slowmutant wrote:
A divine deity, a Creator. Why is this such a hateful idea?
It's not the idea of the creator that's hateful.
It's the personification given to him by people, and the atrocity carried out in the name of a Deity that is hateful.
I hate the abrahamic god, not because of the message of Jesus..... that was actually a pretty good thing, but because of the way it's been twisted and abused throughout history, and is still abused today.
I'm neutral on the concept of a god, because whether god just popped into existence, or the universe just popped into existence...... something sometime somewhen just popped into existence. Whether it was God or the Universe doesn't matter, but we know the Universe exists, we just hope God exists. It is hard, in the presence of empirical evidence that the Universe exists, and a lack of Evidence of God, for a mind that believes in the logic of the scientific method to accept the premise of God. Occam's razor demands that we make as few assumptions as possible, and positing God popping into existence first is one really big assumption.
The Abrahamic God is a contradictory tangle of personifications that's been heaped upon by different times and cultures to the point where now he bares no resemblance to anything approaching reason.
Reason leads us to Secular Humanism, but if you look at the tenets of Secular Humanism and compare them to some of the more liberal Christian churches... They're really not that far off.
The fundamentalist churches who insist on exclusionary and vindictive attitudes ruin religion. This isn't limited to Catholicism, Christianity - But also Muslim sects and Jewish sects that are isolationist and/or militant/harsh. Shariat law is pretty damn rough, and what's worse is it actually has the force of law in some countries. Is that really what we want?