zer0netgain wrote:
Vexcalibur wrote:
Double standard, somehow when the man has sex you don't bring the whole responsibility or "he made a decision" charade you bring in the case of the woman.
No. I am simply putting out the fact that a woman gets all the options, and her "obligation" ends at 9 months.
No, it doesn't.
A man gets NO options AT ALL, and his obligations run for 18 years.
He should have worn a condom, since apparently they are perfect and never fail. Or he could have used a vasectomy. OR he could just avoid putting his penis inside vaginas.
This goes to your claim that a woman should have a "right to choose"
The woman HAS the right to choose.
when the father gets no rights whatsoever.
The poor guy.
In case of pregnancy, the father is "an interested party" and the mother is a "committed party" . The baby is an eggs and bacon breakfast. The father is the chicken that provides eggs, whilst the Mother is the pork.
If a man is expected to bear responsibility for his choices, why is not that same reasoning valid for the mother?
If the mother chooses badly (aka decides not to have an abortion) then she will also pay for the responsibility of child bearing.
Oh sure, she gets 100% decision power. This "double-standard" was, unfortunately provided by nature. The mother is the one whose body is bound by pregnancy.
YOU CANNOT, UNDER ANY ARGUMENT PROVIDE MAN WITH 1%, 0.1% or 0.01% decision power about abortion WITHOUT invading the woman's body rights.
That's the problem. That's the reason why the woman should get 100% decision power regarding abortion. It would be immoral to do otherwise.
So, instead of asking to invade the woman's body autonomy. Ask for a law to be made that allows the father to renounce of responsibility before abortion. Until then, if you are a guy worried about falling for this, just don't make women pregnant.