And again we have found out why the Weekly World News sells SO well.....
I will say this, Happeh, at the risk of being an "evil woman" and all that, the seemingly anti-sematic viewpoints are really unnessary.
The FACT of the matter is, that the United States can not win the war on terror using "conventional" means. Terrorist nations do not follow the "rules of engagement" in this war, and personally I have no problem with some of the "more questionable" means of defending our nation. and YES it is despite the fact that it is on other lands. They made the first move, amigo, when they hijacked planes and flew them into things on OUR soil. I dont give a rip if they were muslim, or not, they made the first move.
If, as a nation and a free world, we dont defend ourselves at the first shot, then we risk being distroyed little by little. Had we not gone after these terrorists, what would have been next?
We can not know that now, but we are committed to finishing the job that we are already involved in. I cant say that I care for war, because I dont. And I cant say that I agree with everything out president does, because no one does. But I can say this: as an Americans (those that are here) I think we should support the men and women that are out there ensuring we have the freedom to say and do as we please. If you want to call me nuts for being a patriot to my country, thats fine. Just remember how many lives since 1776 have been given to water garden of freedom that lets "blooming idiots" have their say.
And just a side note: In the American Revolution, the British didnt like the gurella style tatctics that the patriots used. Had it been the other way, the ending might have been different. If our special forces have to be covertly deployed to do something that will save more lives in the end, so be it. And if it IS in Syria, the so be it.