Are you Currently Taking Illegal Drugs?
ED:You do not have a monopoly on what is "good." Putting people in prison for using drugs is bad, evil, and counter-productive.
You really have mis-judged me, I never claimed that. You obviously do not like me and are using your authority to accuse me of things and just spew nonsense. I'd appreciate if you would quite it. Your a moderator using your position to stall my conversation, make me out to be the problem when your really the one cuasing problems.
Those selling it
need to goto jail..
1. Have you ever known of any major drug dealer on the news without weapons?
2. Have you known of no existence where drug dealers with guns will use the weapons they have to keep on dealing and stay out of jail?
3. Terrorism (criminality) comes in many forms, when highly illegal and threatening against law abiding citizens, containing networks socially of drug relations, and comprised of the intent of continuation and growth. IT is either worse than or nearly as bad as supernatural belief terrorisms. It’s more common and widespread.
4. Propagandist will have you believe its all just to relax, it’s his or her freedom to take extremely bad drugs and pay for it while deteriorating their lives to substances like cocaine.
5. Without educating the minds of the young and enforcing the laws, drug dealers and drug addicts might be further wide-spread. Resulting in a greater burden to public welfares and grave societal harms.
Hear, hear.
If anyone needs to be put in prison it's the heads of the corporations and corrupt governments who exploit the many poor people to make the few rich. This profiteering creates poverty, and criminality is the by-product of the lack of wealth and its trappings (freedom, education and health care).
More anti-government junk...
Meanwhile drug users abuse, its the fualt of someone else and everyone else but them is the bad guy. Anything good and what is best for the individual has got to be a conspiricy of the big bad government out to no good.
Some people are poor becuase they do drugs, sort of a duh thing... But the government is corrupt for making treatment programs for them, creating laws and stopping drug dealers.. Making the good guys the bad guys...
1. Have you ever known of any major drug dealer on the news without weapons?
2. Have you known of no existence where drug dealers with guns will use the weapons they have to keep on dealing and stay out of jail?
3. Terrorism (criminality) comes in many forms, when highly illegal and threatening against law abiding citizens, containing networks socially of drug relations, and comprised of the intent of continuation and growth. IT is either worse than or nearly as bad as supernatural belief terrorisms. It’s more common and widespread.
4. Propagandist will have you believe its all just to relax, it’s his or her freedom to take extremely bad drugs and pay for it while deteriorating their lives to substances like cocaine.
5. Without educating the minds of the young and enforcing the laws, drug dealers and drug addicts might be further wide-spread. Resulting in a greater burden to public welfares and grave societal harms.
Well your just wrong then. Your the one up to no good accusing me falsy, don't accuse me of it without expecting a response.
Going up against that fact and against the law to me is the same as supporting the terrorist that are drug dealers.
If you believe M.J should be legalized other then medical use from an authorized and qualifying doctor you have a screw loose. I could say your a crazy moron who has sold your soul out to a fictional devil as well as future generations.
I don't think I've mis-judged you.
I'm going to lock this thread if the tone of it doesn't change ASAP.
As with any fully public forum (as is the nature of the Net), it's just common sense to not share information you could regret sharing. This is all ed meant and this is what the mods agreed to post on here.
sc, we appreciate your view of anti-drugs. But situations are rarely so black and white as that. Those who are addicted to any substance and if it is negatively affecting their life or the lives of others around them, then THESE people definitely do need help if they, themselves, cannot or do not want to stop. Other people use drugs more socially and are not addicted to the point where it is causing suffering.
Just remember there are many younger folks on here and MANY teenagers and young adults go through this phase. Frequently, they stop their use unaided just with maturity and age.
But accusing folks of being "addicts" isn't going to make receptive ears, sc, as you're probably finding by now. There's better ways of helping people so that they are willing to listen to what you have to say.
~Sophist as Mod...
PS- Would you mind not posting quite so many of those pictures you've posted on the previous page which are unrelated to the thread? You're more than welcome to post them in the Arts and Crafts Forum. We'd really appreciate it.
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