Shantih wrote:
Christian here - I don't follow it as a result of having been indoctrinated with it from birth (my parents are agnostics), nor as a result of wishful thinking with regard to God and the so-called 'afterlife', but simply because I see it as a sure path of self-improvement and a great way to force myself to behave in accordance with the morals I believe in. While Atheists know the difference between right and wrong, they have no obligation to act accordingly. I also understand that through prayer (I recite and pray at least thrice daily), I can invigorate myself and feel as if I am directed by a kind of light (as pretentious as this may sound).
I also understand the occultic symbolism in religion and understand that all religions are essentially exactly the same manifestation of the occult traditions inherent in man. [/jungian rant]
So you liked a set of morals, and therefore found god to be a veracious proposition?
How's that work?
"Such is the Frailty
of the human Heart, that very few Men, who have no Property, have any Judgment of their own.
They talk and vote as they are directed by Some Man of Property, who has attached their Minds
to his Interest."