Ragtime wrote:
Believe me, I've had awesome, mind-blowing, heart-attack inducing sex, and I've served in ministry that God has given me -- and ministry is better, hands down. You've had the first (I assume), but you've never done the second, so you're out of the know here. There is simply no amount of physical/emotional/intellectual stimulation that can reach the total awesomeness of the genuine spiritual fulfillment of being in sync with your Creator. Life just DOESN'T GET better than that! That's why I'm willing to renounce sex for ministry -- 'cause ministry's way better, both for the good of others and for personal fulfillment.
I think if I had sex which induced damage to
my heart, I'd give it up too.
And no, I've had love, which I'm not sure that
you really have, given the way you put things,
outside of your love of a construct of your mind.
Hell, it's really the same thing, IMHO.