claire333 wrote:
Yes. It is all my fault. I claim full responsibility. I had posted this:
Sand comes at a strange time,
Requesting limerick rhymes,
When thread derailers have gone off to bed.
Ignoring debate rules,
He uses tiny mouse tools,
To restore order to the parakeet's thread.
Now, in my sleep deprived state, I then noticed this was not the proper format for a limerick and tried to fix it to be a limerick, but once I hit submit I noticed Tallyman had already replied to my new rule of posting a tongue twister. So, I deleted it again and went to have a smoke to wake up a little more before posting my response to Tallyman and submitting a new rule.
New Rule: Someone fix this mess.
So, we all skipped the rule of making fun of Orwell. That's no fun. But, I will just fulfill Claire's rule here.
New Rule: The next poster must return to the debate of my thread derailment, and create rules such that this debate will continue until the thread dies, as in they must dictate as best as possible that every poster after them creates rules to continue the debate, and also must also lambast Sand for his trickery in breaking the chain of debate-continuing rules.