jbinion wrote:
In reality there is only one right religion whther it is christianity, judaism, or islam. And we are suppose to be able to have sex with whoever. Do we know what that right religion is? idk you tell me. but this world is so divided and ignorant.....but one day most may be able to share one religion. it's silly we are ppl we should be able to marry anyone. but i understand the religious thing. If my religion said i could marry someone of another religion I wouldn't. and I wouldn't period because she's not going to serve the same thing as me. But what if we can all be one thing, which we really should. God didnt make us to have all these divided religions and all that, we are suppose to be one
Or no religion at all!
As Henry David Thoreau said, "Simplify, simplify.”
davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.