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11 Jul 2016, 5:56 pm

auntblabby wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
The bible should never be read by the general public since it can make one mentally unstable.

I disagree because I don't believe in censorship.

The Bible should not be banned, but I agree with the old learned Catholic vicar I saw on a TV doc who said that "the Bible should come with a warning label, like a pack of cigarettes, stating 'handle with care. The contents can be dangerous'". :)

what do you think of the book of Mormon? or the bhagavad gita?

The vicar on the NPR show was talking about all sacred texts of all religions, and religion itself in general (it was an ambitious show cutting back and forth between clerics from the world over from all of the world's religons east and west speaking on camera ). And I agree with his point that religion itself is -I guess like a perscription drug- something that can either heal or harm depending upon how its administered.

So the same would apply to LDS, and to Hindu texts, and the Koran, etc.

Comparing specific holy books is another topic.


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11 Jul 2016, 6:04 pm

auntblabby wrote:
what about the bhagavad gita?

I actually don't have an opinion on that yet cause I haven't read enough of the bible but am reading. I can say this much though, the split between Christianity and Islam started with Ishmael and Isaac and reading Genesis will provide insight into that religion. So I am sure that if I read the entire text which I am trying to do then I'll gain insight into Hinduism.


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11 Jul 2016, 6:10 pm

^^^ your stick-to-it-ivness tells me you're a better man than I :oops:


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11 Jul 2016, 6:19 pm

auntblabby wrote:
^^^ your stick-to-it-ivness tells me you're a better man than I :oops:

If that is directed at me I am only in Exodus.

I have read Genesis, Matthew, John, Acts, Revelation and so on but this is my first start to finish read of the bible. I need to pick it up again.


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11 Jul 2016, 7:27 pm

Atheists and agnostics should not be treated any differently from people who are religious.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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11 Jul 2016, 7:38 pm

You're still young, don't have to read the Bible according to a timetable.


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11 Jul 2016, 7:46 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
You're still young, don't have to read the Bible according to a timetable.

Yeah but my life sucks and I know that it has the answers I seek so why wait?

I haven't read this last week but I went though Genesis in a few short days before that.


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11 Jul 2016, 7:49 pm

I haven't been able to even make it all the way through genesis :oops: :tired:


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12 Jul 2016, 4:13 am

Christianity Is the embodiment of all human curruption and Freidrich Neitzsche's philosophy is the complete oposite.

Also, God wasn't discovered, he was invented.

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12 Jul 2016, 4:30 am

mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
The bible should never be read by the general public since it can make one mentally unstable.

I disagree because I don't believe in censorship.

I respet your opinon, but I respectfully disagree.

In light of the shooting in Orlando, I believe that by censoring the bible there would be less mental health issues and therefore less terroism, murderers, hate crimes and cases of psychopathy.

Not everyone is truly capable of controlling their emotions, let alone maintain their sanity and abide the law. :roll:

I think the attack on Orlando is evidence enough to prove that no one can be trusted with the bible, let alone the quran. Both books should only be read by theologists.

I think Indiana Jones has the perfect to describe the bible's (and the quran's) place in modern society:


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12 Jul 2016, 4:33 am

the founding fathers were not in agreement that america was a Christian nation.


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12 Jul 2016, 6:40 am

The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
The bible should never be read by the general public since it can make one mentally unstable.

I disagree because I don't believe in censorship.

I respet your opinon, but I respectfully disagree.

In light of the shooting in Orlando, I believe that by censoring the bible there would be less mental health issues and therefore less terroism, murderers, hate crimes and cases of psychopathy.

Not everyone is truly capable of controlling their emotions, let alone maintain their sanity and abide the law. :roll:

I think the attack on Orlando is evidence enough to prove that no one can be trusted with the bible, let alone the quran. Both books should only be read by theologists.

I think Indiana Jones has the perfect to describe the bible's (and the quran's) place in modern society:


So no freedom of religion?

I don't like the Bible or the Quran either, but it would be impossible to get rid of them, and even if you could somehow, the religion itself wouldn't go away. And a move like taking their holy book would actually create far more of the problems you were trying to solve, because now they feel forced to turn against the government.

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12 Jul 2016, 8:52 am

The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
I think the attack on Orlando is evidence enough to prove that no one can be trusted with the bible

1. Shooter pledges allegiance ISIS and the Koran
2. You some how think the bible is the cause of this violence

The bible actually speaks of The Nation of Islam, do want to know what it says? It says they are a blessed people with many generations but even the bible says they will have a sword against every nation. They are the descendants of Ishmael and even some Muslims acknowledge this and try and say that Abraham blessing was giving to Ishmael. It wasn't, God says the promise is with Isaac and Christianity. This is important because God acknowledges when saying this that another religion was to come from the descendants of Ishmael and he clearly says that is not the promise. Now some people get confused here and think that the bible speaks ill of Ishmael or that Ishmael is cursed but it never does, if fact Hagar has a vision and is told that Ishmael's descendants are blessed and they become a mighty nation. However, having said that, the bible does say that they will be in a non stop cycle of war until the end of time.

The bible did not cause the Orlando shooting but it explains why it happen. See I can tell you are bitter, you are bitter because of what people have told you what the bible says. In a nut shell because it speaks against homosexuality and you take personal offense to this, I know because I have read your post geared towards God, the bible and Christianity as a whole. This is where you have been misguided by the people, as I am sure you are familiar, the bible does speak out against homosexuality, but that is kinda a mute point when you read the rest of the bible. The bible says to love your neighbor and to treat others with respect, does it say to love your neighbor only if they are not gay? I do believe homosexuality is a sin if you want my unfiltered thoughts but that doesn't mean that that community is any less of a group because of it. Eating catfish is also a sin but we don't attack people eating catfish, why should that be any different towards homosexuality.

You are bitter and hurt and I get that because Christians have hurt me but God's law and man's law are two different things. Maybe you should read the whole book before you make a decision. When God tells us not to do something, its usually for our own good. God may know something about homosexuality that you don't. All sin has consequences but as Christians, we are not to judge. I have had sex outside of marriage, that has consequences too and who am I to say that premarital sex is more or less a sin than homosexuality. The point is all sin leads to death, if I lie and that lie hurts someone and then that person seeks revenge on me, then sin has caused pain. Now, lets say for example that homosexuality is sin, lets say your in a straight relationship and you meet someone of the same sex and you cheat on your wife, again sin has caused pain. All the bible is trying to say when calls out sin, isn't to judge or to say that one sin is worse then another. All the bible is trying to say is if you sin in anyway, it will cause pain in the end and it will have consequences.

I am not better then you and I don't hate homosexuality, hell I have homosexual urges myself but nothing in bible says its okay to shoot up a bunch of homosexuals. All the bible says is that it leads to pain and it maybe this hateful and hurtful discrimination is what God meant when he said you shouldn't do it.

The bible tells you why you are in pain, its not a tool to be used for judgement.


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12 Jul 2016, 10:31 am

dcj123, you just make too many assumptions. I for instance, had what I consider the luck not to be baptised as a child, and thus had the rare chance of others not making such important commitments in my name before I could even understand what they mean. As an adult, I was free to choose my religion if I so desired unencumbered by the fear and guilt people often instil in children to prevent them form "straying from the righteous path" - which usually very conveniently coincides with the values system/personal desires of the parents or caretakers.

I have read the Bible and a lot of history books linked to Christianity, doctrine as well and socio-politics, and I have no more desire to join in then I would Islam. For me the bible is and will always be just a book: it has some interesting and thought-provoking parts, especially if not taken literally, but so do thousand of other books. It's not even by a far stretch the most interesting or thought-provoking book I've read. It's fine that you're happy with the religion you were born into and if you think you need someone to decide what's best for you that's fine too, but keep in mind you have no right whatsoever to decide others should feel or think the same way and that others, including myself, will go as far as necessary to defend our right to choose for ourselves.

And speaking of unpopular sort-of-political opinions, I consider any form of indoctrination of minors, be it religious, ideological or any other kind, along with making not strictly necessary decisions with long term consequences a form of abuse.

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12 Jul 2016, 10:44 am

I think DCJ is trying to make sense of the world, and is seeking answers through the Bible.

If the Bible, somehow, starts him off on alleviating his concerns, then I'm all for it. It can be the start of something great.

People have "faith" for a reason. Sometimes, a lack of "faith" can leave a deep abyss in a person's heart. I'm not one of those with "faith," fortunately.

But I can't knock someone who is seeking to alleviate his/her immediate situation.

The Bible is much better than something like Mein Kampf (or even Das Kapital).

It's much better than getting stoned and drunk out of one's mind.


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12 Jul 2016, 10:53 am

BenderRodriguez wrote:
dcj123, you just make too many assumptions. I for instance, had what I consider the luck not to be baptised as a child, and thus had the rare chance of others not making such important commitments in my name before I could even understand what they mean. As an adult, I was free to choose my religion if I so desired unencumbered by the fear and guilt people often instil in children to prevent them form "straying from the righteous path" - which usually very conveniently coincides with the values system/personal desires of the parents or caretakers.

I have read the Bible and a lot of history books linked to Christianity, doctrine as well and socio-politics, and I have no more desire to join in then I would Islam. For me the bible is and will always be just a book: it has some interesting and thought-provoking parts, especially if not taken literally, but so do thousand of other books. It's not even by a far stretch the most interesting or thought-provoking book I've read. It's fine that you're happy with the religion you were born into and if you think you need someone to decide what's best for you that's fine too, but keep in mind you have no right whatsoever to decide others should feel or think the same way and that others, including myself, will go as far as necessary to defend our right to choose for ourselves.

And speaking of unpopular sort-of-political opinions, I consider any form of indoctrination of minors, be it religious, ideological or any other kind, along with making not strictly necessary decisions with long term consequences a form of abuse.

Nothing in my post suggested you don't have free will, you can believe whatever you want, I really don't care, I was merely stating what Christian doctrine actually says. I could care less what others believe but if someone is actually interested in Christianity. I was merely saying I recommended reading the bible yourself and things will become more clear and I was explaining how its more clear to me, I don't really care how other people interpret it. I was also stating that its original intention is peaceful. Regardless of if homosexuality is a sin, Christians are peaceful in our beliefs whatever they may be or we are suppose to be. Now as I was saying, nothing in bible says its okay to shoot up a bunch of homosexuals. The doctrine merely list homosexuality as something that will eventually bring about pain. How it does that doesn't matter, there maybe nothing wrong with it but maybe whats its referring to is the pain that comes from discrimination, separation and the divide it brings to people. Like I said the doctrine says to trust God and if you do then you know that if he tells you not to do something, its only to protect from some consequence. That is all I was saying, where you got that I infringed upon your free will I don't know.