hey Eamonn!

We are agreeing on this string! Works for me! :lol:


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13 Oct 2005, 7:34 pm

Yes Litguy but before we get too comfy i should point out im not a christian anymore. Catholic or otherwise. :P


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13 Oct 2005, 8:34 pm

eamonn wrote:
Yes Litguy but before we get too comfy i should point out im not a christian anymore. Catholic or otherwise. :P
Unlike some here, that doesn't bother me. My life has been a long spiritual exploration. Oddly, it has brought me back to where I started, but, of course, as a critical adult, not a memorizing child.

There are many pieces of Catholic teaching I don't agree with. Without opening any thorny moral issues, I'll simply point out that I do not believe in Purgatory. I see no scriptual or spiritual reason why I should.

My understanding of much of scripture, perhaps even of Jesus, is often differenct from what others perceive because I try to view my own Christianity in the broader context, not only of Western religion, but of all religious thought.

Unlike some here, I do not get angry, nor do I judge as damned, those who don't agree with my beliefs. I do, however, pray for their wholeness, and their holiness.

Someone above quoted St. Francis of Assissi. St. Francis believed in keeping things simple, in doing simple things well and in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.

Aspies are often hard put to keep things simple. Since we have trouble letting go of things (look at you and me back and forth on Bush), we sometimes lose sight of what is essential.

I try to bring myself back to the human center as often as I can.



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13 Oct 2005, 9:00 pm

Litguy wrote:

Unlike some here, I do not get angry, nor do I judge as damned, those who don't agree with my beliefs. I do, however, pray for their wholeness, and their holiness.

Thanks, unlike some atheists here i wont get angry over you or another christian praying for me as it is doing me no harm. Praying for people and 'talking' to god is one of the things i miss about being a christian. I wish there was a loving god out there but there is no point in me following something i dont believe in. Peace.