Christo-fascists harass High School Student

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25 Jan 2012, 12:36 am

GoonSquad wrote:

Of course they don't. The thing is, zealotry begats zealotry...

Then you must hate yourself, given the zealous comments you made in the London Riots threads.

Quite frankly, your utterly lack of consistency in respecting equality disgraceful. I don't know what depraved value system you developed or were raised with, but receiving death threats for upholding the law IS a big issue of moral concern to me and I'd hope every sane human being agrees.



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25 Jan 2012, 12:40 am

Master_Pedant wrote:
GoonSquad wrote:

Of course they don't. The thing is, zealotry begats zealotry...

Then you must hate yourself, given the zealous comments you made in the London Riots threads.

Quite frankly, your utterly lack of consistency in respecting equality disgraceful. I don't know what depraved value system you developed or were raised with, but receiving death threats for upholding the law IS a big issue of moral concern to me and I'd hope every sane human being agrees.

Some of us who are far from sane agree, too!

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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25 Jan 2012, 12:40 am

abacacus wrote:
PM wrote:
NeantHumain wrote:
Raptor wrote:
If the majority of that school’s student body wanted that banner to stay in place then that’s how it should be left. The majority having to sacrifice for the few, only one in this case, just doesn’t cut it.


Civil rights need only apply when the majority have decided so, especially if just one person's rights are in question. There's an old saying in Communist China: The nail that sticks out gets hammered down. Raptor would no doubt not cry foul if his rights were peculiarly suspended to deprive him of life, liberty, or property without due process or any of the niceties of the Constitution since his sacrifice would be from the one to the many.

In effect, the Establishment Clause and the whole First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution be damned if popular opinion dislikes the consequence!

So it must be OK to violate the civil liberties of one person if the majority agrees.

According to them. Under their rule we wouldn't *have* any rights.

Indeed, maybe it needs to be stated that Keeping Religion out of Politics ≠ Communism.

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25 Jan 2012, 12:41 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
Master_Pedant wrote:
GoonSquad wrote:

Of course they don't. The thing is, zealotry begats zealotry...

Then you must hate yourself, given the zealous comments you made in the London Riots threads.

Quite frankly, your utterly lack of consistency in respecting equality disgraceful. I don't know what depraved value system you developed or were raised with, but receiving death threats for upholding the law IS a big issue of moral concern to me and I'd hope every sane human being agrees.

Some of us who are far from sane agree, too!

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer




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25 Jan 2012, 12:44 am




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25 Jan 2012, 12:45 am

Master_Pedant wrote:

I adore that picture, so true.

And yet Atheists are always painted as the violent ones, to the point people claim Hitler did what he did because he was an atheist :roll:

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25 Jan 2012, 12:51 am

abacacus wrote:
Master_Pedant wrote:

I adore that picture, so true.

And yet Atheists are always painted as the violent ones, to the point people claim Hitler did what he did because he was an atheist :roll:

Hitler had been raised a Catholic, and claimed to have been one even in later life. In truth, in the Nazi religion, the state was God, and he himself was the Messiah.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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25 Jan 2012, 12:54 am

All the religion boards. And here, too. Here, too.

Good Lord. I expected more of spectrumites, somehow.

Let the child mouth off about being bothered by the banner. Let the rest of the students display the banner anyway.

Have a civil and intelligent discussion.

Is that really so hard????

"Where does magic come from? I think magic's in the learning. 'Cause now when Christians sit with Pagans, only pumpkin pies are burning..." --Dar Williams, "The Christians and the Pagans"

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25 Jan 2012, 3:17 am

abacacus wrote:
I do indeed live in a constitutional monarchy (although the Queen is just a figurehead and has no real power over the Canadian government). This does not mean that I should be forced to agree with her religion, or the religion the majority of the government accepts, or to swear by gods that mean nothing to me.

I will not move elsewhere, because like most other humans I would rather do my best to change my environment to suit me, and in this also to suit many others.

I'll try and clean that quote up a bit, I don't know where it got screwed.

As a Catholic, I certainly do not subscribe to the Queen's religion. However, the Protestant monarchy, with it's lords temporal and spiritual are mostly just traditions to me. They are not even particularly powerful symbols so I think people ought to just live with them.

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25 Jan 2012, 6:45 am

Master_Pedant wrote:
GoonSquad wrote:

Of course they don't. The thing is, zealotry begats zealotry...

Then you must hate yourself, given the zealous comments you made in the London Riots threads.

Hmm... I think the main thrust of my comments there was that IF they're going to be violent, the rioters should pick better targets. (and yes, I made some provocative comments to keep discussion going :wink: ).
Quite frankly, your utterly lack of consistency in respecting equality disgraceful. I don't know what depraved value system you developed or were raised with, but receiving death threats for upholding the law IS a big issue of moral concern to me and I'd hope every sane human being agrees.

Just to be clear, my lack of respect is aimed at EVERYONE involved in this.

Absolutely, all those making death threats need to get a visit from law enforcement... They need to be arrested, booked and charged. While I doubt any of the threats are serious, they are criminal and need to be dealt with harshly.

....and that just pisses me off all the more because all that will cost money.

Sure, that banner or whatever was "not legal" as legality is defined these days. If the people involved here were reasonable, here's what would have happened:
Girl: Hey, that banner is not constitutional...

School Admin: Umm... Wow, you're right! We were hoping no one would notice... :oops: I guess we'll have to take it down.

*school removes banner*


HOWEVER, since people are douchebags, we have this silly mess... :?

ALTERNATIVELY, since atheists claim to be so logical, and reasonable, things could have gone like this:
Girl: Hey, that banner is not constitutional...

School Admin: Yeah well, it's really just historical... a traditional thing, you know?

Girl: Yeah, but it's still unconstitutional, you should take it down.

School Admin: Yeah... not gonna happen.

*Girl does mental calculations and concludes it's just a silly, superstitious banner*

Girl: JERKS... :roll:

*Girl walks away*

and once again, END OF NON-STORY.

Here was an opportunity for rational, reasonable, logical atheists to be THE ADULTS in the room, but they missed it.

I'd have MUCH more sympathy for the girl if the school was trying to make her pray, say a pledge, or DO ANYTHING. That's not the case here.

This is a case of zealot on zealot intolerance. A pox on both houses I say.

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25 Jan 2012, 10:18 am

91 wrote:
abacacus wrote:
However, to testify in court (in Canada anyway, not sure if this is different in the states) one must swear on the bible unless they are Native American in which case they can swear on an eagle feather. Also in the oaths that must be taken when assuming public office. Religion has no place in any of these environments, it has no place anywhere on this earth aside from buildings and homes owned or rented by religious people.

You live in a Constitutional Monarchy, it is a country that like mine, has religious traditions. As such, feel free to move elsewhere if you do not like them. Also can you clean up your post a bit, it seems like you are quoting me when you are actually quoting others.

abacacus wrote:
Nietzsches Ubermernsch was an individual who can hold a subjective moral philosophy. How Hitler got the Aryan race out of that I don't even know.

Really??? Must have missed this part:

"The sick are the great danger of man, not the evil, not the 'beasts of prey.' They who are from the outset botched, oppressed, broken those are they, the weakest are they, who most undermine the life beneath the feet of man, who instill the most dangerous venom and skepticism into our trust in life, in man, in ourselves…Here teem the worms of revenge and vindictiveness; here the air reeks of things secret and unmentionable; here is ever spun the net of the most malignant conspiracy – the conspiracy of the sufferers against the sound and the victorious; here is the sight of the victorious hated." - The Genealogy of Morals

Or some more:

"Man shall be trained for war and woman for the procreation of the warrior, anything else is folly"
on women: "They belong in the kitchen and their chief role in life is to beget children for German warriors."

It would take a pretty myopic view to think that the movie 'Triumph of the Will' is not based on 'The Will to Power'. For myself, I don't necessarily think Neitchze was a fascist or a Nazi, but it did not make much reading into his work to get to some pretty nasty conclusions.

I read that first quote as being about how religious and other truth value systems are byproducts of being sick of this world.
The other quote is probably Nietzsche talking about how the creation of the Ubermensch is a generations spanning project that can not be completed in one lifetime. I'm skeptical of the German warrior part because it's well known that his sister was the Nazi sympathizer and she was only interested in her brothers work insofar as much as she could make it alright for the Nazis.


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25 Jan 2012, 11:15 am

I don't think it's fair to say militant religious folks are violent while militant atheists are just simply annoying. Militant extremists in general are a vast minority, and since atheists are already a minority, then militant atheists are a vast minority within a minority. This could possibly mean that there's an equal proportion of extremism among both atheists and religious people. Let's not give atheists some BS halo effect when it comes to logic and reason. While I do think religion brings out the worst of dogmatism, authoritarianism, etc. I think this is because it appeals to human nature, not because it only appeals to irrational or stupid people. Which is why I leave the possibility that militant extremism may be equally proportionate on both sides.

I agree with M_P when it comes to GoonSquad's comments on the London Riots. Who the hell are you to start riding on your high horse and point fingers when it comes to zealotry when you think it's perfectly ok to go target just about any doctor, lawyer, or banker in a riot regardless of how they conduct themselves? I agree that the banner isn't such a big deal, but guess what? The as*holes that sent her the death threats made a much bigger deal out of it than she did.


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25 Jan 2012, 12:10 pm

This thread is brought to you by the letter P…




The topic of this thread is just the sort of wedge issue that drives the working/middle class away from the left in spite of their own economic interests. Indulging in such politics is why the left is so unsuccessful in the US.



The left needs to start classifying wants and needs. At this point, I’d say scouring every bit of benign religious expression from the public sphere is a want.

I’d say that forming a broad coalition of working and middle class people to effect positive, lasting economic reforms is a definite NEED.

Piss people off about Jesus AFTER we’ve figured out how to give everyone a fair shot at food, shelter, education, medical care etc. Until then, stuff like this is petty, indulgent self-sabotage.

AceOfSpades wrote:
I agree with M_P when it comes to GoonSquad's comments on the London Riots. Who the hell are you to start riding on your high horse and point fingers when it comes to zealotry when you think it's perfectly ok to go target just about any doctor, lawyer, or banker in a riot regardless of how they conduct themselves? I agree that the banner isn't such a big deal, but guess what? The as*holes that sent her the death threats made a much bigger deal out of it than she did.

Let’s take a look, shall we?
GoonSquad wrote:

Graham Reeves, 52, stood dumbstruck in front of the smoldering ruins of his family store, the House of Reeves on Croydon in south London. The store is a local landmark run by his family for decades — he said his 80-year old father was hysterical when he heard the news.

"No one's stolen anything," Graham Reeves said. "They just burnt it down."


"This is the uprising of the working class. We're redistributing the wealth," said Bryn Phillips, a 28-year-old self-described anarchist, as young people emerged from a store with chocolate bars and ice cream cones.

WHEN this happens in America I hope the mobs have the good sense to target bankers, politicians, and greedy doctors and lawyers, NOT mom & pop shops and candy stores!

What's wrong with people?

First, economics in an unjust society is a more valid reason for violence than a dispute over a Jesus rag in the gym…

Second, as I stated before, I was being snarky and provocative because I wanted to get some strong responses and vent a bit… I did both.

Third, economic repression in a broken political system is legitimate reason to revolt.

-->Fourth, stupid s**t like the subject of this thread IS WHAT MAKES OUR POLITICAL SYSTEM SO BROKEN.<--

Bottom line is my twisted, zealous, deranged, value system says the left needs to feed people before we free them from religion.

I think a man with a job, a full belly and a safe place to sleep would have a much greater appreciation for the clarity of atheism, but I’m just a deranged zealot. What do I know? (I look forward to your cheap shots :P )

Look what I found...
Master_Pedant wrote:
It seems that most of the people advocating vigilantee riots in this thread are targeting bankers. While I condemn vigilantism in all it's form, lets just remember that the Financial Collapse was caused due to a grand amount of corporate fraud which wasn't prosecuted, the culture of white collar crime was systemic. AceOfSpades has said that he supports killing people like Bernie Madeoff, so it's only a logical extension of his own pro-Death Penalty ideology that all the bankers should be executed and the few "good apples" who might be wrongful executed are "acceptable causalities" in a war on crime (he used that phrase when describing people wrongfully convicted of the murder in the USA).

There really isn't that much of a gap between the Pro-Death Penalty ideology of AceOfSpades and teh Pro-Death Pentalty against bankers ideology of ValetineWiggim.

Wow, that was an interesting thread.

GoonSquad wrote:
John_Browning wrote:
GoonSquad wrote:
No compromise politics is completely unreasonable not to mention Unamerican. It leads to a nonfunctional political system--which is fine for small government conservatives, but means disenfranchisement for the rest of us.

So what would you call the democrats' agenda between January 2009 and January 2011?

There is a difference between compromising to come up with a functional plan and compromising to accept total crap into your plan for the sake of saying you compromised.

What constitutes total crap is a matter of opinion.

Bottom line is we will either learn to make real compromise on both sides to make progress everyone can live with or people will stop participating in the system and start killing each other.

We've done it before. Remember a little thing called the civil war? Americans aren't above killing each other to make a political point despite what some folks here might think.

Let me say it one last time. The American political system is not a spectator sport for people too mean-spirited and barbaric to appreciate professional wrestling.

It's a system of governance designed to let us work out our differences peacefully as we strive to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty.

When system stops working because one side or the other or both engages in willful obstruction there's no reason to participate any longer. That leaves people with grievances and no peaceful way to deal with them.

What do you think is likely to happen next?

More typings of a deranged zealot...

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25 Jan 2012, 1:13 pm

GoonSquad wrote:
This thread is brought to you by the letter P…




The topic of this thread is just the sort of wedge issue that drives the working/middle class away from the left in spite of their own economic interests. Indulging in such politics is why the left is so unsuccessful in the US.

The whites at the bottom 1/3 of the income distribution still leans Democratic and have increasingly done so.

Bartel wrote:
Figure 1 shows remarkably little evidence of class voting in presidential elections from
1952 through 1972. Averaging over this period, Democratic presidential candidates garnered
46% of the votes of whites in the bottom third of the income distribution, 47% of those in the
middle third, and 42% of those in the upper third. In only one of these six elections, 1964, did
the gap in Democratic support between upper-income whites and lower-income whites exceed

On the other hand, from 1976 through 2004 there is a strong and fairly consistent income
gradient evident in the presidential voting behavior of white Americans. Averaging over the
eight presidential elections of this period, whites in the bottom third of the income distribution
cast 51% of their votes for Democrats, as compared with 44% of middle-income whites and 37%
of upper-income whites. The gap in Democratic support between upper-income whites and
lower-income whites thus increased from 4% in the earlier period to 14% after 1976. The 2004
election was, as it happens, quite consistent with the pattern since 1976: John Kerry received
50% of the two-party vote among whites in the lower third of the income distribution and 39%
among those in the upper third of the income distribution – a difference of 11%.

It should be clear from these comparisons that economic status has become more
presidential elections from 1952 to 2004, this adjustment increases the average Republican vote share by
0.4 percentage points.

The Democratic vote share for the middle third of the income distribution is omitted from the figure for
visual clarity, but generally falls between those for the lower and upper thirds.
important, not less important, in structuring the presidential voting behavior of white Americans
over the course of the past half-century. Moreover, the general trend in support for Democratic
presidential candidates among whites in the bottom third of the income distribution has been
upward, not downward. Nor is this merely an artifact of anemic working-class support for Adlai
Stevenson running against Dwight Eisenhower in the first two elections of this sequence; Al
Gore and John Kerry did better among low-income whites in the close elections of 2000 and
2004 than John Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey did in the close elections of 1960 and 1968.
Thus, while it is generally true that Democratic presidential candidates have lost support among
white voters over the past half-century, those losses have been entirely (and roughly equally)
concentrated in the middle- and upper-income groups, and have been partially offset by
increasing support for Democratic candidates among low-income white voters.

GoonSquad wrote:


The left needs to start classifying wants and needs. At this point, I’d say scouring every bit of benign religious expression from the public sphere is a want.

I’d say that forming a broad coalition of working and middle class people to effect positive, lasting economic reforms is a definite NEED.

Piss people off about Jesus AFTER we’ve figured out how to give everyone a fair shot at food, shelter, education, medical care etc. Until then, stuff like this is petty, indulgent self-sabotage.

Except that Jessica Ahlquist isn't really a member of any progressive organization or activist group. She's simply a high school student who say a banner, realized it was unconstitutional, and got it removed under due process of law. She wasn't politically active before that and hence she's not taking resources "away" from some other dispute that she could be involved in.The ACLU, likewise, isn't a leftist organization - it's a civil libertarian one.

Advocating the disenfranchisement of younger voters because *some* of them switched their support from Obama to Ron Paul, on the other hand, is a VERY polarizing thing to do and - if you're position was actualized - would cripple the long-term chances of the progressive left.

In terms of what I'd do as a politician or activist, attacking the decline in public social investment would probably top legal disputes like this, just because a stronger social welfare state undermines religious proselytizers (when you have health insurance, you don't have to go to the Mormon Charity Hospital).

GoonSquad wrote:
First, economics in an unjust society is a more valid reason for violence than a dispute over a Jesus rag in the gym…

Jessica Ahlquist, on the other hand, wasn't "violently revolting". She was going through the legal process to redress a grievance.[/quote]



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25 Jan 2012, 1:48 pm

AceOfSpades wrote:
I don't think it's fair to say militant religious folks are violent while militant atheists are just simply annoying. Militant extremists in general are a vast minority, and since atheists are already a minority, then militant atheists are a vast minority within a minority. This could possibly mean that there's an equal proportion of extremism among both atheists and religious people. Let's not give atheists some BS halo effect when it comes to logic and reason. While I do think religion brings out the worst of dogmatism, authoritarianism, etc. I think this is because it appeals to human nature, not because it only appeals to irrational or stupid people. Which is why I leave the possibility that militant extremism may be equally proportionate on both sides.

I agree with M_P when it comes to GoonSquad's comments on the London Riots. Who the hell are you to start riding on your high horse and point fingers when it comes to zealotry when you think it's perfectly ok to go target just about any doctor, lawyer, or banker in a riot regardless of how they conduct themselves? I agree that the banner isn't such a big deal, but guess what? The as*holes that sent her the death threats made a much bigger deal out of it than she did.

I can't think of any atheists who have blown up churches like christians have abortion clinics, or car bombed streets like muslims have, or blew up government buildings like the jews have, or opened fire on unarmed people because "god told them to do it".

A shot gun blast into the face of deceit
You'll gain your just reward.
We'll not rest until the purge is complete
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25 Jan 2012, 2:03 pm

Master_Pedant wrote:

The whites at the bottom 1/3 of the income distribution still leans Democratic and have increasingly done so.

Bartel wrote:
Figure 1 shows remarkably little evidence of class voting in presidential elections from
1952 through 1972. Averaging over this period, Democratic presidential candidates garnered
46% of the votes of whites in the bottom third of the income distribution,
47% of those in the
middle third, and 42% of those in the upper third. In only one of these six elections, 1964, did
the gap in Democratic support between upper-income whites and lower-income whites exceed

On the other hand, from 1976 through 2004 there is a strong and fairly consistent income
gradient evident in the presidential voting behavior of white Americans. Averaging over the
eight presidential elections of this period, whites in the bottom third of the income distribution
cast 51% of their votes for Democrats,
as compared with 44% of middle-income whites and 37%
of upper-income whites. The gap in Democratic support between upper-income whites and
lower-income whites thus increased from 4% in the earlier period to 14% after 1976. The 2004
election was, as it happens, quite consistent with the pattern since 1976: John Kerry received
50% of the two-party vote among whites in the lower third of the income distribution and 39%
among those in the upper third of the income distribution – a difference of 11%.

It should be clear from these comparisons that economic status has become more
presidential elections from 1952 to 2004, this adjustment increases the average Republican vote share by
0.4 percentage points.

The Democratic vote share for the middle third of the income distribution is omitted from the figure for
visual clarity, but generally falls between those for the lower and upper thirds.
important, not less important, in structuring the presidential voting behavior of white Americans
over the course of the past half-century. Moreover, the general trend in support for Democratic
presidential candidates among whites in the bottom third of the income distribution has been
upward, not downward. Nor is this merely an artifact of anemic working-class support for Adlai
Stevenson running against Dwight Eisenhower in the first two elections of this sequence; Al
Gore and John Kerry did better among low-income whites in the close elections of 2000 and
2004 than John Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey did in the close elections of 1960 and 1968.
Thus, while it is generally true that Democratic presidential candidates have lost support among
white voters over the past half-century, those losses have been entirely (and roughly equally)
concentrated in the middle- and upper-income groups, and have been partially offset by
increasing support for Democratic candidates among low-income white voters.

That's a pretty pathetic lean from 46% to 51% in 30+ years. It's even worse when you consider that presidents are elected not by single votes, but by a our winner take all electoral college.

Those numbers should be more like 65% or 70%... and they would be be if left would stop alienating poor whites with social issues.

This is why democrats almost never carry the south despite the disproportionate number of poor whites there. It need not be that way.

Advocating the disenfranchisement of younger voters because *some* of them switched their support from Obama to Ron Paul, on the other hand, is a VERY polarizing thing to do and - if you're position was actualized - would cripple the long-term chances of the progressive left.


And if I had ever seriously suggested that, it might be worth bringing up...

Here's one for you to file away... Ready?

If I was serious about fixing Ron Paul voters, I'D FIX THEM. Forced sterilization is the only solution. :twisted:

No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus