Sand wrote:
But this thread is my attempt to think along the lines of religious people who pray to God to stop earthquakes, floods, avalanches, and other natural disasters as operations of Godly origin since they view God in total control. Whatever they might think about humans being endowed with "free will" I assume they do not extend this propensity to natural phenomena and God, the guy in charge, therefore reveals his intent in using them to direct human opinion and activity.
If you leave free will out of this, "evil" becomes nothing more than a synomyn for "bad".
In the opinion of many religious people God is the only one who has (or should have) free will, in the opinion of most atheists no one does but every thing that happens is in accordance with nature. In the later case there would be no evil, only good and bad depending on your point of view; in the former case it would depend upon God's purpose, but even that would be subject to ones point of view.
Then again, there are thoes who believe that there is more than one power at work. Then it becomes complecated
NobelCynic (on WP)
My given name is Kenneth