Humanaut wrote:
He doesn't have the authority to "push it in a fit of pique because he didn't get his way." "Sir the Russians have launched their nukes" is a completely different scenario.
Theoretically, since it's never happened, he actually does. Morally you could say it's not right, you can say it's not smart or reasonable, but at the end of the day he's the Commander in Chief, he has absolute say over military operations-- he just can't declare war, that's congress' job. That being said, the US doesn't declare war anymore, we just go bomb s**t and merely call it "an operation".
TBH, I don't even think there's a fail safe past the President, perhaps there's an aspie here with a hard-on (ahem, special interest) for constitutional law that could answer that one.
I would say no, the president cannot launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike as that would be an act of war which congress would need to declare. If the president were to go off his rocker I think there are forces in and outside our government that would ensure that nuclear armageddon and would disregard the orders of the president.