Is it morally wrong to not support the troops?
Raptor wrote:
JakobVirgil wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Support as in what?
To me troop support means your supporting the them as fellow Americans (or allies) who are deployed in the theater of operations, regardless off your views on the legitimacy of the war.
During the Bush administration we had (still have) an individual at work who rabidly despised George Bush for the war and claimed that the deaths of every American serviceman was on his hands.
All this "concern" for them but twice when we we took up collections to provide a platoon of Marines or US Army soldiers with Christmas dinner via Treats for Troops we could not squeeze a goddamn dime out of him although some of us pitched in $150 or $200 or more!
One year we all put together care packages for the infantry squad of a young Marine who's mother works in one of our departments. Again, nothing from our concerned citizen.
He always had money to take trips to the French Riviera and London to see his American hating (and thats what they were) friends and relatives but nothing for those guys over in Iraq or Afghanistan living out of their back packs in a hostile environment.
Of course, since his buddy Barack has been in office no one has heard a word of concern for the troops from him yet they are still over there.
It makes me want to kick him in right in the nuts but I doubt he has anything down there worth kicking.
Just my usual humble thoughts..........
To me troop support means your supporting the them as fellow Americans (or allies) who are deployed in the theater of operations, regardless off your views on the legitimacy of the war.
During the Bush administration we had (still have) an individual at work who rabidly despised George Bush for the war and claimed that the deaths of every American serviceman was on his hands.
All this "concern" for them but twice when we we took up collections to provide a platoon of Marines or US Army soldiers with Christmas dinner via Treats for Troops we could not squeeze a goddamn dime out of him although some of us pitched in $150 or $200 or more!
One year we all put together care packages for the infantry squad of a young Marine who's mother works in one of our departments. Again, nothing from our concerned citizen.
He always had money to take trips to the French Riviera and London to see his American hating (and thats what they were) friends and relatives but nothing for those guys over in Iraq or Afghanistan living out of their back packs in a hostile environment.
Of course, since his buddy Barack has been in office no one has heard a word of concern for the troops from him yet they are still over there.
It makes me want to kick him in right in the nuts but I doubt he has anything down there worth kicking.
Just my usual humble thoughts..........
wah wah is the conservative crying?

the "troops" do nothing to protect our safety not one thing they are dupes and morons at best.
cowards and willful killers at worst
It not an honorable profession to be a mercenary for any state.
Vietnam vets were at least drafted.
Why should I give money to the family of some moron who abandoned them "cuz the gobernmit told him to"
Big government is bad and the worst part of it is in Uniform.
Sorry but I'm not a crier, never have been.
I guess I've struck a nerve and the individual I've described above is just like you in principal (or lack of principal).
I can't tell if your response is just a vulgar insult to everyone that has worn their country's uniform or just a sad testament to your cluelessness.
Are you saying that the U.S. military has no and has never had a legitimate use or is it just as it applies to recent times????
Well, lets just assume that you are an American (correct me if I'm wrong and I hope I am) and you are talking about the U.S. military and it doesn't matter whether it's today's military or that of the American Revolution.
The purpose of it is primarily to protect the United States and to a lesser degree it's interests abroad. If you do not believe that our nation is worthy of protection then I don't know why you live here.
If you have an issue with the current operations in Afghanistan and Iraq then that's a matter to take up with your elected representatives since they started it and are continuing it. The military is a tool of their policies, right or wrong, and cannot accept the blame for what objectives are assigned to them by those politicians.
I could talk about honor, sacrifice, bravery, and selflessness but I doubt you have a clue as to what they mean or a care in the world to ever know. I'd be better off talking to my dog about it.
I have other things I want to do today besides this.
[retracted patr-erotic suggestion]
bolded words used for tricking idiots into murder.
?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??
JakobVirgil wrote:
The is dangerous because of Boy Scouts with machine guns not despite them.
there is something dangerously wrong with getting more of them to join.
because what armies do does not help a damn thing.
italics on the strawman.
there is something dangerously wrong with getting more of them to join.
because what armies do does not help a damn thing.
italics on the strawman.
Noting reality is not a strawman. I have 10,000 years of recorded history on my side. You have a dreamscape. It sounds nice but it just has nothing to do with the real world as it exists.
And young men, being of the mind to thump their chests and compete for the attention of women, are the danger. It doesn't matter if you form them into armies or not. They are expressing their fitness through displays of violence, like any animal.
If every politician had a son / daughter in the army, you can bet they'd think twice about foreign policy. ^.-
Also, Jakob, i'd like to correct you regarding Napoleon's height, contrary to popular belief, he wasn't that short, and was apparently even slightly taller than an average man. (At least, that's what they say in the small historical files in Age of Empires 3, where he represents the French player)
simon_says wrote:
JakobVirgil wrote:
The is dangerous because of Boy Scouts with machine guns not despite them.
there is something dangerously wrong with getting more of them to join.
because what armies do does not help a damn thing.
italics on the strawman.
there is something dangerously wrong with getting more of them to join.
because what armies do does not help a damn thing.
italics on the strawman.
Noting reality is not a strawman. I have 10,000 years of recorded history on my side. You have a dreamscape. It sounds nice but it just has nothing to do with the real world as it exists.
who is trying to invade America? what is the threat they are saving us from?
do they have nuclear subs and fighter jets?
How many tanks does it take to stop 19 guys with box cutters?
how does Switzerland even exist?
10,000 years of military aggression and empire is a defense of military aggression and empire?
I say we keep the coast guard and perhaps the border patrol (thanks fellas, for your service)
and if Canada or Mexico invades we can set up a draft.

who is this enemy that we are arming our selves against? everyone?
dreamscape? I propose we just have twice as big an army as the next country.
?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??
91 wrote:
The troops who came home from Vietnam were treaded in a most despicable way. The 'support our troops' mentality is a correction to this, it does not mean 'support the war' or even 'support all troops' or 'the troops are above criticism'. People here are reading too much into the line and not enough into the sentiment. Put simply, the Americans and Australians too (we treated our Vietnam vets abysmally also), are intent on making sure the soldiers NEVER get treated like that again. If you think there is no prejudice remaining, you have not been on a university campus in uniform.
Well, to some extent, many soldiers in Vietnam did behave despicably. So many bombs dropped, so much agent orange, millions of Vietnamese slaughtered. And, so many half-caste children left behind.
I know someone who earned a Good Conduct medal in Vietnam, for actually being the only one in his unit who didn't catch a venereal disease.
Raptor wrote:
During the Bush administration we had (still have) an individual at work who rabidly despised George Bush for the war and claimed that the deaths of every American serviceman was on his hands.
All this "concern" for them but twice when we we took up collections to provide a platoon of Marines or US Army soldiers with Christmas dinner via Treats for Troops we could not squeeze a goddamn dime out of him although some of us pitched in $150 or $200 or more!
All this "concern" for them but twice when we we took up collections to provide a platoon of Marines or US Army soldiers with Christmas dinner via Treats for Troops we could not squeeze a goddamn dime out of him although some of us pitched in $150 or $200 or more!
Voluntary charity is great, but speaking as a military veteran, I'd have hated to be supported by having money "squeezed" out of someone. The military is an honorable profession only when it defends a nation that provides to its citizens the liberty of making their own free choices.
His political views may have been hypocritical, and I have no problem with criticizing him for that, but I don't think refraining from making charitable contributions towards the troops, or electing to make them privately, really constitutes undermining of the troops as happened in the Vietnam war days.
JakobVirgil wrote:
Vietnam vets were at least drafted.
To the extent that the troops have any moral culpability, draftees are as culpable as volunteers. They could have been conscientious objectors or dodged the draft by moving to Canada if they had true moral objections to the war.
More importantly, using draftees allows the government to ignore the will of the populace in an important way. Without draftees, the government cannot prosecute wars that are too far removed from the will of the population, for there will be insufficient volunteers. With draftees, that constraint is lost. Many of the problems with the prosecution of the war in Vietnam stemmed from use of draftees.
That's just one of the many important reasons why the military should be an all volunteer force.
Sweetleaf wrote:
HerrGrimm wrote:
Hitler was VASTLY incompetent. But there were negotiations between Germany and Mexico around the time of Pearl Harbor, but the Japanese screwed up the declaration and our Southern neighbor got cold feet.
No, pacifism would not have stopped WW2, not in the least. Germany and Japan never thought about that.
Isn't it Axis history to deny the Holocaust?
You can support troops but not support a war. They were taken there by politicians, not of their own free will.
No, pacifism would not have stopped WW2, not in the least. Germany and Japan never thought about that.
Isn't it Axis history to deny the Holocaust?
You can support troops but not support a war. They were taken there by politicians, not of their own free will.
You can't say for sure that such a thing would not have stopped WW2. I mean there where germans during the Nazi rule that did resist and tried to get information out so others would stop supporting them. It was not totally sucessful but no not all the germans where going along with it.
Do you even know that Hitler's regime was SURPRISED there was so little resistance to their policies?
OF COURSE SOME PEOPLE RESISTED. (EDITED to avoid ad hominem) You should brush up on connotations in the English language.
"You just like to go around rebuking people with your ravenous wolf face and snarling commentary." - Ragtime
Last edited by HerrGrimm on 04 Jun 2011, 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
psychohist wrote:
JakobVirgil wrote:
Vietnam vets were at least drafted.
To the extent that the troops have any moral culpability, draftees are as culpable as volunteers. They could have been conscientious objectors or dodged the draft by moving to Canada if they had true moral objections to the war.
More importantly, using draftees allows the government to ignore the will of the populace in an important way. Without draftees, the government cannot prosecute wars that are too far removed from the will of the population, for there will be insufficient volunteers. With draftees, that constraint is lost. Many of the problems with the prosecution of the war in Vietnam stemmed from use of draftees.
That's just one of the many important reasons why the military should be an all volunteer force.
you make a good argument about draft dodging it takes a lot of courage.
You also have a good defense of the volunteer military (damn you reasonable conservatives , good thing y'all are rare

how about a volunteer military that exists only in time of war? (or mostly maybe some standing officers)
?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??
Raptor wrote:
Support as in what?
To me troop support means your supporting the them as fellow Americans (or allies) who are deployed in the theater of operations, regardless off your views on the legitimacy of the war.
During the Bush administration we had (still have) an individual at work who rabidly despised George Bush for the war and claimed that the deaths of every American serviceman was on his hands.
All this "concern" for them but twice when we we took up collections to provide a platoon of Marines or US Army soldiers with Christmas dinner via Treats for Troops we could not squeeze a goddamn dime out of him although some of us pitched in $150 or $200 or more!
One year we all put together care packages for the infantry squad of a young Marine who's mother works in one of our departments. Again, nothing from our concerned citizen.
He always had money to take trips to the French Riviera and London to see his American hating (and thats what they were) friends and relatives but nothing for those guys over in Iraq or Afghanistan living out of their back packs in a hostile environment.
Of course, since his buddy Barack has been in office no one has heard a word of concern for the troops from him yet they are still over there.
It makes me want to kick him in right in the nuts but I doubt he has anything down there worth kicking.
Just my usual humble thoughts..........
To me troop support means your supporting the them as fellow Americans (or allies) who are deployed in the theater of operations, regardless off your views on the legitimacy of the war.
During the Bush administration we had (still have) an individual at work who rabidly despised George Bush for the war and claimed that the deaths of every American serviceman was on his hands.
All this "concern" for them but twice when we we took up collections to provide a platoon of Marines or US Army soldiers with Christmas dinner via Treats for Troops we could not squeeze a goddamn dime out of him although some of us pitched in $150 or $200 or more!
One year we all put together care packages for the infantry squad of a young Marine who's mother works in one of our departments. Again, nothing from our concerned citizen.
He always had money to take trips to the French Riviera and London to see his American hating (and thats what they were) friends and relatives but nothing for those guys over in Iraq or Afghanistan living out of their back packs in a hostile environment.
Of course, since his buddy Barack has been in office no one has heard a word of concern for the troops from him yet they are still over there.
It makes me want to kick him in right in the nuts but I doubt he has anything down there worth kicking.
Just my usual humble thoughts..........
I believe Bush committed treason or some other serious offense by sending soldiers to Iraq. I support the troops, not the war in this case.
Kicking in the nuts is a childish maneuver. Face-down take-downs are much better.
"You just like to go around rebuking people with your ravenous wolf face and snarling commentary." - Ragtime
JakobVirgil wrote:
how does Switzerland even exist?
Switzerland is one of the most militarized countries in the world.
Do not confuse having a military with performing invasions. The stronger one's military, the less likely one will have to use it.
who is this enemy that we are arming our selves against?
The U.S. is a maritime nation and as such is dependent upon peaceful trade routes and trade partners throughout the world. The military has many missions besides war. When I was in the Navy, we were taught that the Navy had four major missions; three of them were peacetime missions, and only one was a wartime mission.
As for the size of the military, here are the top five by number of active duty troops:
China: 2,285,000
United States: 1,580,225
India: 1,325,000
North Korea: 1,106,000
Russia: 1,027,000
All of these are less than 1% of population except for North Korea. ... _of_troops
Military spending is misleading; U.S. troops must be paid a lot more than those in nations with a lower standard of living. Also, about half of military spending is pork barrel spending with limited military usefulness.
If you total up the EU numbers, they are comparable to the U.S. numbers in terms of troops, and I would bet spending as well - certainly the spending would be within a factor of two - so your proposal is already fulfilled using comparably sized political entities.
psychohist wrote:
JakobVirgil wrote:
how does Switzerland even exist?
Switzerland is one of the most militarized countries in the world.
Do not confuse having a military with performing invasions. The stronger one's military, the less likely one will have to use it.
who is this enemy that we are arming our selves against?
The U.S. is a maritime nation and as such is dependent upon peaceful trade routes and trade partners throughout the world. The military has many missions besides war. When I was in the Navy, we were taught that the Navy had four major missions; three of them were peacetime missions, and only one was a wartime mission.
As for the size of the military, here are the top five by number of active duty troops:
China: 2,285,000
United States: 1,580,225
India: 1,325,000
North Korea: 1,106,000
Russia: 1,027,000
All of these are less than 1% of population except for North Korea. ... _of_troops
Military spending is misleading; U.S. troops must be paid a lot more than those in nations with a lower standard of living. Also, about half of military spending is pork barrel spending with limited military usefulness.
If you total up the EU numbers, they are comparable to the U.S. numbers in terms of troops, and I would bet spending as well - certainly the spending would be within a factor of two - so your proposal is already fulfilled using comparably sized political entities.
at $2141 per person we are second per capita on military spending between Emirates and Israel.
the first European country to show up is #7 Norway at $1245 58% of ours and they have a higher standard of living than us.
(their union

the total EU military budget is 317.21 billion ours is 687.105 europe does not even make it to half way but close (great eye)
so lets cut 52.68 billion from the military budget to start.
?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??
JakobVirgil wrote:
the total EU military budget is 317.21 billion ours is 687.105 europe does not even make it to half way but close (great eye)
I personally would be okay with that. Cutting our troop commitment in Afghanistan from Obama levels back to Bush levels would do that neatly.
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