unduki wrote:
puddingmouse wrote:
unduki wrote:
I was talking to a few of my brothers about this awhile back. The eldest pointed out that rampant homosexuality is a sign that a civilization is about to end.
My brother-in-law says, "Duh."
Specific examples, please? Don't say 'Rome'.
Incas, Mayans, Aztecs, Babylon, off the top of my head.
I'm going to leave Babylon alone, because I know nothing on that subject.
Main reason why the Aztec Empire fell: they angered all the other nations in Meso-America with their War of the Flowers and tribute system. This enabled the Spaniards to use divide and rule very effectively.
Other main reason: smallpox.
The Aztec Empire was at its height when Cortes arrived in Tenochtitlan. It was not suffering for the priest-caste's practice of homosexuality. Cortes and his men did NOT have as easy a time in conquering Mexico as is commonly assumed. They were helped by Moctezuma's sense of fatalism and belief in the fulfilment of the Quetzalcoatl prophecy...and also by the fact that the Aztecs were not used to warfare where you actually aim to kill the enemy, as opposed to taking them prisoner for sacrifice. I do agree that there was something basically unsustainable about the Aztec Empire at its foundation and there was a general malaise, but I think homosexuality was not part of this.
I don't know why exactly the great Mayan civilisation crumbled, but I suspect that it had far more to do with droughts or perhaps even overpopulation (like to see how homosexuality would cause that). Maybe it was an epidemic, a revolt, or just a collapse of trade routes. I've never seen any respectable academic source attribute it to homosexuality.
As for the Incas, I thought the blame there lay with the conquistadors. Again, where is your source attributing this to homosexuality? I can drag up a lot attributing these civilisation collapses to other things, if you like - but I know of none the blame homosexuality.
Unless you want to argue that homosexuality is a symptom of general malaise that saps the health of civilisations, which I think is incorrect. However, I find it's impossible to disabuse people of that notion once they have it in their heads. No matter if you point out the many great individuals from history who have been homosexual, or that homosexuality happens widely in the animal kingdom, or even the benefits of having homosexual individuals in the community.
What do you think of Gibbon's argument that the adoption of Christianity led to the decline of Rome? As well as all the other theories regarding military, economic and ecological decline? Why go straight for homosexuality?
Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.