cyberdad wrote:
Brictoria wrote:
I also heard a rumour that the Wayne County Board of Canvassers has just agreed to certify the results, on the condition that the Secretary of State’s office conducts a comprehensive audit of the unexplained\out of balance precincts across the county.
Wait? I don't get it. You continually critique posters
who post the news accusing them of projecting information to suit their bias (in your view bias against Trump or the right wing) but you wantonly are selective what you ignore, cherry pick selected information to canvass your arguments and then you happily drag rumour/innuendo and other assorted obfuscation/fluff to bolster your position.
Since when is a comprehensive audit of voting fraud justified when the outgoing POTUS chucks a hissy fit and even his own family have told him to bottle up his unsubstantiated childish rants and take it like a man.
Unbelievable the lengths you go to defend a madman??
The pavlovian reponce is strong today, I see...It would be nice if people bothered to read posts (and research topics) and thereby demonstrate an understanding of what is being discussed...(It's feels like the cause is a compulsion to attack the messenger rather than consider the message being presented, but I may be mistaken)
Had this occurred, it would be apparent that:
* The original news (with source) I had posted was related to these results being withheld.
* This resulted in attacks from one of your partisan allies because the information wasn't "anti-Trump".
* Now, having posted a rumour (note that I specifically indicated it as such) that was "anti-Trump", am having this "anti-Trump" news (which hadn't been published in a public, linkable manner at the time, nor was confirmation available at that time being around 30 minutes (or less) since the event occurred - It has since been confirmed and posted on this site: treated as evidence of a "pro Trump" position...
I'd be interested to know what "logic" (or other mental gymnastics) was required to "prove" that supplying information not in favor of side X shows that the person who supplied it is biased in favor of side X...
As to the question of an audit\canvassing: It shouldn't be needed because one party requests it: It should be a required\standard practice regardless of how close the results are, given there is no impartial "electoral commission" such as we have in Australia, meaning that in all states there are opportunities for partisans to affect processes involved in them. Given at least 3 counties in Georgia have "found" votes thus far that were not included in the initial count, it would seem prudent to ensure that canvassing of votes should occur, both to confirm a winner, and to restrict how much room other parties may have with which to dispute the results.
On a side note: I am yet to see evidence (not "anonymous sources say...") that support your delusion regarding "POTUS chucks a hissy fit and even his own family have told him to bottle up his unsubstantiated childish rants and take it like a man"