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09 Jun 2016, 9:24 pm

BaronHarkonnen85 wrote:
Drake wrote:
BaronHarkonnen85 wrote:
I think the US should become a hereditary constitutional monarchy.

The presidency is too powerful.

The head of state and head of government should not be the same person.

Wonder how you'd go about selecting the Royal Family?

Oh, and you don't want to fit everyone with heartplugs? :mrgreen:

I figure it would be best to pick some foreign royal who has no chance of becoming king/queen of their own country, and then have them renounce any right to the throne of their home country.

Just hold a contest to see who can pull a sword out of a stone.


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10 Jun 2016, 2:43 am

Instead of a constitutional monarchy, an extremely cruel and heartless dictator, the likes of Pol Pot, needs to usurp the government. Maybe then, a lot of people would wake up to the fact we lost way too much in liberties.


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10 Jun 2016, 5:04 am

TheExodus wrote:
>Inb4 the firestorm.

Hm, it's hard for me to strictly post any unpopular views, since most of my opinions are usually generally agreeable by the majority of people (at least in specific areas of the internet). My general views on politics usually stand as;

- People should have the freedom to say what they want, no matter who it offends. That's free speech. I think political correctness is severely damaging freedom of expression, and revere anybody who ever speaks incredibly controversial political views.

- I believe women are coddled in society far more than men. I hear the term "white privilege" a lot. I think there's more such a thing as women's privilege.

- I think the left is now far more corrupt than the right. I say that with great shame, being a lefty (and quite far left, at that).

- I think all first world nations should disassociate themselves from any conflicts in the middle East.

- I believe in anthropogenic climate change (this has actually become a rather unpopular view).

- I believe Islam is dangerous

That's all for now. 8)

ever changing evolving and growing
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10 Jun 2016, 5:15 am

I am fearful that the powers-that-be in charge of islam, want to impose world-wide sharia, by force if necessary.


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10 Jun 2016, 1:52 pm

auntblabby wrote:
I am fearful that the powers-that-be in charge of islam, want to impose world-wide sharia, by force if necessary.

Muslim armies are not going to occupy your neighborhood any time soon.


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10 Jun 2016, 4:22 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
I am fearful that the powers-that-be in charge of islam, want to impose world-wide sharia, by force if necessary.

Muslim armies are not going to occupy your neighborhood any time soon.

the Islamic leaders take a long view, it is a journey for them.


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10 Jun 2016, 5:59 pm

Every rich person who renounces their American citizenship to avoid paying taxes should have their property seized. Same with big corporations who fire their American workers to reopen shop overseas, for the sake of saving money on wages, or for avoiding paying taxes. Nationalize it all!

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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10 Jun 2016, 6:06 pm

^^^^ :thumright: :bounce: HERE HERE!! ! :bounce: :thumleft: ^^^^


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11 Jun 2016, 1:07 am

auntblabby wrote:
^^^^ :thumright: :bounce: HERE HERE!! ! :bounce: :thumleft: ^^^^

Thanks. 8)

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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11 Jun 2016, 1:25 am

People should be put in charge of implementing their own bad ideas.

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11 Jun 2016, 1:52 am

Some sort of communism should be in place world-wide with a, somehow (insert non-viability here), non-corrupt policing system that watches the government that is in charge. People should have x number of credits to use on whatever the f**k they want, where x is the total currency that has been calculated to exist in the world as a whole divided by the number of people as a whole, making this equal for everyone no matter what. Hereditary gains of money etc should not exist so that everyone starts from an even playing field; whatever someone has 'saved up' after they die should go back to the pool to be added to what allocated to the world at large. COSTS of things should be REGULATED so that no one can make a market out of something, aka these credits cannot become money. Things that CAN be free SHOULD be free. Eg: media on the internet. The ruling power should store all data people create as part of it's role.

I'm sure this prolly wouldn't work but really, SOMETHING has to give with capitalism. There MUST be a better system for our current day and age, and there MUST be SOMETHING that allows the poor to not BE poor. NOTE that I use "poor" to mean not -financially- poor, but qualitatively poor. They do not have the material goods that they could easily have.

tl;dr IDK we should equalize material goods throughout everyone. Somehow. People who work hard do NOT deserve more. If we have LESS overall because this creates lack of incentive to create those same goods, SO BE IT.

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11 Jun 2016, 2:14 am

Dox47 wrote:
People should be put in charge of implementing their own bad ideas.

You are obviously a nasty and cruel man :wtg:

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." Aldous Huxley


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11 Jun 2016, 3:07 am

Poverty should not be seen as a sign of failure or inferiority. The greatest theologians, artists, and philosophers have lived in poverty.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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11 Jun 2016, 3:13 am

and people need to stop worshipping the wealthy as though they were, by dint of their worldly success, paragons of virtue.


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11 Jun 2016, 3:26 am

auntblabby wrote:
and people need to stop worshipping the wealthy as though they were, by dint of their worldly success, paragons of virtue.

That's where obscene theological garbage comes into play, such as with the Prosperity Gospel. The totally unbiblical doctrine that God blesses the saved with material wealth. As I remember, Jesus died a shameful death by public execution, living by the handouts of others. "The foxes have their holes, and the birds have their nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head," he said.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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11 Jun 2016, 3:30 am

and if he were to return, the very same toxic legalistic types that turned him to the wolves would do it all over again.