EgaoNoGenki wrote:
This is my take on the Chinese forced-abortion policy: It's as brutal as the following:
A dictatorial regime puts out a population-control edict by giving every citizen between age 5 and retirement, an IQ test. Anyone who scores below 100 gets sent away to (what is euphemistically referred to as) "academic enrichment camps." They're given some training for a month and given a different, more thorough intelligence test. Anyone who scored in the bottom half gets sent away to be euthanized.
Forcibly aborting would be on the same cruel caliber as exterminating the mentally challenged.
With one large difference. A mental ret*d is a
person. A fetus is not. Even so, I oppose forced abortion since it is attacking the fetus which is the property of the woman carrying it. It is up to the woman alone whether she wishes the pregnancy to go to term (or natural miscarriage). Governments (or even private agents) should not violate the property of others, where property that which is created by the possessors own efforts or labor.
A good rule to follow:
What is mine is mine,
what is yours is yours,
what is hers is hers.