Sand wrote:
The best bet for interplanetary commerce is probably in the area of autonomous robots which do not require Earth environments for maintenance and can derive their energies directly from sunlight. They also are much more resilient to radiation which is highly destructive to life. No doubt humans can be genetically engineered to be more spaceworthy but this takes time and a good deal more expertise than we now possess while radical changes and advances in robotry seem much more likely in the offing. It is not inconceivable that robot civilizations will arise on the other solar planets that might be somewhat independent of Earth control and can have economic and social arrangements with Earth life. The dangers probably will arise when the robots advance quickly beyond human control and decide that Earth itself is a field worth exploiting. But that is probably a matter of centuries in the future The Solar system is large and rich enough to contain both systems for a long time without destroying the advantages of cooperation.
I for one welcome our A.I. overlords
You're correct though, autonomous robots are definitely a premier way of exploitation. Pushing R&D in a direction that accomplishes this would boost A.I. technology in other fields as well. Create something smarter than ourselves to solve all our problems? Could be the best solution
Opportunities multiply as they are seized. -Sun Tzu
Nature creates few men brave, industry and training makes many -Machiavelli
You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do