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18 Jan 2016, 5:58 pm

Hopper wrote:
I wouldn't bother much with 'nature'. Look at what humans, in all their variety, have done and can do. To possibly be trite, it's legit to say no human can fly unaided. It's arsebiscuits to say men can't look after children, or women can't be engineers.

"True to nature" means true to real life. Everything in the universe is nature including our choices and technology. So obviously you can't be supernatural.

The model of power presented is not true to nature becuase social power is not like a tug of war. Where it either doesn't move or one side always concedes and there set amount to gain or loose.

One sides loss is not necessarily the other sides gain. Power can also grow or shrink independent of the other groups, but isn't mutual exclusive either and groups themselves overlap. Power dynamics can happen very rapidly too.

Anyone with influence can exert power on some group, it doesn't matter it that person is in a discriminated class, they could still make thing worse for that group and limit their freedom.

If groups can talk of concepts like 'micro-aggression' then giving a more accurate description of power's dynamic nature is worthwhile.

I am fine the idea the one group can hold the majority of the power but it doesn't necessarily follow that gender role are becuase of the group. That is a fallacy in fact.

Groups can be misidentified as part of the problem, when they are nothing of the sort.


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20 Jan 2016, 6:48 pm

There are always members of any marginalized class that enforce the class system on those beneath them; there were black slaves during slavery who were all for beating an uppity field hand, and who taught their own children to obey the master because it was right and good that black people should be slaves. That didn't make slavery, or what they taught their children, a 'black' system; it meant, usually, that those were some of the few individuals who benefited from the (white) American slave system as it was.

I'll reiterate again, when feminists talk about 'the patriarchy' (or when social scientists talk about the antebellum south), they're talking about the system, the aggregate of all people; they're talking about statistical outcomes. It's not about YOU, it's about whether someone like you, all other factors being equal, is statistically likely to do better or worse than, say, a female 'you' or a black 'you' or a gay 'you.' Because individual lives, when you add up one interaction after another over a lifetime, are influenced in their sum by those statistics.

If you had exactly the same parents and exactly the same education, but were black and had started experiencing the racism of this society since before you started to grow a beard (think Tamir Rice), would you be the same person you are now? Would you have achieved as much? What if you were the same person, with the same parents, but you went to a 90% African American school in an inner city, with rife gang violence? Would you be the same? What if you were the same you, with the same parents, but your parents had only half, or a third, or a fifth of the wealth that your parents actually have, because African American families carry less wealth on average.
The fact that you (I'm assuming, based in large part on the fact that you haven't mentioned any privation and you're on the internet, which means internet access and probably at more than a cell phone level given the detailed fisking that you are doing) didn't experience those things doesn't make you a bad person, by any means; you do not need to feel guilty over the privileges you have had simply for being born as you actually are. But if you allow yourself to think, once in a while, 'Sheeeiiit, that guy has had a really f*****g difficult life in a way that I can barely comprehend, we should change the country so that more people have the privileges I had growing up,' rather than 'Sheeeiit, that guy f****d up, he deserves to suffer for his sins*,' then maybe we can make this nation a little better.

*note please that I am not saying that 'you,' 0equalstrue, think this way; it's more of a plural, social 'you.' Because I *have* seen and heard other Americans speaking and writing this way.

edit: the fact that there are gender roles, in general (that is, the idea that there are genders, and that they fill different roles in society) are biological; afaik there hasn't ever been a human society without gender roles, although the native Americans were reputed to be at least somewhat fluid in some of the tribes. However, gender roles in specific (that is, the idea that one gender should do a and the other should do b) are clearly socially constructed, ridiculous evo-psych studies notwithstanding; for example, there was one that came out of England a couple of years ago, that was widely circulated in the media (as 'studies' which support the status quo always are) which purported to show that women liking pink and men liking blue was somehow innate, and which wasn't even supported by the researcher's own data if you actually read the study. Very, very few evopsych studies on gender or any other subject include real outgroups; the vast majority don't even make an attempt at involving outgroups, because it's way cheaper for university researchers to just use university students who, coincidentally, come from the same culture as the researchers themselves.

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20 Jan 2016, 6:56 pm

Kyle Katarn wrote:
Not generalizing or trolling, I know not all women are like this. But I hate the girls who win arguments by sheer power of obstinance, demand special treatment and whatnot. Those disgusting creatures should understand the world doesn't owe them a living because of their gender. So, I offer my sincere congratulations to the ladies who are reasonable and consider themselves equal to men. I support equalitarianism, not feminazism.

Ditto. The "woman is always right" crap is just as wrong as "the customer is always right." No one is always right.

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21 Jan 2016, 12:47 am

I am sure femnazis hate the mention the name of Sargon the Assad, critisizing and dismantling their hypocracy not to mention their double standards and high levels of stupidity and ignorance. Hes the bane of rad fems his bane damage is like +350 insta death!

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21 Jan 2016, 5:34 am

LKL wrote:
AspieOtaku wrote:
Rad femnazis are fat worthless and stupid, butthurt rejects who cannot get a mate and blame their failures in life on men because they are insecure abusive losers, no worries they are entertaining to troll and laugh at and make rage because they spend all their lives being hateful to men and being sexist s they deserve it. No worries they wont breed because nobody wants them, they are the rejected garbage of the human species nobody wants. They are stupid and incapable of logic or reason in anyway just being hateful spiteful butthurt tubs of lard nobody wants!

Very often, radfems have been raped and/or severely abused by men during their lives. There's a pretty strong correlation.
There's also a correlation between obesity and past sexual abuse (or there was in the past; maybe not as much now, since it's more common and I don't think that the abuse rate has gone up hat much).

Evidence, please?

And more importantly, you sound like a radfem yourself! Nevertheless, radfems are a byproduct of the lunatic fringe of 2nd wave feminism and they are DYING BREED.....

Modern feminism has vociferously rejected them as can be seen with Germaine Greer being denied permission to speak at a British University. This is a step in the right direction AFAIC.


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21 Jan 2016, 5:42 am

AspieOtaku wrote:

Personal attacks are against the rules, but since ya made that remark you seem to agree that ... s-rape-ok/ and all men are bad and stupid and and encourage this kinda idealogy:
Allow me to introduce myself...

My name is Krista, otherwise known as "The Femitheist". I am a female, a feminist, and someone who believes strongly in True Equality.

Now, I will begin explaining this entry before I post the actual article... for your discussion, of course.

Women MUST and WILL have equality, and this is the ONLY way to achieve TRUE equality. The testicles of all males, which produce the majority of their testosterone, are the primary cause of their violent behavior. The testicles also attribute greatly to many of the health problems men experience later in life (such as prostate cancer and, of course, testicular cancer).

~:The Solution... International Castration Day.:~

It is my belief (which I consider factual based on my research) that all men SHOULD be castrated. Not only for their own safety, but for the safety of all innocent women and children.

And, to achieve this...

The entire world should have an international holiday known as: "Castration Day"

Males of all ages will be brought to the public squares of their cities nude, to stand together in a circle, as they await castration by a woman known as "The Castrator", who will be a woman chosen from the public much like a juror.

Girls of all ages will attend, lining the streets to cheer and applaud the males as they join the rest of civilized society.

It will be a free vacation for any working woman. And, young girls will be able to leave school to attend this glorious ceremony.

The males will then have one hour to get to know their Castrator. Their female "spouse" will also be able to choose whether or not they would like to milk the male in order to retain a sperm sample.

If the male is too young for a "spouse", their mother or closest female relative will decide.

After this, the men will be given anesthetics. They will be placed on a table, where their Castrator will then slice open their ball-sack, remove their testicles, and the excess skin, stitch them up and clean them up.

They will be given thirty minutes to rest after the procedure.

Once the males have all been castrated, they will be grouped together again for one last look before walking nude back to their homes.

The women will then return to their jobs, schools, et cetera, and rejoice in the completion of yet another successful ceremony.

Any man who tries to evade this holiday, "Castration Day", should be murdered wherever they
are found (treated as a criminal, as it will be a crime not to attend). Or, forced to attend.
Regardless of age.

Any woman who disagrees should be provided therapy in order to free her from misogynistic indoctrination.

This holiday should replace the day known currently as "Father's Day".

If this practice were adopted officially all across the world, all war, crime, and violence would end.

We would have a true Eutopia, where peace reigns, and men do only what they exist for...





Disclaimer, this is not against feminism its against Femnazis there is a difference and if you dissagree and support such radical misandic ideas then your no different than the KKK when it comes to Black people. Why do I hate Femnazis? Same answer to why a Black person hates the KKK.

I'm so glad the Feminazi movement is breathing its last gasp. Also, I suspect these blogs like the one you quoted(which I've seen before) are created by people trying to get attention and stir the pot. I actually do wonder who the REAL person behind that blog might not be a radfem but someone who is even male masquerading as one trying to bait people!


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21 Jan 2016, 11:10 am

AspieOtaku wrote:
I am sure femnazis hate the mention the name of Sargon the Assad, critisizing and dismantling their hypocracy not to mention their double standards and high levels of stupidity and ignorance. Hes the bane of rad fems his bane damage is like +350 insta death!

It's Sargon of Akkad, actually. Other names worth mentioning are DoctorRandomercam, TL:DR (Teal Deer), the Honey Badger Brigade and Theryn Meyer (last one is a former feminist transperson. Very pleasant voice.)

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22 Jan 2016, 2:04 pm

AR15000 wrote:
LKL wrote:
AspieOtaku wrote:
Rad femnazis are fat worthless and stupid, butthurt rejects who cannot get a mate and blame their failures in life on men because they are insecure abusive losers, no worries they are entertaining to troll and laugh at and make rage because they spend all their lives being hateful to men and being sexist s they deserve it. No worries they wont breed because nobody wants them, they are the rejected garbage of the human species nobody wants. They are stupid and incapable of logic or reason in anyway just being hateful spiteful butthurt tubs of lard nobody wants!

Very often, radfems have been raped and/or severely abused by men during their lives. There's a pretty strong correlation.
There's also a correlation between obesity and past sexual abuse (or there was in the past; maybe not as much now, since it's more common and I don't think that the abuse rate has gone up hat much).

Evidence, please?

First three links on 'correlation between obesity and abuse:' ... s-the-link ... 40,00.html ... ty/420186/

This has been pretty well known for quite some time.
As for the correlation between radical feminism and abuse, I've talked to a few and every single one of them has mentioned having been raped at least once in their past, and several have mentioned being raped by their fathers or step-fathers.
And more importantly, you sound like a radfem yourself! Nevertheless, radfems are a byproduct of the lunatic fringe of 2nd wave feminism and they are DYING BREED.....

You are incorrect. Radical feminists generally advocate for more legislative control of men, simply for being men; often for separation between the sexes, or at least minimal contact; the most extreme wouldn't be unhappy with castrating most men and leaving only a few as 'breeders.' Nothing I have said has indicated any of those positions, so I can only imagine that you either don't know what radical feminism is, or you're trying to be deliberately insulting. I am a third-wave feminist, with strong sympathies towards intersectional feminism... as I have made clear.


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22 Jan 2016, 9:25 pm

Your Aspie score is 193 of 200
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27 Jan 2016, 6:59 pm

Yeah. There is #GamerGate conflict still ongoing. Infamous Anita Sarkeesian the feminist rights activist ruined it alongside with Zoe Quinn, Brianna Wu and the other Social Justice Warriors. She is so clueless and considering worst YouTube channel due to Social Justice Warriors feminist movement. They need to stop corrupt journalists/critics who were feminist, anti-GamerGate, and Social Justice Warriors. Anita Sarkeesian from Feminist Frequency need to quit. Just like Uwe Boll the infamous German-Canadian film director who made the movie based on video game. I know that Tropes vs Women in Video Games will be end in 2016 due to too many complaints. I'm a neutral to #GamerGate and SJW started it first by Gawker's Kotaku writers, Zoe Quinn and Nathan Grayson declared GamerGate as hostile just like started Eastern Ukraine War (same year as #GamerGate conflict was started).


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28 Jan 2016, 11:01 am

MasterChiefSnake wrote:
Yeah. There is #GamerGate conflict still ongoing. Infamous Anita Sarkeesian the feminist rights activist ruined it alongside with Zoe Quinn, Brianna Wu and the other Social Justice Warriors. She is so clueless and considering worst YouTube channel due to Social Justice Warriors feminist movement. They need to stop corrupt journalists/critics who were feminist, anti-GamerGate, and Social Justice Warriors. Anita Sarkeesian from Feminist Frequency need to quit. Just like Uwe Boll the infamous German-Canadian film director who made the movie based on video game. I know that Tropes vs Women in Video Games will be end in 2016 due to too many complaints. I'm a neutral to #GamerGate and SJW started it first by Gawker's Kotaku writers, Zoe Quinn and Nathan Grayson declared GamerGate as hostile just like started Eastern Ukraine War (same year as #GamerGate conflict was started).

Talk about FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS! :lol:

Most social justice warriors like Anita Sarkeesian and friends are just social climbers.


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28 Jan 2016, 12:52 pm

Noone really cares about Gamergate any more, sorry to ruin this MRA circlejerk


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28 Jan 2016, 5:44 pm

Fugu wrote:
Noone really cares about Gamergate any more, sorry to ruin this MRA circlejerk

Gamergate merely shone a light on what was going on in gender politics. However other event have been more relevant.


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28 Jan 2016, 6:13 pm

Gamergate was, and is, a joke.

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28 Jan 2016, 6:38 pm

0_equals_true wrote:
Fugu wrote:
Noone really cares about Gamergate any more, sorry to ruin this MRA circlejerk

Gamergate merely shone a light on what was going on in gender politics. However other event have been more relevant.
no, not really. it was just a bunch of toxic nerds going after women for daring to point out that women aren't caricatures with balloons where their midsection should be.


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28 Jan 2016, 6:41 pm

Astroturf faux feminist advocacy is real, and is not a joke.

Last edited by Nebogipfel on 28 Jan 2016, 6:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.