no. but i do try to convert them to the light side, where we have free love and cookies.
The light side sounds great! I'll have a cookie and some nookie. :lo l:
i totally didn't see that coming!! !!
Even curmudgeons can appreciate the finer things in life! Who could complain about that?
you have to promise to get excited about small things like caterpillars and cool clouds and happy children without being cynical though. it's a tall order.
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04 May 2012, 4:07 am
hyperlexian wrote:
Rocky wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
Rocky wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
donnie_darko wrote:
Do you ever get sick of cynics/misanthropes?
no. but i do try to convert them to the light side, where we have free love and cookies.
The light side sounds great! I'll have a cookie and some nookie. :lo l:
i totally didn't see that coming!! !!
Even curmudgeons can appreciate the finer things in life! Who could complain about that?
you have to promise to get excited about small things like caterpillars and cool clouds and happy children without being cynical though. it's a tall order.
I am already there. Its only adult humans that I'm cynical about. I love seeing happy children. Crying and whining children, on the other hand...
Deep within every idealist is a disappointed cynic. More seriously, arguing that humans are inherently anything can often lead to misleading results. We have innate human drives but they are wide ranging and exist on a rich spectrum.