Tequila wrote:
DJFester wrote:
My guess would be cultural differences, one example being how uptight US culture is about sex and nudity compared to the UK
Have you spent time in the UK? We're not as uptight as Americans but we're certainly not as liberal as Europeans either. Sex is often not properly talked about and is often considered to be something to laugh at in a sort of silly schoolboy way. I wouldn't say we're that much more liberal on nudity either - again, in England it's considered to be more something to laugh at... unless we find it sexually attractive, then we leer. I would continue this discussion but the UK is not nearly as liberal as you'd think, especially with regard to porn. The establishment's views on these are often less much less liberal than many members of the public but, still, we're not that sexually open as a society.
Interesting, I remember watching the Benny Hill Show, years ago, your description brings back memories of the way nudity, and sex was portrayed in one of the few shows I watched syndicated from England. Wasn't really portrayed the way one would see it in an American comedy show, nor was it particularly offensive.
Sounds like those same cultural traditions from over 20 years ago still remain, to an extent there, from your description. I'm suprised, I thought by now, the UK would be close to as liberal as the rest of Europe, in that respect.