pandabear wrote:
blauSamstag wrote:
Granted I've never been married, let alone a married mormon, but if there is mormon doctrine against the use of contraception, it's news to me.
Apparently, contraception and masturbation are frowned upon. ... cs_1.shtmlContraception isn't formally banned, but you still have to have as many kids as possible. I noticed that Mormons and Catholics tend to try to outbreed everyone else, and jumped to the conclusion that Mormons also won't touch contraceptives.
Maybe because Catholic priests have to be celibate, they think that married couples shouldn't touch each other, either, unless they are seeking to produce a child. Mormon church leaders get to marry, so they may be more liberal about married people satisfying each other carnally.
Well, like i said, i never heard of it.
I did once receive a sunday school lesson about maintaining chastity within marriage, but i think the guy teaching me was presenting the council he received from his bishop as doctrine.
Mormons believe that the universe was created sexually (though vague on whether actual naughtybits were involved), so, you know, this could go either way.
Mormons are told to go forth and multiply, but i don't think that's to the exclusion of fun time.
There are whole books on mormon sexuality, written by mormons. I do not intend to read them.