Paula wrote Preludeman, we had a fundemenalist here who was a fanatic, yet he was not a memeber of a Church but was looking for one. I contacted every fundementalist group in his area and ALL OF THEM, wanted him, even though they knew he was causing alot of problems here,
I think he was eventually banned. They told me they would help him, and welcome him. They didn't care that he had AS as a matter of fact, one of the churches had a big autism ministry going because they said they really needed one. If people you trust know about your AS then they would say..."Oh yeah, that makes since." At least let your Pastor know.
I hope I do not sound "bigoted" or "mean". I am not a fantic or a trouble maker.
At one church I went to one member was a"Collection Plate Watcher", and he thought I did not give enough.At another church the people were "Rightous Than Thou" and they did not like me because my parents were divorced, and I was not "Raised" in their church. I tried to join a singles group at another church, and when they found out I work at the time as a janitor they wanted nothing to do with me. There is no "Autistic Ministry in my area. I do not wish to talk to my "minister" I learned about that the last time, and it only made things worse. I am not ashamed of my AS , yet there are those who would not "understand". I have discussed this with those I trust and who need to know.I thought this was to be a "Christian Forum" not one where I am attacked,given the third degree, and spill my guts. I also do not understand "why" "NT's" are allowed to use WP.I really do not think "Paula" understands that to me AS was the "Stranger" I lived with for nearly 40 years. I know many of you have your own stories , and I hope you can forgive me .I also hope "Paula" forgives me also , for questioning her and other "NT's" reason for being on WP.
Do what you can when you can. I'm also the "alien"they are looking for.