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13 Sep 2008, 5:31 am

If one wants to believe that the universe is God I suppose that is acceptable. The important question is how you react to that. Do you mutter prayers to the electromagnetic forces? Do you light candles to gravity? Do you request special exceptions to the operations of the weak and strong forces?


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13 Sep 2008, 7:16 am

I don't worship the laws of physics, if that's what you're saying. I worship God who authored the laws of physics and the world on which they act. For His is the power and the glory now and forever Amen ...


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13 Sep 2008, 8:26 am

Although the Bible seems to have been written in many human languages and therefore, at best, was an interpretation of the word of God, and if, as you say, God wrote the laws of physics, wouldn't it make good sense for really religious people to be more interested in studying the laws of physics which doubtlessly were authored by God than to be particularly fascinated by the Bible which at best is a distortion of his words?


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13 Sep 2008, 8:35 am

Sand wrote:
Although the Bible seems to have been written in many human languages and therefore, at best, was an interpretation of the word of God, and if, as you say, God wrote the laws of physics, wouldn't it make good sense for really religious people to be more interested in studying the laws of physics which doubtlessly were authored by God than to be particularly fascinated by the Bible which at best is a distortion of his words?



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13 Sep 2008, 9:01 am

You seem somewhat stymied by my approach. It is well recorded that Albert Einstein somehow related God to the laws of physics. Isn't that something of an indication that my question has some real relevance?


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13 Sep 2008, 9:06 am

Sand wrote:
You seem somewhat stymied by my approach. It is well recorded that Albert Einstein somehow related God to the laws of physics. Isn't that something of an indication that my question has some real relevance?

It does have relevance. But I don't think God and the laws of physics are interchangeable concepts. One does not equal the other.


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13 Sep 2008, 9:15 am

Why not? It seems to be His method for getting things done. Isn't His will somehow demonstrated there?


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13 Sep 2008, 9:17 am

If the entire first post is a video, can this be indicated in the topic? For those without Flash?

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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13 Sep 2008, 9:21 am

slowmutant wrote:
Phagocyte wrote:
slowmutant wrote:
Remember that Unified Field Theory which Einstein said would reduce every equation in the universe into a single theory? God is that single theory. God is that one thing, that one force, that one essence which holds together everything together. If nothing else, He is that.

Note: I am not a physics expert.

You sound like a pantheist. :)

As a Christian, I'm a monotheist. :doh:

Yes I know, we are all aware. However, the terms aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, and you did describe pantheism.

Belief in God is a vague and nebulous thing, it can't easily be labeled and compartmentalized all the time.

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13 Sep 2008, 9:33 am

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is not a panetheist set. Rather it's a monotheism unity expressed as three. God is one essence in three persons. One in three, three in one.


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15 Sep 2008, 11:08 am

Here's a classic video of Evolution VS Creation ... re=related

Sea Gull
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15 Sep 2008, 6:34 pm

PLA wrote:
Saying that the whole world is God is not so much to convey any profound wisdom about the nature of God, as it is to enrich our language with one more superfluous synonym for "world".

What can one say about the nature of God.. when God is everything.. ?

Like many others.. I understand the word "God" as being a symbol.. rather than a noun..

A symbol representing an idea of wholeness.. or the entirety of all things.

God is neither the whole world.. nor is God the Universe.

God is the sum total of all the parts.. put together.. throughout time.. and outside of time.

The Ancient One.. (symbolized by an a very old man.. with a long white beard)

Meaning.. that which has always existed.. and always will.

Universes.. probably arise like tiny expanding bubbles.. within the matrix of God.. opening up windows of consciousness.. that last for a while.. and then close.. as others open.. in a never ending process.

God is the harmony that exists between things.

God is the Imagination.

Or as Jesus Said……. God is a Spirit.

If there is anywhere that God doesn’t exist.. it is in the human mind.

And.. no.. I don’t mean atheists.. :-)

I mean.. God isn’t evil.

In the myth of the Fall.. that which was evil.. became separated from God.

And broke away from that which is whole.

The aim of the game.. is to remember who we really are.. and to become one with the Father.. once more.

That’s how I see it.. anyway.


"Hermes: Hush, son! and understand what God, what Cosmos is, what is a life that cannot die, and what a life subject to dissolution.

Yea, understand the Cosmos is by God and in God; but Man by Cosmos and in Cosmos.

The source and limit and the constitution of all things is God. "

Corpus Hemeticum


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15 Sep 2008, 9:14 pm

This is a rather lengthy extract from a short story by Dostoyevski..

(but rather a short extract.. from the perspectives of manic depressives.. like myself..;-))

It concerns the Fall of Mankind.. seen from the point of view of the Serpent in Eden.

Dostoyevski was very well read in the bible.. maybe because it was the only book he had to read during his 10 years in prison.. that's a possibility.

In this story.. he goes beneath the symbolism.. of the fall.. the tower of Bable.. etc.. and tells the truth.. of what the scriptures are really saying.

Some may see it as blasphemy.. but.. nevertheless.. all this is written in the scriptures.. concealed between the myths.. riddles.. and parables.... I have seen it myself.

The story begins..

"Well, they call me a madman now, but I don't mind, you see, I love them, especially when they're laughing at me. I'd like to share the joke with them, I would; I'd laugh at myself too. If only they didn't make me feel so sad.

What is it that makes me sad?

Well, you see, they don't know the truth, and I do."


The Fall of Mankind.. From the Serpent's Viewpoint.

"All I know is that I caused their fall from grace. Like a sinister trichina, like a plague germ contaminating whole kingdoms, I contaminated with my person that entire happy, sinless planet.

I spread contamination into that world. They came to understand shame, and made a virtue of it. The people learned from me how to lie. They came to love lying, to appreciate the beauty of lies. Then came jealousy, and jealousy begot cruelty.

They began talking in different languages. As the bacteria spread they began talking of honour, fraternity, independence, and what's mine and what's yours, and the more depraved they became, the more they applauded these ideas.

Slavery made its first appearance, even the voluntary slavery in which the weak submitted to the strong of their own free will; if only in order to gain their support to oppress those who were even weaker than themselves.

Very soon, blood was shed for the very first time. The people were shocked, frightened; they began to separate. They formed alliances, movements, unions, parties.

Recriminations and accusations began. They became all violently opposed towards one another...

And, as they became criminals, they invented the idea of justice. They began drawing up huge codes of law; and to maintain their law they erected scaffolds; and the notion that they had once been so happy made them laugh; and they called it a dream.

Religions began to emerge, worshipping the nonbeing, and self annihilation, for the sake of eternal repose in nothingness.

Saints came to those people and preached to them about their pride, their loss of a sense of proportion. The saints were laughed at and stoned. Their blood splattered the doors of the temples.

Bitterly disillusioned, the people threw themselves into sensuality at any cost, resorting to violence to satisfy their appetites.

A strange thing was, that while they no longer believed in their lost bliss, dismissing it as a dream, and yet they longed so much to become happy and innocent once more. Like small children, they begun to worship their desires.

Countless temples were built, in which they defiled their own desires; and proceeded to worship them, and prayed to this idea. Even though that were so sure their wishes could never come true, they worshiped them with tears in their eyes.

And then, great leaders appeared - claiming to know how to bring everyone together again. How to build a world based on unity and freedom.


Freedom for everyone to love himself far more than everybody else!

Great wars were fought for this idea.

And so it went on, systems, creeds, speeches, declarations, on and on, books, orators and governments, on and on the illusion of peace went, intellect, reason, self preservation. Everything that would force mankind to unite; everyone would serve the great idea.

Meanwhile the wise exterminated the unwise, in case they should get in the way of the idea's final and absolute triumph.

At last, finally, they were worn out with their meaningless existence. Suffering lined their faces. They proclaimed suffering to be beautiful, so they praised suffering in their songs.

I wandered among them, crying, pleading, I held up my arms to them in despair, accusing, hating myself. I had done it I said. I was responsible. I had infected them with contamination, corruption, vice, and lies.

I begged them to crucify me. I taught them how to make a cross. I longed to be martyred at their hands. I wanted my blood to be drained, every drop. Oh! for the torments that they were suffering!

But they just laughed at me and called me a madman and a fool. Finally they warned me that I was becoming dangerous and that they would lock me up in a madhouse if I didn't shut up.

And that's when I came to my senses. . ."

Extract: The Dream of the Ridiculous Man - by Fyodor-Dostoyevski

To read the full story..

With Visuals ... vski2.html

Printable Plain Text ... rsion.html


Last edited by Accelerator on 15 Sep 2008, 9:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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15 Sep 2008, 9:22 pm

slowmutant wrote:
I don't worship the laws of physics, if that's what you're saying. I worship God who authored the laws of physics and the world on which they act. For His is the power and the glory now and forever Amen ...

But earlier you mentioned your belief that God does not only rule over nature, but "is nature;" specifically, you likened him to a unifying equation. That was why I suggested that your view echoed pantheism, because you said that God and nature weren't separate entities, but that they were entangled.

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15 Sep 2008, 11:06 pm

ShawnWilliam wrote:
Here's a classic video of Evolution VS Creation ... re=related

evolutionist's first point: "There is substantial evidence from years of collecting bone samples that give us a great idea of how whales evolved into mammals"

creationist: "that doesn' prove that they evolved from each other, it might prove that we have a common designer"

evolutionist: "FORGET the bone samples, they are meaningless! we have tons of DNA from animals, that are remarkably similar"

creationsit: "humans share the same number of cromosones (sp?) as tobacco.. "

. . . scientist epic fail..


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15 Sep 2008, 11:13 pm

What does chromosome count have to do with anything?

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