mmstick wrote:
For those inclined in religion we have this interesting article.
The scripture says about the beast in the revelation of Jesus: “…the name of the beast or the
number of his name. Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is six hundred sixty-six.” His full name is according to Wikipedia (link) he is Barack Hussein Obama. So let us count this name: Barack = 6, Hussein = 7, and Obama = 5 letters. In mathematics there is a calculation of average, usually abbreviated as AVG. Here is how to count: (6+7+5)/3 so the sum of letters to be divided with the number of the words (number divided with the amount of numbers) that is 18/3=6. Now we got the average number of letters of his name that is 6 and because he has 3 names (given, middle, family) each word in average equals to 6. That is 666 - the number of the beast.
Although I don't really believe that Obama is going to necessarily "change the world", I must say that your posts are pretty rediculous. It's really easy to find "facts" that further your own agenda, especially when you find your 'facts' in religion (which imo, really isn't 'facts' based, i thought that was the whole point of religion?). And, to say that no guns will lead to something resembling nazism is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Because you are only 15, I think i will blame your parents
Besides, I don't get my facts from religion. But for those who do they might flock to that.