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03 Oct 2016, 10:54 am

I have seen quite a few people here claiming to be NT but yet it was clear they were not because they clearly had a mental issue. To me NT is just a empty word so it doesn't define anyone so anyone can call themselves that all they want if they are not autistic, I just don't have to agree with their own assessment. If a Bipolar person wants to call themselves an NT or someone with ADHD or someone with dyslexia or someone with clinical depression, their right.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.


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03 Oct 2016, 11:02 am

Soulsparrer wrote:
smudge wrote:
That's a bit far fetched, isn't it?

I agree, plus not everyone who isn't AS is an "NT", there are other mental diagnoses, and lots of people have undiagnosed mental issues - some of the more extreme bullies likely have mental or behavioral problems as well (that doesn't excuse their behavior, but it just points out why the black/white "us vs everyone else" mindset is myopic).

Plus this "AS vs NTs" mindset seems pretty unhealthy and tribalistic or "cultish", along with all of the generalizations about anyone who isn't AS being a "dumb jock or bully". There are plenty of non-AS people who are perfectly well-adjusted individuals, and there are people with AS who are complete as*holes.

(Wikipedia members for example; I think there's a high ratio of autism in the Wikipedia community; I sometimes make minor edits to articles, and a good percentage of those who disagree with my edits just yell "rules" at me and essentially tell me to go F myself).

I have met lots of a***holes with AS, moderate and high functioning. I'm not going to go into it because it's all been said zillions of times before. I just can't believe Kraichgauer and auntblabby in this case have gone really backwards.

I think those in Wikipedia who are disagreeing with your editing, are just taking it personally that you're basically saying they're wrong. They will make up stuff like you're being unscientific, illogical, all the buzz words, all the BS they can come out with to discredit you in revenge. It's pathetic really.

I've left WP.


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03 Oct 2016, 11:09 am

League_Girl wrote:
I have seen quite a few people here claiming to be NT but yet it was clear they were not because they clearly had a mental issue. To me NT is just a empty word so it doesn't define anyone so anyone can call themselves that all they want if they are not autistic, I just don't have to agree with their own assessment. If a Bipolar person wants to call themselves an NT or someone with ADHD or someone with dyslexia or someone with clinical depression, their right.

I've noticed that also.

I've left WP.

Snowy Owl
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03 Oct 2016, 11:10 am

smudge wrote:
Soulsparrer wrote:
smudge wrote:
That's a bit far fetched, isn't it?

I agree, plus not everyone who isn't AS is an "NT", there are other mental diagnoses, and lots of people have undiagnosed mental issues - some of the more extreme bullies likely have mental or behavioral problems as well (that doesn't excuse their behavior, but it just points out why the black/white "us vs everyone else" mindset is myopic).

Plus this "AS vs NTs" mindset seems pretty unhealthy and tribalistic or "cultish", along with all of the generalizations about anyone who isn't AS being a "dumb jock or bully". There are plenty of non-AS people who are perfectly well-adjusted individuals, and there are people with AS who are complete as*holes.

(Wikipedia members for example; I think there's a high ratio of autism in the Wikipedia community; I sometimes make minor edits to articles, and a good percentage of those who disagree with my edits just yell "rules" at me and essentially tell me to go F myself).

I have met lots of a***holes with AS, moderate and high functioning. I'm not going to go into it because it's all been said zillions of times before. I just can't believe Kraichgauer and auntblabby in this case have gone really backwards.

I think those in Wikipedia who are disagreeing with your editing, are just taking it personally that you're basically saying they're wrong. They will make up stuff like you're being unscientific, illogical, all the buzz words, all the BS they can come out with to discredit you in revenge. It's pathetic really.

Right, and for what it's worth in my HS the most genuinely "popular" people were pretty nice and well-adjusted, some of the guys did some mild teasing but it wasn't anything severe, and one of them even apologized.

On the flip side the guys who were the biggest bullies were losers who could barely even finish in the grade, one dude called me "gay" and a "nerd", and after he finally graduated he ended up not finding a good job and moving in with a woman old enough to be his mom who wore the pants in the relationship (while I've gotten lucky with hot chicks who never would have given him the time of day).

And yeah, posts like auntblabby's and the like are why I could never be a liberal, I just see way too much of an unconstructive "woe is me", perpetual victimhood mindset, along with claims of "tolerance" but a judgmental and vindictive mindest to anyone who they consider their "oppressors". Sure on the far-right you'll see a victimhood mindset about "the gubberment, the librul elites, etc" too, but on the right-wing side I often see a lot more constructive solutions to life's problems, rather than just looking for some group of "oppressors" to blame, or wanting "the government" to solve all of one's personal issues.


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03 Oct 2016, 12:02 pm

So who do you consider the most 'right-wing aspies' here? Who are these bullies? I am the biggest Trump supporter here so does this include me? I'd like to defend myself if that is the case.

To answer the question of this thread, I think it's dependent a lot on the culture you came up in. I grew up in the poor urban inner city, I was a minority every day of my life in school and this district is among the worst in the entire country. I grew up despising the district administration which kept me trapped in substandard schools who had absolutely zero resources for me. They did not help or want to help me and my parents had to fight for everything, I've told this story a couple times on here but when I got diagnosed(after failing basically every class in 9th grade) my therapist wanted me to go to this specialized private school and the law in my state was that if the district could not provide the appropriate special education then they had to pay for them to go out of district all except for ONE county in the state and just happened be the one I lived in. The city I'm from has been controlled by Democrats for over 50 years and literal Socialists before that, I grew up with working class people altho most manufacturing and good union jobs were gone by the time I could remember with only public employees really having good secure jobs. I walk out my door today and see more buildings under construction within a mile of where I live than I did my entire life back in Milwaukee, it's such a stark difference. The Democratic leadership in my old state moved away from working class union roots to "progressive" identity politics depending on minority support. Explaining the racial dynamics of where I am from could fill a whole book, I am not kidding and I think it'd be a good book too because Milwaukee I think is uniquely downtrodden altho I guess I haven't spent much time in Detroit or Cleveland but being counted among those cities bad enough.

I was always been interested in politics, my dad listened to talk radio so I grew up with Clinton scandals which left an impression on me as a young boy. I toyed with supporting Obama in 2008, I saw him in person but I decided against him before the end since I didn't believe his rhetoric(I was really underwhelmed with his speaking ability which was being hyped ridiculously) and there were issues I disagreed with particularly there was something during that summer about opening up ANWR to oil production which the idea that I think overstated environmental concerns over the prosperity of their citizens. The downturn in 2008 really didn't effect me too much as where I lived was already scrapping the bottom of the barrel in terms of suffering.

I didn't like typical Republicans, I supported Ron Paul for the presidency and was disgusted with the politics in the RNC which rigged it against Ron similarly to how they did against Bernie. I was lukewarmly supporting Rand Paul in this election until Donald Trump entered the race and spoke directly the concerns of the rust belt and he promised to overthrow the political order that had rigged the previous contests against Ron Paul and he succeeded in part because of the rule changes they made trying to lock Ron Paul and his supporters out of the nominating process.

If Trump is defeated and the establishment Republicans regain control then I could never vote for them, I've always been a dissident. If Trump hadn't won the nomination and it went to Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio then I would probably be supporting Jill Stein(voted for GJ in 2012 but he lost me in between especially with Weld as his VP) as a protest vote. Stein seems like a genuine outsider as opposed to the Libertarian ticket this year.


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03 Oct 2016, 12:22 pm

smudge wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
I get the impression that the most right-wing aspies here are the ones most invested in passing for NT.

That's a good possibility.

since I first noticed WP in 2005 [didn't join until 2010] I've noticed the high-functioning right wing aspies here seem contemptuous of their lower-functioning brethren, they often seem to take umbrage against their lower-functioning brothers of the spectrum who cannot simply "jerk themselves up by their own bootstraps" to become more like the self-appointed "upperclassmen" of WP. it is almost like they want us to worship them.

If they had been NT's back in school, they'd have been the jocks who used to bully us - the very same jocks they choose to defend whenever the topic comes up!

That's a bit far fetched, isn't it?

Not at all. They've stood up for those bullying jocks whenever the subject comes up, making me think that they feel a certain kinship to those sports revelling bullies.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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03 Oct 2016, 12:25 pm

auntblabby wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
If they had been NT's back in school, they'd have been the jocks who used to bully us - the very same jocks they choose to defend whenever the topic comes up!

in the army it was similar types of people who did indeed bully me around and express outrage that somebody like me was even in "their" army.


when i first started getting the typical high-handed responses from them [here on WP], it reminded me of my army days, in fact.

Yeah. It brought to mind the schoolyard bullies back in junior high and high school who made my life miserable.

now they use their superior verbal skills as fists against us.

Don't underestimate your own mastery of language my friend. I think the two of us have managed to be pretty impressive wordsmiths, if I dare say so myself!- 8)

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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03 Oct 2016, 12:27 pm

Jacoby wrote:
So who do you consider the most 'right-wing aspies' here? Who are these bullies? I am the biggest Trump supporter here so does this include me? I'd like to defend myself if that is the case.

To answer the question of this thread, I think it's dependent a lot on the culture you came up in. I grew up in the poor urban inner city, I was a minority every day of my life in school and this district is among the worst in the entire country. I grew up despising the district administration which kept me trapped in substandard schools who had absolutely zero resources for me. They did not help or want to help me and my parents had to fight for everything, I've told this story a couple times on here but when I got diagnosed(after failing basically every class in 9th grade) my therapist wanted me to go to this specialized private school and the law in my state was that if the district could not provide the appropriate special education then they had to pay for them to go out of district all except for ONE county in the state and just happened be the one I lived in. The city I'm from has been controlled by Democrats for over 50 years and literal Socialists before that, I grew up with working class people altho most manufacturing and good union jobs were gone by the time I could remember with only public employees really having good secure jobs. I walk out my door today and see more buildings under construction within a mile of where I live than I did my entire life back in Milwaukee, it's such a stark difference. The Democratic leadership in my old state moved away from working class union roots to "progressive" identity politics depending on minority support. Explaining the racial dynamics of where I am from could fill a whole book, I am not kidding and I think it'd be a good book too because Milwaukee I think is uniquely downtrodden altho I guess I haven't spent much time in Detroit or Cleveland but being counted among those cities bad enough.

I was always been interested in politics, my dad listened to talk radio so I grew up with Clinton scandals which left an impression on me as a young boy. I toyed with supporting Obama in 2008, I saw him in person but I decided against him before the end since I didn't believe his rhetoric(I was really underwhelmed with his speaking ability which was being hyped ridiculously) and there were issues I disagreed with particularly there was something during that summer about opening up ANWR to oil production which the idea that I think overstated environmental concerns over the prosperity of their citizens. The downturn in 2008 really didn't effect me too much as where I lived was already scrapping the bottom of the barrel in terms of suffering.

I didn't like typical Republicans, I supported Ron Paul for the presidency and was disgusted with the politics in the RNC which rigged it against Ron similarly to how they did against Bernie. I was lukewarmly supporting Rand Paul in this election until Donald Trump entered the race and spoke directly the concerns of the rust belt and he promised to overthrow the political order that had rigged the previous contests against Ron Paul and he succeeded in part because of the rule changes they made trying to lock Ron Paul and his supporters out of the nominating process.

If Trump is defeated and the establishment Republicans regain control then I could never vote for them, I've always been a dissident. If Trump hadn't won the nomination and it went to Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio then I would probably be supporting Jill Stein(voted for GJ in 2012 but he lost me in between especially with Weld as his VP) as a protest vote. Stein seems like a genuine outsider as opposed to the Libertarian ticket this year.

Not you, but there are at least three (one of which who has flown the WP coop recently) who definitely fit the profile. They know who they are.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Snowy Owl
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03 Oct 2016, 12:34 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
smudge wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
I get the impression that the most right-wing aspies here are the ones most invested in passing for NT.

That's a good possibility.

since I first noticed WP in 2005 [didn't join until 2010] I've noticed the high-functioning right wing aspies here seem contemptuous of their lower-functioning brethren, they often seem to take umbrage against their lower-functioning brothers of the spectrum who cannot simply "jerk themselves up by their own bootstraps" to become more like the self-appointed "upperclassmen" of WP. it is almost like they want us to worship them.

If they had been NT's back in school, they'd have been the jocks who used to bully us - the very same jocks they choose to defend whenever the topic comes up!

That's a bit far fetched, isn't it?

Not at all. They've stood up for those bullying jocks whenever the subject comes up,

Who stood up for "bullying" here or said bullying is good?

If simply pointing out the fact that not all "jocks" or people who are into athletics are "bullies" or "bad people", and that this is a stereotype = "defending bullying" then that's a real non-sequiter.

making me think that they feel a certain kinship to those sports revelling bullies.

Um... maybe they like sports? Physical exercise is healthy for you, and if you think anyone who likes sports is a bully then that's really immature - in fact I'm aware of people with HF autism who are professional surfers and golfers.

If you're just bigoted against everyone who's different then you and assume anyone who likes sports is a "stupid jock" then you're not that far off from the jerk who thinks anyone who likes computers is a "wimpy nerd".

My dad has AS and he played baseball in HS and was a big fan of MLB and college football. Plus when you think about it fantasy sports is pretty "nerdy" anyway - mainly a bunch of theorizing and memorizing statistics, not much different than an MMORPG except it's about "sports".

Last edited by Soulsparrer on 03 Oct 2016, 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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03 Oct 2016, 1:08 pm

Jacoby wrote:
To answer the question of this thread, I think it's dependent a lot on the culture you came up in. I grew up in the poor urban inner city, I was a minority every day of my life in school and this district is among the worst in the entire country. I grew up despising the district administration which kept me trapped in substandard schools who had absolutely zero resources for me.

Right, so a hypothetical billionaire will give you resources, eh? I'm guessing you were surrounded by people you now find communion to hate?

Jacoby wrote:
They did not help or want to help me and my parents had to fight for everything

And in the UK it's easily the reverse, so should red or blue be blamed? All's relative.

Jacoby wrote:
(I was really underwhelmed with his speaking ability which was being hyped ridiculously)

It would have helped if Bush was slightly more articulate... currently, of course, Bush seems even more articulate than the present candidate.

Jacoby wrote:
lukewarmly supporting Rand Paul in this election until Donald Trump entered the race

So you prefer the system, but how could you go from libertarian to authoritarian?


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03 Oct 2016, 1:26 pm

Jacoby wrote:
I was always been interested in politics, my dad listened to talk radio so I grew up with Clinton scandals which left an impression on me as a young boy.

The news had to be on at 6 every night in our household. Dad had a very typical political path in that era in the New York area. He grew up as a Roosvelt Democrat loved JFK but they party left him went it went anti-war, lenient on criminals, what the New York mayoral candidate at the time Mario Proccacino called "limousine liberals" rich idealists (think NYC mayor John Lindsey) making the middle class bear the burden of thier Great Society social experiments. He grew up when opposing an ongoing war was treason, period. When the his fellow teachers were having anti Vietnam war demonstrations has was one of the 2 or 3 guys in a counter demonstration. But he did listen to WBAI the local "commie" station, his early version of oppo reaseach :D . Not in his proffession but there were a lot of conservative union members in New York then.

Politically I was pretty much my fathers son during the 70's which became a lonely place in college in the late 1970's after Vietnam and Watergate. "Hanoi" Jane Fonda acepted an invitation to speak at our college and was widely applauded. I did not realize how fortunate I was, there was nothing remotly resembling the Social Justice Warroir bullying of today, most people who were "political" which were not that many, despised but respected the others views.

They say most people become more conservative as they grow older but I of course had to do things differently. The Republicans moved away from me as they placed more importance on religoius and social conservatism. Crime decreased so "law and order" became less relevent. Even though I dispised the Clintons as ex hippies who got away with it I viewed the impeachment as treasonous because I still had the view that as bad as some on Clinton's foreign policy was it put the US in much weaker position. I did and still view it as really as about "oral". The other event that caused a big shift in my political world view was the aftermath of 9/11 when weeks after the attacks the Bin Ladin family was allowed to leave with minimal or no investigation and the later revelations of the Bush Bin Ladin family business relationship and the Carlyle group which the Bush Sr. and a lot of his administration were on but so is Auther Levitt Bill Clinton's head of the Security and Exchange Commission and Mack McLarty Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff who has been a senoir advisor for the Carlyle group since 2003.

Of course just living life changes you.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
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03 Oct 2016, 4:05 pm

Ironically, the conservatives (and non-liberals generally) are heavily outnumbered on WP, so if anyone is getting bullied here...

Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.

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03 Oct 2016, 4:19 pm

Soulsparrer wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
smudge wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
I get the impression that the most right-wing aspies here are the ones most invested in passing for NT.

That's a good possibility.

since I first noticed WP in 2005 [didn't join until 2010] I've noticed the high-functioning right wing aspies here seem contemptuous of their lower-functioning brethren, they often seem to take umbrage against their lower-functioning brothers of the spectrum who cannot simply "jerk themselves up by their own bootstraps" to become more like the self-appointed "upperclassmen" of WP. it is almost like they want us to worship them.

If they had been NT's back in school, they'd have been the jocks who used to bully us - the very same jocks they choose to defend whenever the topic comes up!

That's a bit far fetched, isn't it?

Not at all. They've stood up for those bullying jocks whenever the subject comes up,

Who stood up for "bullying" here or said bullying is good?

If simply pointing out the fact that not all "jocks" or people who are into athletics are "bullies" or "bad people", and that this is a stereotype = "defending bullying" then that's a real non-sequiter.

making me think that they feel a certain kinship to those sports revelling bullies.

Um... maybe they like sports? Physical exercise is healthy for you, and if you think anyone who likes sports is a bully then that's really immature - in fact I'm aware of people with HF autism who are professional surfers and golfers.

If you're just bigoted against everyone who's different then you and assume anyone who likes sports is a "stupid jock" then you're not that far off from the jerk who thinks anyone who likes computers is a "wimpy nerd".

My dad has AS and he played baseball in HS and was a big fan of MLB and college football. Plus when you think about it fantasy sports is pretty "nerdy" anyway - mainly a bunch of theorizing and memorizing statistics, not much different than an MMORPG except it's about "sports".

Sure, not everyone who's ever thrown a ball is a bully or a jerk. I had counted two jocks as friends back in school, though the first was my friend only because he and I had known each other even before entering school, while another guy would've been a nerd like the rest of us if he hadn't have gotten on the football team. But the fact remains, the rest of the jocks had treated my friends and me like crap. Whenever you hear about a rape of a high school or college girl, inevitably, the perp is a jock.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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06 Oct 2016, 7:18 pm

most of all, with the news out that The Rump routinely stiffs his contractors, how could any working class person support him knowing that they too, if they did a job for him, could get stiffed also?


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06 Oct 2016, 8:22 pm

on another topic, auntblabby construed I was trying to "rub his noise" in "my success"

I expect I am #1 evil person, because I make positive, people-are-successful posts.

Some facts about my "success"
-I lived with my parents, and did not work between ages 21-28.
-age 28 got job, fired after 1 year
-age 29 unemployed
-age 29 broke down, hospitalized, lost vision in right eye for many months
-age 30 got job thanks to booming "dot com" market
-age 32 fired
-age 32 got contract job, fired after 3 months then fired by contract company on same day
-age 34 broke down , had to see many doctors, started psychiatric medicine
-age 36 started present job where I work from home ....and finally success

I still live with my mom, and I give poor family members money, and the rest to my mom.


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06 Oct 2016, 9:54 pm

jkrane wrote:
Andoryuu wrote:
Seriously. I have trouble just thinking about why anyone would want to be a conservative, but AS people should know what it's like to not be part of the majority and to need healthcare, etc. Why would they belong to a group that is so focused on building a world of just rich, white, heterosexual men with nothing different about them and no illnesses?

I don't use the socialized health care system we have in Ontario, other than to get a few pills every 2 months - ten 2mg clonazepam tablets - the most they'll give me. I will not ever call 911 if I am the victim of a crime.

Healthcare is sickcare. At least here.

Conservatives aren't just only white heterosexual men, with no problems.

They cross every creed, colour, and ability, my friend.

I know people my age who are being treated for cancer who if they lived somewhere that didn't have socialised medicine would lose their homes and everything they have to pay for the treatment (she used to work full time but it's hard to work and raise two kids when you're going through chemo.) You never know when you might come to rely on that safety net that you currently take for granted. I hope you never find out personally how lucky you are to have provincial health insurance by becoming seriously and chronically ill.

"Ego non immanis, sed mea immanis telum." ~ Ares, God of War

(Note to Moderators: my warning number is wrong on my profile but apparently can't be fixed so I will note here that it is actually 2, not 3--the warning issued to me on Aug 20 2016 was a mistake but I've been told it can't be removed.)