The_Chosen_One wrote:
Unfortunately, the stereotype has been created that a gun owner will more than like try to be a hero than a responsible person, because we see this all the time in the media. It can't be ignored, so we can only go by what we are shown day in and day out. Plus the fact that too many of these weapons are too readily available to anyone who can get a permit and who has the cash. How many cases also are there where people have their guns stolen from their homes, or their children take them to school and they are stolen from their bags? Far too many I would imagine. The only safe weapon is no weapon at all, because as has been said, they are only designed for one purpose, and that is to kill. Worrying about corrupt police or corrupt governments is just another excuse to justify a 'need' which really isn't relevant in today's society. Maybe I am lucky living in Australia where we don't have the corruption that you guys do. That makes it all the better for me, but it still means that you guys have a long way to go.
That's your problem right there. You rely on the television and the local news to tell you everything to think and believe. In other words your a sheep. You are post-militantly conventional. You are the status quo, liberal brand. It's ironic that you'd go through my other posts and find the one furthest against conventional thinking (sexual rights post) to attack is it not?
You think because you call yourself a pagan and you probably have purple hair and wear maskara that your an individual. Truth is, there are hundreds of thousands just like you. They all claim to be "open minded", but in reality you are all incredibly ignorant. Individuality isn't something you can buy at Hot Topic, you know?
Most of the greatest minds ever who broke the most grounds were NON-CONVENTIONAL, they didn't blindly follow everything the majority thought, believed, and acted on. They ****questioned****** the majority, something you are obviously psychotically against.