diablo291 wrote:
I also don't understand the whole radical feminist movement going on. Am I a bad person for being male?
Of course not! Please don't take it personally.
No, what feminism is about is that there is an unjust, institutionalized, impersonal, social system that enforces gender roles and is oppressive to both men and women. This system is called patriarchy. To quote wikipedia, "It often includes any social mechanism that evokes male dominance over women. Feminist theory typically characterizes patriarchy as a social construction, which can be overcome by revealing and critically analyzing its manifestations."
As a male, you benefit from institutionalized male privilege. You didn't do anything to deserve or earn this, you didn't ask for this but you do have it. Don't think of it as a bad thing. Instead, use it. Use your voice to
advocate for women in male dominated spaces.
Some women do prefer to have spaces free from men, not all the time, just sometimes. There are some behaviors that men tend to engage, like mansplaining, objectification, talking over you, in that are irritating to women that are manifestations of patriarchy, rape culture, or male privilege. This is not an attack on you, rather many of us just want a break from dealing with patriarchy and having to explain things. Even if you don't engage in those behaviors, there is still a context of male privilege that can creep in, it can make it difficult for some women to open up.
Sometimes on social media you might also see people being a little too over eager to make blanket attacks on all men and such. The important thing is to not take it personally. It is not about you. It is a backlash against patriarchy, a cry of the oppressed creature.