waltur wrote:
ChrisVulcan wrote:
waltur wrote:
why should a cloned human have any fewer rights? unless, of course, you're of the ridiculous mind that human rights are granted by some magical creature who disapproves of asexual reproduction.
While I liked your observation on the purposes of cloning, I won't tolerate offensive comments directed towards theists or any other group.
is this supposed to be a humorous remark?
who would like to step forward and say "i believe that human rights are granted by a magical creature who disapproves of asexual reproduction?"
seriously. you don't have to dig in my comments for insults. my insults are generally quite plain (balls of allah!). asexual reproduction is a rather popular method on earth, so even the most fundamentalist of theists do not believe in such a magical creature.
if your magical creature specifically opposes asexual reproduction of humans, let him say so. i find such a belief to be a sh***y definition of "human rights" and offensive to humanity.
I think you may have misunderstood me. I do believe that human rights are granted by a deity, but I don't believe that it disapproves of asexual reproduction, or (explicitly) of cloning.
(I say explicitly because you could make an argument that some verses have rules that could be used to apply to cloning, but that's another story)
My issue here is that you have painted people who potentially have these beliefs as childish and stupid. If you have an argument, I want to hear it. That's why I started this thread. But as soon as you start resorting to insults, you've lost the argument and embarassed yourself.
No doubt there are sparks of occasional capability in a few theists but one should not confuse sparks for a roaring fire.