The case for legalizing drugs
Xfractor Card #351

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oh well, drugs will never be totally legalized anyways.
yes, while your research looks good on paper, most people fail to add one factor, human nature. Trust me, don't be surprised to read that some kid takes pcp and goes apeshit in his school if drugs are legalized. I know kids who came to school high and drunk, last thing we need is some kids legally getting powerful mind dissocatives and harming his class mates.
This image is graphic but illustrates the effect of PCP
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Xfractor Card #351

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i wouldnt even say it looks good on paper. since when does logic tell you once something is legalized, more people will quit it? alcohol was illegal for a few years and now look at it. how many people do you think alcohol kills? how many alcholics are there? yeah we've seen a steady decline in alcoholics ever since it was legalized. shure is a nice island to live on i guess

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Cancer? Seems like a strange choice for them to make :/.
I think drugs should be legalized

I'm surprised to see the thread is already 3 pages, but I don't have time to comment right now, just about to start a session. I'll add my thoughts later.

oh well, drugs will never be totally legalized anyways.
I err on the side of caution as well because I dont trust the government or the general public to do what is just, and I CERTAINLY dont have the least bit of faith in those who think they have a right to interfere with peoples private lives! Those who oppose legalization are clearly favoring the Group over the individual...

Xfractor Card #351

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dude. what part of you can do drugs freely, dont you understand? im not a drug hater. as i have already said, getting caught is the tac on your ass. shure its a cat and mouse game but if drugs arent so bad, why do you need to continue to use? or have withdrawl symptoms? i even know potheads who withdraw, and thats a mild drug. its not like its rocket science here, and no im not some government loving individual. but here i agree, most drugs are awful for you, fry your brain, make you addicted and do all kinds of nasty stuff physically to you. its not like if you take crack your somehow gonna turn into a beauty queen, maybe you'll feel like one for awile but thats about it. every drug has a phase where it levels out, and you have to do more of it to get the same high. eventually death insues, somethings are better left as they are. we already have our beer and cigs
so knock it off already
[quote="Haliphron"][quote="richardbenson"] Those who oppose legalization are clearly favoring the Group over the individual... The masses want to use the law to enforce conformity to their standards and social norms.
my problem with drug legalazation is simple, drugs cause harm
victim of drugs
see, its stuff like this. Ever see what happens when a meth lab blows up? It destroys a city block and a toxic cloud is dispersed, chemicals including phosophoric acid gas, hydrogen cyanide gas, along with phosophine gas, a chemical used in WW1 as a weapon.
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Xfractor Card #351

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i'd like to know who would distribute all these clean drugs. im sure elli-lilly or pfizer would be more than happy, but who would regulate them? the government?
also what would a doctor write perscription for crack for? a sore back?
yes i know most drugs like cocaine, and marijuanna (not the cut up stuff) the plant where it is derived from have some theraputical, and medical atvantages, but most hardcore drugs do nothing more than create addiction only to destroy
see, its stuff like this. Ever see what happens when a meth lab blows up? It destroys a city block and a toxic cloud is dispersed, chemicals including phosophoric acid gas, hydrogen cyanide gas, along with phosophine gas, a chemical used in WW1 as a weapon.
This is exactly the type of propagandistic thinking that perpetuates the war on drugs and all of it's related evils. From a purely theoretical standpoint, why would you assume that ANY meth lab related problems would continue after legalization and regulation makes cleaner and cheaper drugs available to those who choose to use them? If it's not profitable to continue home brewing drugs, there won't be any home lab incidents. Linking to a story about a girl who swallowed acid is not a solid argument.
EDIT: The video is also a great example of pure MSM propaganda. Of course dangerous chemicals are an unfortunate consequence of drug production. So why leave it in the hands of cartels, or Thurman Tubbs, I'm sure they'll be responsible in disposing of the dangerous byproducts. The police officer wants citizens to be aware that these are the dangers of illegal drug manufacturing? How about reminding them WHY it is still a profitable business.
Last edited by Saitorosan on 19 Apr 2009, 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Swiss Government did not legalize heroin, but provides heroin free of charge to addicted person under controlled circumstances. Because legal heroine is very cheap they see it as a good way to bring the highly addicted persons into rehabilitation measurements or at least stopping those from committing crime and feeding the black market.
It is matter of costs: For the costs of one hour of a policeman you can easily maintain the heroin supply of a hard-core user for one month.
ever hear of moon shine? It is still being made to this day and I am not making a sterotype, I know people who live in the boondocks who make their own white mule. I know human behavior, people will do dumb stuff. People will make home labs even if it is legalized, the only difference would be that those people have no reason not to if its legal. and what I was pointing out is that even if it legalized, people are lazy,and will do this kinda stuff. I suggest you put thought into what ACTUALLY will happen if all drugs were legalized. I am all for pot legalazation but you want it so someone can go buy PCP? WTF!
I am a freak, want to hold my leash?
The most crime related to such drugs is not caused by the drug itself, but by the framework of an illegal market. I saw a lot of people under the influence of both drugs, and they were less violent than a lot of people under the influence of alcohol.
Especially with Methamphetamine the behaviour does not switch that much into violent pattern, but I saw more often (I heard) about obsessive behaviour to stay high. This behaviour ends, even by constant supply, after 72 to 96 hours, because the body can't fulfil any longer the demands of physical reserves the drug asks for and you fell into deep sleep. At the end you have strong hallucinations and often paranoia. You wake up often 20 hours later finding yourself in a deep depression with paranoid traces. Anyone how ran through this process will be in future much more careful with this particular drug.
With PCP it more complex, because it is less predictable. It can lead to any kind of behaviour: From extremely touchy and gentle to highly violent. In my experience the violent behaviour is rare.
see, its stuff like this. Ever see what happens when a meth lab blows up? It destroys a city block and a toxic cloud is dispersed, chemicals including phosophoric acid gas, hydrogen cyanide gas, along with phosophine gas, a chemical used in WW1 as a weapon.
This is exactly the type of propagandistic thinking that perpetuates the war on drugs and all of it's related evils. From a purely theoretical standpoint, why would you assume that ANY meth lab related problems would continue after legalization and regulation makes cleaner and cheaper drugs available to those who choose to use them? If it's not profitable to continue home brewing drugs, there won't be any home lab incidents.
The production costs of the most illegal drugs are in region of a few pennies by the gramme. Given the street price of up to £200 the gramme the only way to stop this illegal business with such high profit margins, would be a legalization.
Even if not completely eradicated, the majority of people who manufacture and distribute drugs would have no reason to continue if it were not profitable. I tried to give you as much leverage as possible by making it theoretical, as in the real world, the possibility of buying cheap, legal drugs from a perceptually more trustworthy source would drive the benefits of patraking in the drug trade into non-existence. If you are implying that the current state of the moonshine trade is even a pathetic shadow of itself during prohibition, you are probably beyond hope. The only people who would conceivably continue manufacturing drugs would be people who deemed the small (possible) cost advantage of making it for themselves to outweigh the risks of an admittedly dangerous undertaking. These benefits disappear when prohibition is lifted and regulation can be enacted.
This is not to mention the numerous advantages illustrated in the videos from the OP, I suggest watching those and maybe doing a little research before deeming an idea "ret*d."
only takes one homemade meth lab explosion to sicken a city. and if checked your history, all drugs were legal for the longest time and you know what? America had the highest addiction and crime rates. Hell, ever hear of the opium wars of china? Trust me, hard core drugs are illegal world wide for a reason. Its the soft stuff, pot, LSD, shrooms, that are legal becuase its harm it could cause is miniscule. No one ever took a machete to their arm taking pot, on PCP, there are numerous tales of them mutilation themselves and others.
I am a freak, want to hold my leash?