In 1999, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission deregulated futures markets. Since then there has been a 50 fold increase in investment in commodity index funds. In 2003, the commodities futures market totaled $13 billion; by 2008 it was $318 billion. Due to futures speculation and artificial manipulation of markets by hedge funds run out of major banks like Goldman Sachs, in 2008 average world prices for rice rose by 217%, wheat by 136%, corn by 125%, and soybeans by 107%. For the roughly 2 billion people across the world who spend more than 50 percent of their income on food, 250 million people joined the ranks of the hungry in 2008, bringing the total of the world’s malnourished to a peak of 1 billion — a number never seen before. Millions of people were intentionally starved in order to enrich the infinitesimally small number of the already obscenely wealthy. Since then, the wealth of the world's 2,043 billionaires has tripled to 7.71 trillion dollars; 1% has hoarded more wealth than the rest of humanity combined, and just 8 men have hoarded more wealth than half of humanity; 3.7 billion people. Meanwhile a child starves to death every four seconds. This isn't an aberration, but Capitalism carried out to it's logical conclusion. Capitalism is inherently sociopathic, misanthropic, and destructive. The insatiable drive for profit at any cost has set in motion the Anthropocene Mass Extinction Event and anthropogenic climate change, which now threaten not only humanity's survival, but also that of approximately one third of all species of life on Earth.
You're goddamned right I'm a Socialist. People matter a hell of a lot more than profits, and true wealth isn't measured by money.