Orwell wrote:
conan wrote:
labour is now "new labour" ie rather right wing and conservative. it is really rather unfortunate that the UK is basically a two party state
I thought the Liberal Democrats were taking over the leftist role in British politics?
Anyways, polarized two-party states and monolithic single-party states are the only stable configurations; all other arrangements will tend to reach one of those two equilibrium points. The hope for "third parties" is a vain one.
Rubbish. In PR systems, multiple parties have to form coalitions and cooperate on issues. By all means, it makes little sense that those two configurations are the only equilibrium points - it varies from system to system.
A two-party system is pretty much a hallmark of most FPTP systems, combined with a rather class-obsessed electorate. I think that this stands to change in the UK, however, There are more floating, marginal voters than ever before. A mix of disappointed and uncertain, even apathetic voters will take LabCon by surprise.
The Liberal Democrats are in a position to become the main opposition or part of a coalition. Some electoral dynamics have changed. Of course, the system makes it hard for a party previously in third place to get a majority. However, the universal swing projection may be off-mark as there is an increased number of marginal voters who will shift from constituency to constituency.
I will be voting Liberal Democrat.