Henriksson wrote:
Atheism = Lack of belief
Agnosticism = Lack of balls
Agnosticism - I don't see the evidence of a God in any traditional or religious sense, not too sure on deist philosophy either, but I know enough to realize that my concept of reality is fragile, that the human mind can only grab so many paradigms at once with what limited knowledge about the universe and beyond that we have, and as reality is built on sand and the world has as much intricacy as it is; I'd be showing an unusual amount of braggadocio in claiming to know what lies beyond my capacities to know.
Atheism - I'm willing to not only wager that the answers to everything are real easy and anything seemingly more complicated is just us exercising too much acumen on fantasy. Not only am I willing to wager that there's nothing here but what science, only 2000 years after the 'bronze age', has unveiled - apparently we've hit the climax of discovery, we're here, we've proven there's no God beyond a reasonable doubt. I'm willing to wager, from that point, that everyone who doesn't believe what I do for whatever reason (usually either emotional weakness or ignorance, usually both) - is just flat out wrong and needs to admit it. We know everything there is and ever will be to know, we know that there is no God because we have all the evidence in front of us, people just need to drop their baby blankets and stop clinging to their mother's skirts.