Vigilans wrote:
The Right to Life Ends at Birth
Uh ever heard of charities, as I pointed out earlier, a baby is not an individual that has murdered another individual like someone on death row.
Vigilans wrote:
Apparently, bringing up any other species (that have essentially identical systems that are merely configured in different ways) is a false equivalency.
So are you telling me you are a mollusk, snail, or a tree frog?
Vigilans wrote:
I'm so tired of this shifting goal post b.s., I don't know why anyone is even bothering here anymore.
I never shifted the goal posts, you guys keep trying to change the goal posts.
Vigilans wrote:
I humbly suggest people start posting stupid pictures to derail this thread, and I suggest to the administration that this topic be gagged, because it brings up hard talk, and accomplishes absolutely nothing
And I guess I just won the debate.
skafather84 wrote:
Why do you think I openly have no respect for him? Because there's nothing to respect.