Dussel wrote:
And this will stop amok-running cells from multiplying like mad? Any studies? Any theories how this influences those cells? No? So how do you support this claim?
Yes, there have been theories with supportive studies.
We do so since we started cooking, or even earlier. What do think what happens if you expose sugars and proteins to high heat? You find carcinogens in the crust of bread, in fried eggs etc. You find such substances in almost any food, but today less. In traditional food production no one had a clue what was going on.
The human body has a capacity to handle a certain amount of toxins, acrylamide in cooked food (for example) is something weve evolved with. But since the industrial era we have been busily inventing an array of new ones that do not occur in nature. Even as i type im inhaling pthalates, flame retardants etc.. the list seems endless when you start researching it.
It was the modern medicine which banned mercury out of the pharmacy. "Traditional" medicine used mercury, arsenic and almost any kind of poison for treatment. The first Chinese Emperor has been treated, via the "mild natural" medicine with his daily ration of mercury - no wonder that he turned later mad. Traditional European medicine used e.g. Bella Donna. Hyoscyamus niger was used for beer making, etc.
mercury is still used as a preservative and in (conventional) dentistry.
Tropane alkaloids such as atropine and scopolamine are still used in modern medicine. In fact i think supplies of atropine may still be extracted from belladonna, rather than synthesized (but dont quote me on that)
You have with modern medicine a much better surviving rate.
what exactly?
Remember, a comprehensive list to modern medicine is easy to find (it has a multi-billion industry behind it) but a comprehensive guide to natural medicine less so.
i think there are simply too many variables (known & unknown) for either of us to draw a definitive conclusion, we can only share how we have reached our own opinions.