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The little catchphrase on the side of the box says, ‘Let your imagination roll wild!’ What do you think the Lord would think if that slogan was written on the first page of the Holy Bible? He wouldn’t like it, but Satan would – that’s for sure. Lucifer’s finger prints are all over Rory’s Story Cubes. First of all, they are not even cubes. They are multiple sided dice. The same kind of dice used in another one of Satan’s favorite games, Dungeons and Dragons!
As True Christians we are suspect to anything with the word Fire in it. Amazon likes to use Luciferian terminology in describing their popular products. Much like Apple Inc mocks the story of Adam and Eve by implying it is ‘okay’ to take a bite out of the Apple because it gives you knowledge. However, knowledge is the very thing that God did not want Adam and Eve to have! And now we are all stuck with it, but we True Christians are able to avoid it through faith in Christ Jesus. The Amazon Kindle Fire implies openly that fire is knowledge and the product itself is used to kindle that knowledge
making them think they are going to play on a football team with a flashy name like, ‘Dream Dazzlers.’ Only now, masculine little boys with liberal mothers will find themselves turning into limp-wristed little pansies after they squat their hineys down in front of a Sassy Salon, and listen to their mothers whisper, ‘Ooh La La’ into their innocent ears! “This thing is a queer making machine!” Pastor Deacon Fred told a group of concerned Landover ladies earlier this week.
Leave it to Fisher-Price to screw up a Bible toy. This version of Noah’s ark is not only missing two of Noah’s sons but also suspiciously absent are over 30,000 species of paired animals and 25,000 species of known insects, some of which required their own temperature controlled habitats to survive the 40 day journey on Noah’s Ark. Not to mention the missing tons of grain, leaves and food supply crates and storage compartments. Our experts contacted Fisher Price to confirm that these additional products are not available for purchase as single items or ‘add ons’ to make their Noah’s Ark toy more Biblically accurate so it would appeal to Baptist parents.
* It is parody.