Birthers give conspiracies a bad name.
It's gotta be the most idiotic conspiracy out there and the most wasteful use of time. I mean there's plenty legitimate cause for concern from his associations with Kissinger to his employment at Business International Corporation to that one of his biggest funders was BP and the others were from financial institutions.
There's plenty legitimate dirt on Obama without going into the whole "I think because he's black, has an ethnic name, and isn't conservative/republican/neocon that he must be foreign!" It's absurdly idiotic and indefensible. There's more cause for concern over Joe Leiberman and his dual citizenship than Obama.
...And just how did a dual citizen get to nearly be vice-president?? How would that be legal??
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. ~Heinrich Heine, Almansor, 1823
?I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me.? - Hunter S. Thompson