slowmutant wrote:
Would you sooner deny God or deny the Devil?
Denying God would be lying, as would confirming a Devil, other than the imperfection of the human mind. The modern day Devil image has more to do with Dante than any religious text, and religious texts are unreliable anyway. In what way would anything in the universe -- except for a few dozen Bible passages and untold volumes of fiction -- point to a supernatural malice? There are strong, although not conclusive, objective arguments in favor of God, but there are none suggesting a Devil. Demon is just a greek word for mental affliction, positive or negative. "Temptation" as described in the Bible is something one has to experience first hand -- it is
definitely a product of the human mind and not an outside force. Jesus triumphed because God is no deceiver, so perhaps a read of Descartes'
Meditations? It couldn't hurt.
Which position makes less sense?
The one that there is a Devil. Sin was born with the knowledge of good and evil, not some apocryphal pantheonism. Drop the dogma and double the study, there is a great deal to learn, for those with a willing heart.
If there was no Keyzer Soze, you would not have to deny his existence.
Quoting Boudelaire, and not the movie, then? Verbal Kint was a
con man. God doesn't lie, and wouldn't create a powerful liar to deceive us. People do lie, and would create one to gain power over others. Anyone who creates fear is suspect.