Sand wrote:
In all the major cities in Europe and the USA it's a real crisis for a guy to find a place in public to pee when it becomes extremely necessary. It's criminal to do it in public. But in the same cities I see dogs peeing on every tree. How come dogs have more rights than humans?
An interesting point.
Sand wrote:
Magnus wrote:
Sand, I'm not sure if you are just being silly or if you are trying to make light of animal rights issues. You do realize that approximately 4 million dogs are put down in shelters each year?
Sure. And millions of people are starving in Africa and hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in Iraq but what has that to do with pissing on trees?

Well said.
I don't have Aspergers, I'm just socially inept
Dodgy circuitry! Diagnosed: Tourette syndrome. Suspected: auditory processing disorder, synaesthesia. Also: social and organisation problems. Heteroromantic asexual (though still exploring)