So I'm an Aspie and here's some of my thoughts.
I believe in God. More then that, I believe I'm a Son of God and that we all have an eternal heritage. To ask me not to believe would be impossible because the threads of the gospel are so interwoven in my life that to take those away would unravel everything into nothing. To me, it's not religion, it's just a fact of life. But despite that, I think we all have freedom to view life how we will.
I believe in the Bible, but I don't believe that's all there is. When you think about how many separate accounts were used to create it, not to mention all the hands and translations it passed through just to get to the King James version, there's no way we can take it completely literally. That's not to discredit it. It's a key foundation stone in realizing the existence of God and his work among men, but the fact remains that at this time, it's too flawed to be followed as the letter of the law.
See? That's why prophets are important.
So I don't know why it has to be God versus Science. Everybody seems to think that the manifestation of science disproves God, but when you realize the probability of life forms forming by themselves and everything coming together in a productive environment as it has, it's difficult not to consider some kind of intelligent design.
(BTW: Intelligent Design is NOT carry the same definition as God. Intelligent Design IS NOT God. Rather, God is an Intelligent Designer. Everyone here should watch "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" Really good documentary on the subject, very interesting. Has Ben Stein in it. Seriously, check it out.)