Most Aspergian nation on planet
As far as I know there are few of us superior mutants in Austria. Even where I live, if I just nonchalantly walk down the street and wiggle my green tentacles at people they react negatively and if I casually munch on a few of their children their reactions are overwhelmingly unfriendly. When things get entirely out of control I can usually defend myself with my hooves and horns or stab a few NTs with the point on the end of my tail but it is usually easier and more comfortable to merely spread my bat wings and fly off where I can gobble a few pigeons on the way up. They're better sprinkled with pepper and salt and the feathers get caught in my teeth but I make do.
There are many aspies up north because, as we all know, aspies are very vulnerable to light and will burn up if exposed. Though summers can be a bit problematic.
Crucifixes (or the equivalent to X religion) and garlic has to be avoided as well.
"Purity is for drinking water, not people" - Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Great post!
davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.
Its my understanding that the UK has the highest concentration of aspies per capita of any country on Earth.
Thats because the average moron here is ever so obsessed with how normal they can be. *sighs*
Japan has the highest per capita autism in the world, I read one time. I have never been to Japan but it seems culture tends to revolve around computers, cartoons, baseball, cars, which are very similar to my interests...
Also, Japan is a country that works and has a high standard of living and the best technology in the world, maybe America should follow instead of fooling themselves with trying to find bs "cures".
I inherited hfa from my mom`s Swedish/Scottish side.
Japan's economy hasn't been anything to rave about in some 20 years.
* here for the nachos.
That is because they have been paying down their debt. That puts a damper on the economy but in the long run it leaves it in better condition.
Japan has a rather powerful "old boy" network and power elite. That might account for some of the lackluster performance.
But do not underestimate the Japanese. They have very few natural resources yet that have the second or third largest economy in the world sustained almost purely by value added economic activity. They -earn- their prosperity by production and peaceful trade and they have forsworn war.
You cannot knock that.
That is because they have been paying down their debt. That puts a damper on the economy but in the long run it leaves it in better condition.
Japan has a rather powerful "old boy" network and power elite. That might account for some of the lackluster performance.
But do not underestimate the Japanese. They have very few natural resources yet that have the second or third largest economy in the world sustained almost purely by value added economic activity. They -earn- their prosperity by production and peaceful trade and they have forsworn war.
You cannot knock that.
I'm not going to dispute that they're doing pretty good. However, the raw size of the economy of Japan is misleading, just as the raw size of China's is. The GDP per capita of Japan is around $38K by the CIA's count- well below that of the United States, Canada, and even Italy. Likewise, they need to work rather a lot to accomplish that, as their GDP per hour of work is over 25% lower than the US, France, etc.
And if memory serves me correctly, the Japanese' debt was incurred in the aftermath of the collapse of the Japanese asset bubble, the wake of which has been the stagnation of the Japanese economy over the past 2 decades.
Now, I suppose I'm not really taking into account how much they have to deal with e.g. not really having natural resources much, but of all the economies in the world to want to have, Japan's is no longer really one of them IMO.
(as an aside, given that Japan's population is aging and, in fact, shrinking, as I recall, I wonder whether they might be in for a rather rough ride in the long term as an increasing number of people are supported by a shrinking number of people)
* here for the nachos.
And if memory serves me correctly, the Japanese' debt was incurred in the aftermath of the collapse of the Japanese asset bubble, the wake of which has been the stagnation of the Japanese economy over the past 2 decades.
Apparently the Japanese have learned their lesson. Bubbles are not good. Now is only Lord Obama would realize that. I think the people of this country are in for a similar lesson. We have been converting debts into assets for far too long. The economic hens have come home to roost.
Because Japan is so poor in mineral wealth they have realized the innovation is their only mode of achieving prosperity. They can't cash in on gobs of oil like Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. There is no great world wide demand for their sushi so they will have to earn their keep by production and invention.
I think what the Japanese have gone through and are going through is a strong clue to what is in store for us. If we, as a nation, do not get smart and inventive P.D.Q. we are in for a long spell of substandard living. This country used to be a power house. We will have to be so again if we are to survive.
And if memory serves me correctly, the Japanese' debt was incurred in the aftermath of the collapse of the Japanese asset bubble, the wake of which has been the stagnation of the Japanese economy over the past 2 decades.
Apparently the Japanese have learned their lesson. Bubbles are not good. Now is only Lord Obama would realize that. I think the people of this country are in for a similar lesson. We have been converting debts into assets for far too long. The economic hens have come home to roost.
Because Japan is so poor in mineral wealth they have realized the innovation is their only mode of achieving prosperity. They can't cash in on gobs of oil like Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. There is no great world wide demand for their sushi so they will have to earn their keep by production and invention.
I think what the Japanese have gone through and are going through is a strong clue to what is in store for us. If we, as a nation, do not get smart and inventive P.D.Q. we are in for a long spell of substandard living. This country used to be a power house. We will have to be so again if we are to survive.
I concur absolutely. But although the USA still is abundantly graced with excellent science and educational institutions the trend seems to be to cut down on financing the creative end of US operations in favor of armaments and make it difficult for the real creative treasure of the country to get the excellent education it needs to become effective. There is already a discernible movement of scientists to move out of the USA which is great for India and China but a frightful mistake in policy for the USA. The best weapon of al Qaeda is the abysmally stupid policies of the Bush attitude on science out of the religious fundamentalists-
But Russia has, at least in German speaking countries, a reputation of being chaotic, not running by rules. Not really an Aspie trail.
Russia went through a period of chaos as a result of economic collapse that occured shortly after the breakup of the Soviet Union.
I mean, Russia was in a depression throughout most of the 1990s and it didnt formally end until 2001. There STILL is a lot of work to do on behalf of the Russian government to restore order but in terms of the culture, Russians are NOT inclined towards liberalism and believe in an orderly society with a powerful government.
The al Qaedists want the American response to be fundamentalist. Their religions movement spreads far more easily in a fundamentalist totalitarian environment. It is the same basis as a gang. Polarize your opponents opinion to an extreme. Reduce their freedoms and fill them with fear. At this point, the public will flock to whoever is perceived as most powerful.
They dont want us to be liberal, progressive, scientific. These are not conductive to the spread of radical Islam.
davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.
I concur absolutely. But although the USA still is abundantly graced with excellent science and educational institutions the trend seems to be to cut down on financing the creative end of US operations in favor of armaments and make it difficult for the real creative treasure of the country to get the excellent education it needs to become effective. There is already a discernible movement of scientists to move out of the USA which is great for India and China but a frightful mistake in policy for the USA. The best weapon of al Qaeda is the abysmally stupid policies of the Bush attitude on science out of the religious fundamentalists-
The Brain Drain goes both ways.
The reason why the U.S. got a world class science establishment was Adolph Hitler. Hitler's anti-Jewish, anti-intellectual policies sent many of Europes best and brightest here. In the fullness of time they had graduate students who in turn had graduate students and so it went.
The reason why we beat the Germans to the A-bomb is simple. Our Jewish physicists were better than their Jewish physicists. At one time Quantum Physics was a German Cottage Industry. But Hitler fixed that good.
I concur absolutely. But although the USA still is abundantly graced with excellent science and educational institutions the trend seems to be to cut down on financing the creative end of US operations in favor of armaments and make it difficult for the real creative treasure of the country to get the excellent education it needs to become effective. There is already a discernible movement of scientists to move out of the USA which is great for India and China but a frightful mistake in policy for the USA. The best weapon of al Qaeda is the abysmally stupid policies of the Bush attitude on science out of the religious fundamentalists-
The Brain Drain goes both ways.
The reason why the U.S. got a world class science establishment was Adolph Hitler. Hitler's anti-Jewish, anti-intellectual policies sent many of Europes best and brightest here. In the fullness of time they had graduate students who in turn had graduate students and so it went.
The reason why we beat the Germans to the A-bomb is simple. Our Jewish physicists were better than their Jewish physicists. At one time Quantum Physics was a German Cottage Industry. But Hitler fixed that good.
Too bad rocketry wasn't Jewish. The Nazis were one up on us in that one. It's impractical to circumsize a ballistic missile.
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