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06 Mar 2010, 7:45 am

Omerik wrote:
LiendaBalla wrote:
Are you seriously telling me that I'm wrong for supporting the OP? I have NOTHING to rethink there. Those people had no place calling her stupid and such just because she had another view.

If I'm not wrong OP means me here, right?
Is so, I'm a he, and no need to get angry. I actually appreciate Sand, even thought we don't agree.

Sand wrote:
LiendaBalla wrote:
Are you seriously telling me that I'm wrong for supporting the OP? I have NOTHING to rethink there. Those people had no place calling her stupid and such just because she had another view.

Why are you insulted because I disagree with you. Atheism is not a religion, it merely is a conclusion that God is unproven, irrelevant, and belief in one leads to illogical thinking. Why should I accept faith as a viable viewpoint? It strikes me as pure foolishness. I don't ask you to agree with me and am not insulted if you don't do so. I just feel it's unfortunate.

I seriously don't see how can prove or unprove things without having theories.
So perhaps I'm wrong, so what? I'm not afraid of mistakes...

I also didn't prove that SSRIs help me, I just found the said symptoms and the medication works... Probably not placebo, but never scientifically proved that.

Who ever said there was anything wrong with theories? What is cockeyed is assuming they are fact with no verification. Science is full of theories but unless they have some verifying data the are not assumed to have any reality. They are not dismissed, merely held in reserve until data gives them substance.


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06 Mar 2010, 8:10 am

Sand wrote:
Omerik wrote:
LiendaBalla wrote:
Are you seriously telling me that I'm wrong for supporting the OP? I have NOTHING to rethink there. Those people had no place calling her stupid and such just because she had another view.

If I'm not wrong OP means me here, right?
Is so, I'm a he, and no need to get angry. I actually appreciate Sand, even thought we don't agree.

Sand wrote:
LiendaBalla wrote:
Are you seriously telling me that I'm wrong for supporting the OP? I have NOTHING to rethink there. Those people had no place calling her stupid and such just because she had another view.

Why are you insulted because I disagree with you. Atheism is not a religion, it merely is a conclusion that God is unproven, irrelevant, and belief in one leads to illogical thinking. Why should I accept faith as a viable viewpoint? It strikes me as pure foolishness. I don't ask you to agree with me and am not insulted if you don't do so. I just feel it's unfortunate.

I seriously don't see how can prove or unprove things without having theories.
So perhaps I'm wrong, so what? I'm not afraid of mistakes...

I also didn't prove that SSRIs help me, I just found the said symptoms and the medication works... Probably not placebo, but never scientifically proved that.

Who ever said there was anything wrong with theories? What is cockeyed is assuming they are fact with no verification. Science is full of theories but unless they have some verifying data the are not assumed to have any reality. They are not dismissed, merely held in reserve until data gives them substance.

Is assuming theories to be facts limited to religious people and topics?


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06 Mar 2010, 8:27 am

Omerik wrote:
Sand wrote:
Omerik wrote:
LiendaBalla wrote:
Are you seriously telling me that I'm wrong for supporting the OP? I have NOTHING to rethink there. Those people had no place calling her stupid and such just because she had another view.

If I'm not wrong OP means me here, right?
Is so, I'm a he, and no need to get angry. I actually appreciate Sand, even thought we don't agree.

Sand wrote:
LiendaBalla wrote:
Are you seriously telling me that I'm wrong for supporting the OP? I have NOTHING to rethink there. Those people had no place calling her stupid and such just because she had another view.

Why are you insulted because I disagree with you. Atheism is not a religion, it merely is a conclusion that God is unproven, irrelevant, and belief in one leads to illogical thinking. Why should I accept faith as a viable viewpoint? It strikes me as pure foolishness. I don't ask you to agree with me and am not insulted if you don't do so. I just feel it's unfortunate.

I seriously don't see how can prove or unprove things without having theories.
So perhaps I'm wrong, so what? I'm not afraid of mistakes...

I also didn't prove that SSRIs help me, I just found the said symptoms and the medication works... Probably not placebo, but never scientifically proved that.

Who ever said there was anything wrong with theories? What is cockeyed is assuming they are fact with no verification. Science is full of theories but unless they have some verifying data the are not assumed to have any reality. They are not dismissed, merely held in reserve until data gives them substance.

Is assuming theories to be facts limited to religious people and topics?

Most probably not.


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06 Mar 2010, 8:56 am

Sand wrote:
Sensible people who have to deal with real problems live in a world of probabilities.

You would think then, that no sensible person would ever buy a Lotto ticket since the overwhelming probability is that you will loose; so I was very surprised to read in another thread that you have been doing that for forty years. Why do you do it? Because there is a possibility, however remote, that you will win?

NobelCynic (on WP)
My given name is Kenneth


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06 Mar 2010, 9:03 am

NobelCynic wrote:
Sand wrote:
Sensible people who have to deal with real problems live in a world of probabilities.

You would think then, that no sensible person would ever buy a Lotto ticket since the overwhelming probability is that you will loose; so I was very surprised to read in another thread that you have been doing that for forty years. Why do you do it? Because there is a possibility, however remote, that you will win?

No. I do it as a joke since the universe is eminently unpredictable and winning would mock all probabilities. Also it costs almost nothing.


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06 Mar 2010, 7:34 pm

NobelCynic wrote:
Does it not require just as much faith to believe that God does not exist without proof?

Is that any less intolerable?

The argument on the existence of a god isn't one that generally involves proof.

It is without direct experience, because experience would disprove a god because it would then be within nature and bound by time...

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Whence then is evil?” - Epicurus

Also, there can't be a god because the world isn't good enough for the to be anything good/powerful enough to be worth calling a god.

My standards are too high for there to be a god.

Black holes are colosally powerful, we can't see them and we can see their effects. Why not call them god?

Not good enough.

If you assume that all of existence is the effect of something we can't see, its not good enough. I could have done a better job.

Is assuming theories to be facts limited to religious people and topics?

If you mean theories colloquially, yes... If you do that, I would say that is what qualifies you as being religious.

If you mean theories as in... the theory of evolution, then what you just said is insane :P

Real theories can never be facts. They are like filler in between facts, explaining their relationship.

fact: animals are born with many mutations.
-Theoretical polyfilla: genes carried by some animals will be passed o
,others will not. This is largely influenced by
which particular parents the individual animal has.
fact: sometimes these mutations directly influence the animals ability to reproduce.

OK, the above section isn't as pretty as it was meant to be, but you get the point!

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07 Mar 2010, 9:32 pm

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, my soul knows it very well."

-- Psalm 139