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28 Jan 2016, 6:43 pm

Nebogipfel wrote:
Astroturf faux feminist advocacy is real, and is not a joke.
what does fake grass have to do with women's rights?


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28 Jan 2016, 6:48 pm

Fugu wrote:
Nebogipfel wrote:
Astroturf faux feminist advocacy is real, and is not a joke.
what does fake grass have to do with women's rights?

"Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participant(s)."


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28 Jan 2016, 6:52 pm

Nebogipfel wrote:
Fugu wrote:
Nebogipfel wrote:
Astroturf faux feminist advocacy is real, and is not a joke.
what does fake grass have to do with women's rights?

"Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participant(s)."
oh i see. so it's like what the men driving gamergate did then. are they astroturf activists?


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28 Jan 2016, 7:30 pm

The most significant events last year was the university protest and misuse of "safe spaces" and "trigger warnings".

Something not scientifically supported for the treatment of PTSD, but it wasn't being used for that anyway.

Also the concept of "no platforming".

Universities are supposed to be places where difficult ideas are discussed, the free flow of ideas. Student were voting in favour of ideas counter to the free society such as segregation, which civil right leaders fought against.

Gamergate identified some key players, and therefore their theories became more widely known. Some of them are perfectly well meaning, thoughtful, etc. Others not so much.


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28 Jan 2016, 8:37 pm

MasterChiefSnake wrote:
Yeah. There is #GamerGate conflict still ongoing. Infamous Anita Sarkeesian the feminist rights activist ruined it alongside with Zoe Quinn, Brianna Wu and the other Social Justice Warriors. She is so clueless and considering worst YouTube channel due to Social Justice Warriors feminist movement. They need to stop corrupt journalists/critics who were feminist, anti-GamerGate, and Social Justice Warriors. Anita Sarkeesian from Feminist Frequency need to quit. Just like Uwe Boll the infamous German-Canadian film director who made the movie based on video game. I know that Tropes vs Women in Video Games will be end in 2016 due to too many complaints. I'm a neutral to #GamerGate and SJW started it first by Gawker's Kotaku writers, Zoe Quinn and Nathan Grayson declared GamerGate as hostile just like started Eastern Ukraine War (same year as #GamerGate conflict was started).

LOL Sarkeesian et. all ruined what, exactly?
Are you suddenly not able to play the games that you used to play?


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28 Jan 2016, 8:38 pm

Gamergate is a moronic hashtag originating on Twitter and highlighting the concept of social media "slacktivisim."

Any idiot could claim to be a part of Gamergate, for good or ill.


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28 Jan 2016, 11:02 pm

AR15000 wrote:
MasterChiefSnake wrote:
Yeah. There is #GamerGate conflict still ongoing. Infamous Anita Sarkeesian the feminist rights activist ruined it alongside with Zoe Quinn, Brianna Wu and the other Social Justice Warriors. She is so clueless and considering worst YouTube channel due to Social Justice Warriors feminist movement. They need to stop corrupt journalists/critics who were feminist, anti-GamerGate, and Social Justice Warriors. Anita Sarkeesian from Feminist Frequency need to quit. Just like Uwe Boll the infamous German-Canadian film director who made the movie based on video game. I know that Tropes vs Women in Video Games will be end in 2016 due to too many complaints. I'm a neutral to #GamerGate and SJW started it first by Gawker's Kotaku writers, Zoe Quinn and Nathan Grayson declared GamerGate as hostile just like started Eastern Ukraine War (same year as #GamerGate conflict was started).

Talk about FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS! :lol:

Most social justice warriors like Anita Sarkeesian and friends are just social climbers.

It is very gaming controversy about women in video games. She is anti-GG and feminist in SJW. I don't hate her and don't watch her videos. I just ignore her and #GamerGate.
LKL wrote:
MasterChiefSnake wrote:
Yeah. There is #GamerGate conflict still ongoing. Infamous Anita Sarkeesian the feminist rights activist ruined it alongside with Zoe Quinn, Brianna Wu and the other Social Justice Warriors. She is so clueless and considering worst YouTube channel due to Social Justice Warriors feminist movement. They need to stop corrupt journalists/critics who were feminist, anti-GamerGate, and Social Justice Warriors. Anita Sarkeesian from Feminist Frequency need to quit. Just like Uwe Boll the infamous German-Canadian film director who made the movie based on video game. I know that Tropes vs Women in Video Games will be end in 2016 due to too many complaints. I'm a neutral to #GamerGate and SJW started it first by Gawker's Kotaku writers, Zoe Quinn and Nathan Grayson declared GamerGate as hostile just like started Eastern Ukraine War (same year as #GamerGate conflict was started).

LOL Sarkeesian et. all ruined what, exactly?
Are you suddenly not able to play the games that you used to play?

Exactly. She is not a gamer. She dislikes violence video games and she is a pacifist due to feminist. She stole the money from Kickstarter that she did not give the backers a reward and making awful video projects about Tropes vs Women in Video Games. Finally while making Tropes vs Women in Video Games, she stole the video off from YouTube featuring gameplay footages such as let's play, speed run, walkthrough, and playthrough. She never gave credit and share the profit for YouTube monetizaton without permission. Also she stole the art cover from the Dragon's Lair game cover into Tropes vs Women in Video Games art cover.

But there is only one person who is infamous high-functional autism on internet that couldn't ignore the GamerGate issues and joining the SJW/anti-GamerGate. That was Christian Weston Chandler. Chris-chan saw the Wikipedia and claimed it GamerGate group are harassing on women and GamerGate are cyber-bullies and trolls. The Wikipedia is lying. How could not understand what is GamerGate mean. Chris will be attack by GamerGate group. It's like joining pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine. Just look at this picture from Chris's Facebook.



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29 Jan 2016, 1:26 am

XFilesGeek wrote:
Gamergate is a moronic hashtag originating on Twitter and highlighting the concept of social media "slacktivisim."

Any idiot could claim to be a part of Gamergate, for good or ill.


Ironically enough, the only time I hear about Gamergate these days is from feminists who seem to think they're some sort of vast conspiracy lurking behind every political movement they dislike. They're also a good example of the Streisand Effect, as I doubt I'm the only one who would never have even heard of them absent the feminist/SJW shrieking about them all over the internet.

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29 Jan 2016, 7:59 am

Dox47 wrote:
XFilesGeek wrote:
Gamergate is a moronic hashtag originating on Twitter and highlighting the concept of social media "slacktivisim."

Any idiot could claim to be a part of Gamergate, for good or ill.


Ironically enough, the only time I hear about Gamergate these days is from feminists who seem to think they're some sort of vast conspiracy lurking behind every political movement they dislike. They're also a good example of the Streisand Effect, as I doubt I'm the only one who would never have even heard of them absent the feminist/SJW shrieking about them all over the internet.


That's why I tend to think of SJW/radfems and Gamergate as two sides of the same dumb coin.

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29 Jan 2016, 9:16 am

Militancy on any subject is not good. I am so tired of the double standards on both sides it makes me ill. And, I really get annoyed when something I do believe in gets taken over by anybody militant. Militancy is the last step to removing the option of conversation.

And, the hypocrisy of most of those people is amazing.

Advocacy can be dangerous. Advocates can become the very thing they hate.

I go a site a lot that deals with how women are portrayed in the entertainment industries and the overt sexuality in everything. They hit the mark every time in the old days. But as time has worn on, and it's popularity has grown, it has expanded to just about trying to make all art devoid of any sexual attractiveness and reduce everything to a common denominator.

It has also gone so far as to include materials that were specifically designed for the erotic market. Now, for the erotic market, seriously, it is all about sexualization of everything and everybody.

I just can't take anything serious when on the one hand, it's "They are too sexy" to, "Why aren't they fat and schlubby like most of the population?" to, "This is too fat and schlubby".

So, the mission to point out the very real portrayal of things that have been overtly sexual has become a platform for something else in some cases to fill space.

Too many times, people with an axe to grind, get lost when they win and do not know how to stop escalating things to keep 'relevant.'

And, the people who (on both sides) do the things they complain about, it really smacks of desperation or blindness or a combo.

And the argument of "They call me a b***h when I do something they don't like" is getting really old. Those people are blind to the fact that when the men did it, everybody had no trouble calling them a "Son of a b***h, bastard, as*hole, or fill in the blanks invective."

And, BTW, women are becoming CEO's and college graduates faster and faster. They are outpacing the men in all areas of advancement.

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29 Jan 2016, 12:27 pm

XFilesGeek wrote:
Dox47 wrote:
XFilesGeek wrote:
Gamergate is a moronic hashtag originating on Twitter and highlighting the concept of social media "slacktivisim."

Any idiot could claim to be a part of Gamergate, for good or ill.


Ironically enough, the only time I hear about Gamergate these days is from feminists who seem to think they're some sort of vast conspiracy lurking behind every political movement they dislike. They're also a good example of the Streisand Effect, as I doubt I'm the only one who would never have even heard of them absent the feminist/SJW shrieking about them all over the internet.


That's why I tend to think of SJW/radfems and Gamergate as two sides of the same dumb coin.

Would you care to expand on that theory, or are you referring mainly to the rabid cacophony of screaming half-wits on social media who are representative of, well, themselves and little else?


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29 Jan 2016, 12:38 pm

zkydz wrote:
And, BTW, women are becoming CEO's and college graduates faster and faster. They are outpacing the men in all areas of advancement.
good point. that makes all the harassment gamergate inspired truly worth it. :roll:


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29 Jan 2016, 3:06 pm

Fugu wrote:
zkydz wrote:
And, BTW, women are becoming CEO's and college graduates faster and faster. They are outpacing the men in all areas of advancement.
good point. that makes all the harassment gamergate inspired truly worth it. :roll:

rationalwiki :roll:


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29 Jan 2016, 4:13 pm

adifferentname wrote:
rationalwiki :roll:
cited sources :roll:
backing up your claim :roll:

good thing you're commited to accuracy isn't it?


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29 Jan 2016, 6:10 pm

How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?


Two. One to (actually)change the bulb and the other to tweet about how the bulb is exploiting the socket!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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29 Jan 2016, 6:11 pm

AR15000 wrote:
How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?


Two. One to (actually)change the bulb and the other to tweet about how the bulb is exploiting the socket!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
how many MRAs does it take to change a lightbulb? none, it's really about ethics in gaming journalism.