burnse22 wrote:
Is Atheism Satanism?
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No it is simply a different way of thinking. The idea of gods and devils can be somewhat silly, the supposed amazing things that are in their names cannot really be proven. They have to be accepted on faith and faith alone. Religion has nothing to do with working out how the world works. It has a lot to do with fear and in the earlier times to make more sense of world. However making sense doesn't mean they got it right. Today religion no longer makes more sense but rather to it eridicate our fears of what will happen will we die. Will we disappear from existence or continue on in some form or the other, whether it reincarination or heaven and its opposite hell. It doesn't matter has long it serves its purpose.
Another reality is that no religion is perfect and in fact those tend to follow their religion to the letter become real threats to society. Yet, maybe we all have no idea how to really interpet these religions. Maybe we are all wrong or right. Anywho, I think it makes more sense to be free of all those idea and to forge your own path. Why should we keep following in the same path? Will it get any better, this world, if we do? Of course not. We need to try a different path. Yes, we may fall but what you do is you get back up and try again. Countries runed by religion are the worst kind. They tend to be intolerant of others and possibly discriminate amongst their own kind. When the united states was formed they knew this. They made it so any anyone of any religion could have their say in what government should do their country and not one religion.
Unfortunately, christianity seems to dominate the USA and thus a bais is formed against the minorities. Sad that, but I suppose that will always be the case until we learn to make choices based on what we really need and not the dictates of any religion. I honestly can't see why religion are precived as morally correct. Morality is separate from religion. Morality overall doesn't exist. What morality does exist is our own indivdual rules to how we live our lives. No one should follow others if they aren't being true to themselves. Just because a religion commands that you don't kill or steal or lie or anything consider by popular opinion doesn't man it is the foundation of all morality. Ask yourself how many have commited terrible acts and still call themselves christian, islamic or whatever? Sadly they acted in a way that they truely believed to be morally correct, otherwise they wouldn't of done it. If the defination of morally is what is right or wrong, then it is a poor one indeed. Morality can't be described in such black and white terms. What is right or wrong? Would you agree with a neighbour or trust in yourself?
To call atheisim is satanism is complete, bull&*( okay?