Craig28 wrote:
In my view, all disabled feteuses should be aborted. No? Let the disabled baby be born, then let that person have the choice to end his or her life. Whatever the outcome, don't think the eradication of disabilities has any level or similarities with what the Nazi's did with the Jews. Just don't, that was an entirely different thing altogether.
Actually, it has a lot of similarity with what the Nazis did to the Jews. In fact, the disabled were Hitler's first targets.
"Action T4 (German: Aktion T4) was the name used after WWII for the Euthanasia Program in Nazi Germany officially spanning October 1939 until August 1941 but continued unofficially until the demise of the Nazi regime in 1945 and even beyond, during which physicians killed thousands of people specified in Hitler's secret memo of September 1, 1939 as suffering patients "judged incurably sick, by critical medical examination", but described in a denunciation of the program by Cardinal Galen as long-term inmates of mental asylums "who may appear incurable".
From the official Nazi files, there is evidence that during the official stage 70,273 people were killed. The Nuremberg Trials found evidence that German and Austrian physicians continued the extermination of patients after October 1941 and evidence that about 275,000 people were killed under T4. More recent research based on files that were recovered after 1990 gives a figure of at least 200,000 physically or mentally handicapped people that were killed by medication, starvation, or in the gas chambers between 1939 and 1945."
--taken from the wikipedia article on Action T4
Well, I was on my way to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I suddenly thought, "Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish. I think I'll kill the Fuhrer." Who's with me?
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